
Tasked to be a Demon Lord

A man in his thirties, worked as a spy for a secret government, set up to stop future or ongoing wars. His plane that contains valuable informations of an invasion of terrorists that were believed to dress up as soldiers from another country. On the way to his set destination, his plane got shot down by one of the fighter jets that was tasked with escorting him to his destination, safely. All of the flight crew including him, died in the plane crash. When he thought he was either going to heaven or hell, he was instead given a choice to RESTART or QUIT, by picking the obvious choice, he got reincarnated. Now in another world, he managed to pick a strong race, but was despised by many. He thought he could rest in this new world and have a simple job as an adventurer who accepts Rank F and E jobs that pay well, but this wouldn't last long, like any other nice things, it just wouldn't last long. DISCLAIMER: I don't own some of the things in my story, there are some of my own characters here and there, I also don't own the novel cover and I got that in Pinterest that was pinned by Kira( I think ) in their demon king folder, I tried finding the owner but it was proving to be difficult, so if you're the owner and have a problem with it, I'll take it down and find another sucker for their work, but if you don't have a problem with it, then thank you. p.s: He'll received the demon lord task in the near future so wait.

iverson_getigan · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Chapter 14: Dungeon raid part 1

*The next day. *

Ryo, wearing his rogue armor complete with a black shirt, black pants, and metal chest plate, shoulder, wrist, shin, and a brown cloak. Aiko was wearing a light-blue long sleeved shirt, green with brown striped blazer, brown shorts, brown leather wrist, and her green cloak.

They doubled checked their supplies if it is enough for their dungeon raid, they have gathered enough supply for a week in there but Arya reassured him that they won't stay long in there maybe one day since it's still in the process of adjusting itself meaning there won't be that many floors but Ryo stacked supplies anyway and said 'just to be sure'.

Now they're at the front door that has a digital timer counting down. Well, for Ryo at least, Aiko on the other hand only saw the large mossy door.

" Aiko, are you secured and ready on Axle? " Ryo asked Aiko, who was currently seated on Axle's back.

" Yes master, I'm ready. " Aiko said in an excited but nervous voice.

" Good, we're about to enter our first dungeon raid. " Aiko firmly nodded since Ryo trained her for this and she won't hold him back by protecting her, because she'll watch her master's back.

The timer ended and it disappeared, then a sound of mechanical like gears started turning before it abruptly stopped. Ryo walked forward and pushed the large and might be also heavy door.

The large door fully opened, surprising Ryo at how light it was. Now Ryo, Axle and Aiko cautiously entered the dungeon since they didn't know what kind of monsters were behind it and it was very dark but Arya told him that it would light up soon.

After walking a couple meters away from the entrance, the door instantly closed, surprising Ryo and scaring Aiko but Axle was just there with a 'bruh' look.

Just as Arya said, the cave started to light up but it wasn't any ordinary light, it had like a light-green tint in it that can be easily missed, all of them was mesmerized by the cave, it was very spacious and you can see multiple glowing crystal providing them with light.

" Woah, this place is beautiful, isn't it master? "

" Yes, it is, too bad it's going to be stained with blood. " Ryo said the last part low enough that it didn't reach Aiko's sensitive ears, but it did surprise him that he said that.

" Is there something wrong, master? " Aiko asked while tilting her head.

" Uh, nothing, it's just this place is beautiful. " Ryo said a little hastily but Aiko didn't suspect anything.

Ryo walked towards a glowing crystal that was sitting next to a none glowing blue crystal color. Ryo snapped a little piece from both the crystal that was sticking out and then used Appraise.


Item: Glowing crystal( common )

A crystal that is rarely found in a cave but can be commonly found in a cave based dungeons, this is commonly used for lamp lights but make sure you also either have a Mana crystal providing it enough power to glow or have enough Mana control and capacity to keep it glowing.



Item: Mana crystal( rare )

A valuable crystal that is rarely found in dungeons, a piece can be enough to be sold with five gold coins. This crystal is commonly used for making mage staff or wands to help reduce the Mana consumption or help them better restore Mana.


" Ohh, this is valuable indeed. " Ryo took out his electric dagger and channeled Mana into it, activating electrocution and he started to repeatedly stab the rock, chunks upon chunks of Mana crystal started to fall around Ryo until it was all gone then storing them in his space ring, Ryo then took the glowing crystal too.

" Hmm? Does the master like pretty rocks that much? " Aiko asked and Axle just neighed.

After Ryo's little fun, a large shadowy swoop down and was about to claw Ryo but he managed to hear its screech so he managed to roll out of the way and land beside a spooked Aiko and Axle.

"Master, what was that?! " Aiko asked when she snapped out of that surprise attack on Ryo. Ryo didn't answer her yet and used Appraise on the large mysterious shadow.


Giant Boss Bat

Sex: Female

lvl: 52

Exp: 0/5,200

Hp: 6,500/6,500

Mp: 2,600/2,600

Str: 650

Vit: 650

Agi: 910

Dex: 650

Int: 260

[ Skills ]

{ Boss Bat screech lvl: 10( max )

Cost: 10 Mp

A Boss Bat screech can release a load high-pitched sounds that can temporarily stunned opponents in a close range while also calling it's underlings. }

{ Clawed lvl: 18

Damage: 180

Cost: 90

It coates Mana to it's claws for more damage and sturdier nails for attack and grabbing the enemy. }

{ Air Dive lvl: 15

Damage: 150 ( 15 meters max )

Cost 75 Mp

The Bat boss can either fly up high enough and dive fly towards you at fast speeds dealing a large amount of damage on you and the bat if it exceeded it's maxed hight, but if it managed to take a hold of you and you can't pry off it's claws and also having a small Hp, then your fucked, you better be fighting this thing in a closed space because getting cought by this is a one way ticket to the after life when it slammed you to the ground. }


" Shit, a Giant Boss Bat! " Ryo clicked his tongue at this misfortune, he was thinking that there will be weak monsters at the beginning so that Aiko can have a feel of how a monster fights. The Boss Bat inhaled a large air puffing its chest confusing Aiko but Ryo hastenly ordered what to do.

" Aiko! Cover your ears quickly! " Aiko didn't ask why and quickly folded her ears and Ryo quickly got beside Axle and covered his ears along with his.

After they managed to cover their ears in time, the Giant Boss Bat released a deafening high-pitched screech that invaded their ears even though they're covering it, but Aiko got the worst of it because having sensitive ears is a disadvantage against sound based attack.

The screech manages to shatter some of the glowing crystal quickly dimming the area they're about to fight in, the Boss Bats underlings start to appear everywhere and surrounding them.

" damn! This giant bastard is smart too. Dimming the battle ground so they can take advantage of the dark. " The screech stopped and was replaced with the little bat's squeaks. What I mean by little is that they're just half the size of the giant Boss Bat.

" Master, we're surrounded, what are we going to do? " Aiko asked, worried because they were outnumbered. Ryo started to form a plan but it was risky and dangerous.

" I have a plan but it's too risky. " Ryo said while unsheathing both his Daggers and channeled Mana into it.

" What's the plan master? " Aiko asked while also preparing the fireball spell.

" This involves you drawing a lot of attention and playing chicken while bringing down multiple of their numbers. " Aiko was shocked and nervous but she quickly shook these thoughts out of her head, this was their only plan for the time being.

" But, what about you master? "

" Me? I'm going to take down their boss. " Ryo said with confidence, the Giant Boss Bat must have heard this because it released a low growl towards Ryo then it started to flap its wings and it started to fly in the air.

" But that's too dangerous, master, fighting it alone could severely hurt you, and, and. " Aiko started to blabber but stopped when Ryo gave her a confident smile that slightly calmed her down.

" Don't worry about it. But here, take this. " Ryo gave her three health potions and two Mana potions, Aiko wanted to protest and say that he needed this more but the Giant Boss Bat that flew earlier dived towards them, Ryo and Axle quickly got out of their position making the Giant Boss Bat miss and flew right past them.

" Axle! Go and get Aiko out of here and protect her! " Axle grunted and started to run towards an opening between the hordes of bats. Aiko didn't just sit there and worry about Ryo, she fired a large fireball at the bats in front of them and blasted them away in burnt pieces making a larger space for them to get through, this made all the bats angry and them and almost catching them, but Aiko quickly blasted the bats that got close to them.

Ryo was impressed looking at them and confident that they could kill all the bats that were chasing them. Why is he confident that they can do this? Because Ryo already checked the Giant Boss Bat's underlings and they were just around level ten to fifteen. Even though there's a lot of them, Aiko's fireball area of effect can take care of that.

Now that they're out of the way, he needs to focus on his own opponent, the only thing that's dangerous here, the Giant Boss Bat that was currently flying in the air ready to dive at Ryo.

The Giant Boss Bat dive towards Ryo surprising him because the Giant Boss Bat was much faster than the earlier attempts, thanks to the added agility stats from his electric dagger he manages to dodge the attack but he still got nicked by the shoulder, he clicked his tongue and charge up the breeze wave to it's full damage before releasing it at the Giant Boss Bat. The Giant Boss Bat only got hit three times because it was very agile in the air, the Giant Boss Bat then flew low enough for it to grab a rock in both feet and Ryo didn't see this. The bat was halfway towards Ryo when it stopped and swung its body and released the rocks from its grasp. Ryo dodge to the right and the rocks hit the spot he was previously standing and turned to dust from the sheer impact, the Giant Boss Bat dive towards Ryo with its feet ready to crush him, Ryo hastily dodge again at the right but when the Giant Boss Bat landed it shook the ground and created a spider web cracks on the ground. Ryo lost his footing and rolled on the ground, the Giant Boss Bat hoped for this to happen and quickly used clawed on Ryo while dragging it's claw to the ground creating a claw mark on the ground, Ryo got lucky and the claw only hit his chest plate armor and got launch at a boulder. Ryo cough up a blob of saliva after hitting the boulder, he was sure he saw some specks of blood in there, he steadily stood up and dusting away the dirt then looked seriously at the Giant Boss Bat that was currently on all fours, her red eyes was intently staring at its prey.

" Okay bastard, I'll get serious too. " Ryo channeled a lot of Mana in his daggers making the Dagger's breeze edge much more intense, while his electric dagger's electrocution blade elongated to now a sword so he had to hold it in a right side up position. Ryo then dashed forward and disappeared in a streak of electricity, but the Giant Boss Bat quickly flew up making Ryo jump with his electric sword in front ready to pierce it's opponent.

While Ryo was having trouble dealing with his own opponent, Aiko and Axle had been working hard on trying to bring down the numbers of the hordes of bats.

Aiko's P.O.V: ( just trying a new way )

Damnit, it's been half an hour trying to bring down the numbers of bats but if I killed one, another bat would replace it. Master must be having trouble, I need to charge a large fireball to bring them down in one fell swoop.

" Axle, can you dodge and weave for a while and also can you like, keep them on one side. " I've asked Axle a near impossible task but he only neighed and started to do what I asked.

I brought the tip of my scepter near my other palm and started to gather a lot of Mana in the middle, it made sparkling sounds and an orb of concentrated fireball was made but it still lacked power.

While I was concentrating Axle was dodging and weaving, the bats didn't give up on attacking us and they wanted us down for their boss.

Just. . . A bit. . . More. I've poured a lot of Mana in this fireball that it started to change color from red-orange to light yellow and bits of electricity like sparks. This wasn't a fireball anymore it was like something else, if it can help us bring them down then I won't complain.

" Got it! Axle, get us far enough from them! " Axle grunted and started to run faster.

3rd P.O.V

Axle and Aiko reach, to what seems to be a corner, Axle must have run in one single path for a while now that they've managed to reach the end of the dungeon floor.

Axle positioned them in the corner and the hordes of bats blocked any paths of escapes, this may look like a dangerous position but this was what Aiko wanted, now there won't be anything that will try to attack them from the side or back. Aiko raised her hands in front of her and released the sparkling ball, the ball quickly left her palm and started to grow in size and now it was several times much bigger than they are. Aiko had to close her eyes because it was too bright and she had a feeling that she needed to cover her ears along with Axle who was also closing his eyes and looking to the opposite side of where the sparkling ball was. The ball made contact with some of the bats before popping and an explosion occurred that instantly incinerated multiple bats at once and filling the area with dust, the bats that survive this because they were far from the explosion left, because one they were scared shitless and two, they were urgently called by their boss, leaving Aiko and Axle for now.

" *Cough* *cough* *cough*. . . Hehe, we did it!! Master will be very proud! Yeaahey! " Aiko, clearly tired after that, celebrated and Axle was happily pawing the ground.

" Wait! Some of the bats that survived left, it seems they're going to where the master is. " Aiko stopped celebrating after noticing this, she took two, one blue and one red colored potion bottles, Aiko quickly drinked the blue potion bottle and her Mana rejuvenated, Aiko opened the red potion bottle and hold this towards Axle and understand this gesture and quickly drink the liquid inside the bottle.

The blue potion or Mana potion can rejuvenate your lost Mana to either small, half or full mana capacity, it can also regenerate your stamina if it manages to fill your Mana capacity and convert the remaining energy to stamina, but it won't be as good as the red potion or health potion since lost stamina will be rejuvenated to either small, half or full, and the health potion can also restore a little bit of Mana.

With Ryo vs the Giant Boss Bat:

Giant Boss Bat:

Hp: 1,673/6,500

Mp: 980/2,600

Ryo Masashi:

Hp: 4,590/8,700

Mp: 1,010/7,800

Ryo was kneeling in one knee while breathing hard and his body was covered with multiple wounds drawing little bloods but he was still holding tightly to his Daggers, the Giant Boss Bat was also not in a good condition, she was full with cuts, burnt slashed flesh, and a gaping hole in her abdomen.

Apparently they've been duking it out for a while now that Ryo lost count of the time, Ryo could have ended this fight here and there but when he does, the Giant Boss Bat will use its surprisingly agile body to dodge then strike its own attack, but the thing that made this fight hard was the fact that the Giant Boss Bat can fly and Ryo regretting not having a long-range attack, well, he did have one but he have to throw his dagger and having a high possibility of missing the target.

The Giant Boss Bat had to stop flying because it was doing her no good and also losing a lot of blood in the process but the bleeding did stop and now she just needs to regain her stamina, but how? When Ryo is currently here and ready to attack again, she has no room to rest. That's when a large explosion happened and Ryo lost focus and looked at the direction of the explosion with worry. This was an opportunity to call her bats that maybe survive, so she screech a loud screech that caught Ryo off guard and didn't managed to cover his ears in time so after the Giant Boss Bat stopped screeching, there was ringing in his ears and now he was temporarily stunned and this was enough for some of the bats that was close here comes, and now surrounded with what's left of the hordes, Ryo clicked his tongue and started to dodge the bats while cutting them down if he can, while the Giant Boss Bat was doing a messed up thing, she was eating her own underlings to regain some of her lost strength.


I hope that you liked this chapter and possibly enjoyed it, if you did please leave a star or put this in your library please and thank you.


Blue: *entered* yoh, when are you going to publish another chapter? *See's someone and reader 1 poking an unconscious author* shit, what happened to him?

Reader 1: he fainted, duh~

Blue: yes, I can see that, but how?

Joey: he accidentally deleted the new chapter, and then he fainted. And oh by the way I'm Joey nice to meet you

Blue: nice to meet you too, I'm blue_robin, you can call me blue. Now the matter at hand, does the author know it can still be retrieved?

Author: really?!!

Reader 1: holy shit! You're still alive?!

Joey: Yes, just press the three bars at the top right corner.

Blue: then press trash and look for the document you deleted.

Author: *tried this, and it worked* yessss!! Thank you, thank you, thank you ho ho ho!!!

( Yes, I really did accidentally deleted this and it sucked, but thankfully a friend of mine that uses this app taught me how to retrieve it back, and I was also starting to rewrite this chapter when they taught me. )
