
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Promoted - Chapter 19

--5 Years Ago--

Today, Class 2-A is walking around the mall with Eri. Yes, the adorable little girl that Izuku saved back in their first year.

Right now, the group is split up. Raven, Eri, Denki, and Izuku are all walking around the mall and talking, with Eri on Izuku's shoulders.

It's adorable.

Kaminari is off doing is own dumb things, like running around and pointing out things that look like boobs, while Raven and Izuku are walking side by side together.

Denki personally thinks they look like a family, with Eri on Midoriya's shoulders like that, but he decides to keep that bit of information to himself.

Luckily, Denki didn't need to tell Raven, for she had already thought about that and intended to use it against Izuku.

Raven tuned back into the conversation she was having with Izuku. "-Anyway, I just thought it was really cool! What about you?" He asked.

She had no idea what he was talking about.

She looked up at him, "Hm? Oh! Yeah, that was cool!" She lied straight through her teeth.

Izuku deflated, "You weren't even listening, were you?"

Raven giggled, "No, I'm sorry. I was too busy thinking about how we look like a family!" She said cheerfully.

Izuku stopped for a second, processing the words and applying it to the situation, before bursting into a cloud of rose. "A-a family?!" He shrieked out, cause Raven to cackle.

"Yeah! You're the dad, I'm the mom, Eri's our daughter," She went on to continue, but-

"WE HAVE A DAUGHTER?!!" Izuku cried, turning the shade of a fire lily.

Raven cackled once more, "Yeah! And Denki is our dumb, family friend that we take along with so he doesn't feel left out!"

"Hey!" Denki said, "I heard that!" He planted his hands on his hips.

Raven smiled and waved at him, turning back to Izuku. "So what do you think? Do you approve of our family?" She asked, smiling.

Izuku calmed down and took one look at her smile, figuring he wouldn't have it any other way.

He giggled, "Yeah I do!"


"Hey guys!!" Raven said as she ran up to Mina, Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugou.

Mina looked over, "Oh, Raven, hey!! Where have you all been?" She asked, walking up to the four.

Raven stopped in front of the other four, "We've just been walking around. What about you guys? What are you up to?" She asked eagerly.

Sero joined in, "Same thing! Although, I'm pretty sure Bakugou's looking at this really skimpy outfit here in the window!" He said gesturing to a bikini, and Kirishima cackled.

Denki came up from behind Raven, "Ooou, Bakugou! Nice pick!" He teased, and Bakugou went feral on the poor boy.

Ignoring the possible murder about to happen, Mina piped up, "Aww, and you guys have Eri!" She said to Eri who was still on Izuku's shoulders, "Hi Eri!!"

"Hi Mina!" She waved back.

Mina melted.

Raven giggled, "Yeah! I was just talking to Izuku about how we look like a family!" Raven looked over at the broccoli haired boy and saw a pink hue light up his face. She smiled again.

"Oh my gosh! You are so right! Deku's the dad, Raven's the mom, Eri is the daughter, and Denki is the family friend!" Mina said ecstatically .

Raven nodded eagerly, "Yeah, that's exactly what I said!!" She enthused.

Eri threw her arms up in the air, "I HAVE A MOMMY!!" She cried, and everyone around them laughed.

Izuku put his hands on his face, "Oh my goodness," He groaned.


--Present Time--

Kirishima left yesterday. It's the next day, and Raven is sulking in her bed, thinking about life.


Why? Because she believes that she really messed up with Izuku. She overreacted, and she doesn't know what their relationship is anymore.

It's been an entire day and they haven't talked. She doesn't know the last time they went this long without talking to each other. It's kind of irritating her because..


She misses him.

And as much as she doesn't want to admit it, she's lonely without him. He's like a parasite that's become her friend. Her first friend in a long time.

Maybe she should have stopped pranking when she got into highschool. A part of her wishes she never grew up like she did. Maybe then, she wouldn't be so hurtful. Maybe then, she wouldn't have hurt the people that care about her, and her to them.

She regrets ever pranking anybody.

But most of all, she regrets pranking Izuku. Maybe, if she stayed out of his life, then they both wouldn't be hurting as much as they are now. Than they did before.

She doesn't understand why she started that dumb prank on Izuku. She knows she just wanted to prank him, but using his personality to her advantage? Looking back on it now, she realizes it was just plain wrong.

But then, there's the issue that if she didn't prank Izuku, they wouldn't have those fun times that she cherishes so greatly. Raven loves those moments, when they're having fun and messing with each other.

So what should she have done? She can't change the past, that's the hard truth. There's only pain and regret that comes from making stupid decisions.

Maybe, she can start changing now. She's already stopped pranking, so maybe she can apologize to Izuku. For everything that she's done to him.

And then apologize to the rest of the class.

But.. She's waited too long.

It took her five whole years for her to realize she needs to apologize. That's too long, right? They won't forgive her.

Izuku won't forgive her.

She doesn't even know why he stayed around for so long, why he was the only one that was worried when Raven started distancing herself from everyone.

Why did he worry about her?

He should hate her.

So many questions, and she doesn't have the answer. She should've asked Kirishima when he was still here.

Speaking of Kirishima, he really helped her out yesterday. He even gave her his number so that she could text him when she needs too.

Maybe she could ask him.

Raven pulled out her phone and clicked on Kirishima's contact, quickly hitting the call button before she had time to think.

And it rang.

Until, "Hey, Raven! What's up?" Kirishima said through the speaker. It sounded quiet, so maybe he was at home.

Raven took a deep breath, "Hey, Kiri.. I was just thinking, and I know you said that I could call you when I'm having a hard time, but.. What should I do? I've fucked up with Izuku, and it's too late to apologize. I've waited way to long. And I hate to say it, but... fuck, man, I miss him." Her voice cracked.

Kirishima sighed, "I know, Raven, I know. Midoriya is a sensitive guy, and yeah.. you might have overreacted back there, but I get it. It's okay. And, no, it's never too late to apologize to someone. Especially Midoriya."

"Yeah, you're right, but what should I do? It's not like I can go up to his house and knock on his door!" She flung her arm up even though he couldn't see her, "We're both ignoring each other right now!"

"Then stop ignoring him. Make him talk to you, even if he doesn't want too. Which I find that hard to imagine," Kirishima advised. "If you want to make it right, then you've got to confront him."

Raven nodded in understanding, "Okay.. Got it. And.. just wanted to say, I'm sorry for everything I did to you. Back in high school, I mean," She bit her lip.

"Don't worry! It's all in the past and I'm good now, so we're good!" He said.

He wouldn't know, but that lifted an invisible weight off of her shoulders.