
Tasked to be a Demon Lord

A man in his thirties, worked as a spy for a secret government, set up to stop future or ongoing wars. His plane that contains valuable informations of an invasion of terrorists that were believed to dress up as soldiers from another country. On the way to his set destination, his plane got shot down by one of the fighter jets that was tasked with escorting him to his destination, safely. All of the flight crew including him, died in the plane crash. When he thought he was either going to heaven or hell, he was instead given a choice to RESTART or QUIT, by picking the obvious choice, he got reincarnated. Now in another world, he managed to pick a strong race, but was despised by many. He thought he could rest in this new world and have a simple job as an adventurer who accepts Rank F and E jobs that pay well, but this wouldn't last long, like any other nice things, it just wouldn't last long. DISCLAIMER: I don't own some of the things in my story, there are some of my own characters here and there, I also don't own the novel cover and I got that in Pinterest that was pinned by Kira( I think ) in their demon king folder, I tried finding the owner but it was proving to be difficult, so if you're the owner and have a problem with it, I'll take it down and find another sucker for their work, but if you don't have a problem with it, then thank you. p.s: He'll received the demon lord task in the near future so wait.

iverson_getigan · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 15: Dungeon raid part 2

Ryo was having trouble dodging them since he had an intense battle with the Giant Boss Bat and didn't have that much time to rest, Ryo was slashing left and right with his breeze dagger trying to lessen the numbers, but it was proving to be futile because when a bat got killed another bat will take its place. The Giant Boss Bat had regained her strength and stamina after eating a couple of her underlings, she flew dive towards Ryo and successfully body slammed him and he was thrown a couple of feet away from her. Ryo stayed down and was breathing hard trying to regain the air that was knocked out of him, but the Giant Boss Bat grabbed each Ryo's shoulders with its feet and flew up high enough that they can see the roof of the cave, the Giant Boss Bat then turned her body around and she was about to slam Ryo on the ground, Ryo was trying to pry off the Giant Boss Bat's feet but it was gripping him tightly, Ryo hold up his electric dagger and activated electrocution before stabbing the Giant Boss Bat's feet, the Giant Boss Bat released a pained screel then letting go of Ryo, Ryo fall to the ground with a thud and pain was all over his body making unable to move, the Giant Boss Bat had enough of this and pinned Ryo's elbows, and Ryo couldn't do a thing now, he couldn't overpowered her grip because he was physically exhausted, the Giant Boss Bat was about to fly when a sparkling ball hit her back and it exploded, the underling bats that survive a much bigger version of this looked at the caster with fright, there, a little fox girl riding on top of a brown horse, raising her hand and she was about to fire another one.

" Don't, you, dare, kill my master! " Aiko then released the sparkling ball at the Giant Boss Bat's face, the Giant Boss Bat was now seeing red, she wanted nothing more than to kill this little girl so she got down on all fours and charge at Aiko, Aiko wasn't terrified at this and only charge up another attack and fired it at the Giant Boss Bat that was currently charging at her, the Giant Boss Bat tanked this attack and her face hair burnt revealing a badly burned flesh underneath it. Aiko fired an attack again but the Giant Boss Bat was too close and when the attacked exploded it shocked Axle and his reflexes raised his upper body making Aiko fall down with a yelp, the Giant Boss Bat was about to maul over Aiko when Ryo that was laying down earlier gathered all of his remaining strength and jump on top of the Giant Boss Bat and driven his electric sword through her head finally killing her.

" *Huff* *huff* *huff*Are you okay, Aiko? "

" Master! " Aiko then hugged the tired Ryo and he patted her head. Axle then moved closer to Aiko and rubbed his snout on Aiko in shame and asking forgiveness from dropping Aiko.

" Hehehe, don't worry about it, you got spooked by the explosion, I forgive you. " Axle happily pawed the ground and Ryo smiled at this but quickly got serious again and looked at remaining bats who were confused on what to do now, their leader was dead and there weren't any orders she left before dying.

" Don't worry master, let me clear them. " Ryo looked at her in doubt but it was wiped off of his face when he saw the determined look on Aiko's face, Ryo breathed a heavy sigh and sat down, he was too exhausted to refuse Aiko's request.

Aiko then started to gather a lot of Mana in between her palm and the scepter, Ryo looked at this and was expecting a giant fireball, but to his shock Aiko fired a different kind of attack that exploded the remaining underling bats. Ryo stared at Aiko while his mouth was hanging wide open, he was too shocked and impressed to close his mouth, Aiko was being giddy and embarrassed when she saw the impressed look on Ryo.

Ryo's P.O.V:

Ho-ly shit! What was that spell! It was too destructive to just be called a giant fireball.

[ That because it's not a fireball, master, it was an explosion spell ]

What?! Explosion spell, how did she learn it? I didn't give her any explosion type skill scroll.

[ Well, it might be made from Aiko's fireball skill along with her natural talent for the fire element. ]

Huh? You can create other spells from having a nature of it and a spell that comes from that element?

[ Well, yes and no, yes you can create other skills from one skill but you aren't really creating a new one, more like recreating it to your own style or way. ]

Ohh~ heh, it looks like Aiko is getting stronger than before, but I'm curious what her current level is, Appraise.


Name: Aiko

Race: Mythical Fox Beastmen

Sex: Female

Age: 15

lvl: 49

Exp: 600/4,900

Sp: 240

Hp: 3,800/4,600

Mp: 8,600/10,100

Str: 230

Vit: 460

Agi: 460

Dex: 460

Int: 1,010

[ Skills ]

{ Fireball lvl: 20

Damage: 200

Cost: 100 Mp }

{ Explosive Ball lvl: 5

Damage: 100

Cost: 50

This skill was recreated from putting all of her Mana in a single fireball that it wasn't identified as a fireball anymore. }


Holy moly's cow! What the fuck is this Exp gained.

[ Hehe, well, you can have a lot of Exp in here, master. ]

I couldn't believe what I'm seeing, she leveled up at least twenty times! Wait, what's our current level, Arya?

[ On it. The first one is Axle's. ]


Name: Axle

Race: mudskipper horse

Sex: male

Age: 10

lvl: 34

Exp: 500/3,400

Sp: 210

Hp: 3,400/3,400

Mp: 825/1,700

Str: 340

Vit: 340

Agi: 640

Int: 170

[ Skills ]

{ Mudrunner lvl: 3

Cost: 1 mp per seconds. }

{ Horse Sprint lvl: 10

Cost: 25 Mp per second

A skill that adds +100( currently ) on agility and temporarily increase the horse's speed. }

{ Horse galloping lvl: 10( passive )

The horse can jump and move side to side while slightly losing little speed. }


I whistled, I was impressed when I saw Axle's stats, he gained a lot too, but it seems that the Experience he got was cut in half. Now it's my turn.


Name: Ryo Masashi

Race: humanoid

Sex: Male

Age: 16

lvl: 68

Exp: 6,500/6,800

Sp: 60

Kp: 80,000

Hp: 4,590/9,300

Mp: 1,010/8,100

Str: 690

Vit: 930

Agi: 810

Dex: 720

Int: 810

[ Skills° ] [ Tasks ] [ Shop ]

{ Dual wield dagger-skills( passive ) lvl: 13 }

{ Rapid slash lvl: 17 }

{ Rapid stab lvl: 17 }

{ Dagger throw lvl: 5 }

{ Skinning lvl: 10 }

{ Muay Thai lvl: 1 }

{ Head pats/rubs }

{ Dash lvl: 10( Max) }

{ Cooking lvl: 9 }

{ Multilingual }

{ Electric resistance( passive ) lvl: 2 }


I'm not really sure if I should be impressed or just, nah. I really didn't gain that much from this fight, well, besides more Kill points, but it is understandable since I did send Aiko on a solo mission of exterminating the underling bats. I sighed and Arya noticed this.

[ Master, is there something wrong. ]

' no, it's nothing really. '

[ Does it have to do with your level only increasing six times. ]

' well, you could put it that way, plus Aiko was low leveled, and me having a much bigger level is kinda getting hard to level up fast. But, Aiko getting stronger is very beneficial to the group, since I specialize in close combat, and she's at least mid range, along with her strong Aoe skills, we could complete many things, hehe. ' I looked at the bright side of things, but Arya seemed to be thinking of something and I have a bad feeling about it, but I disregard these thoughts.

I stood up and congratulated Aiko by giving her a head pat that she so loved from me, I also gave some to Axle. We then started a campfire with the sticks and woods that we brought with us to cook our food, while Axle was munching down on a bundle of grass.

When we were done eating we fell asleep, well, not me since I'm at watching duty, we are at a dungeon and monsters might spawn even though we already cleared this place, but I'm not going to take a chance.

I also found out that if I add Aiko's stat points when she's asleep, it could counter the aphrodisiac-like effect, but she had a red face while giggling weirdly and mumbling 'Master' then giggled weirdly again.

' oh boy. ' I did notice that Aiko grew a couple cm and now she's at least 5'2 and I'm at least around 5'7.( I don't know how height works, I only search this in Google for average height of age. )

*Three days later*( it was supposed to be one to three days from last chapter. )

Ryo P.O.V:

Me, Aiko and Axle had been clearing floors after floors and now we're at floor 9th and just cleared it. We were resting here and were thinking of some kind of strategy to take down this boss. How did we know this? Well, because on the fifth floor we fought a mini boss bear, and we suspect that the next floor is another mini boss.

This past floor's had need quite hard and easy at the same time, we have at least earned 200,000 Exp each, which was kinda surprising and suspicious at the same time since Aiko was the only one that had been killing a lot of monsters because of her Aoe skills, while I kill the one that's more dangerous than the others and finish off the ones that survived Aiko's attack. It was very suspicious but Arya explained that the dungeon is still in the process of adjusting, that's why each monster gives different amounts of Exp.

This explanation slightly lowered my suspicion but it did aroused another suspicion that she has something to do with this because when she explained this, her voice seemed tired, I didn't bring this topic up because she's maybe just really tired because she's not like the other systems that don't need sleep, I always see her soundly asleep after our *ahem* *ahem* nightly 'activities' and morning 'stretches' together.

' fwo, and I'm done adding our stat points, let's see now. '


Name: Axle

Race: mudskipper horse

Sex: male

Age: 10

lvl: 72

Exp: 3,400/3,400

Sp: 0

Hp: 8,000/8,000

Mp: 6,400/6,400

Str: 1,020

Vit: 800

Agi: 1,210

Int: 640

[ Skills ]

{ Mudrunner lvl: 3

Cost: 1 mp per seconds. }

{ Horse Sprint lvl: 20

Cost: 25 Mp per second

adds +200( currently ) }

{ Horse galloping( passive ) }

{ Earth Spikes lvl: 10

Damage: 100 on each spikes

Cost: 50 Mp

This skill can only be used on a solid surface, earth spikes will appear and Pierce your opponent. }

{ Hooves stump lvl: 8

Damage: 80( 160 if both hoof is used )

Cost: 40 Mp

Raising either one or both hooves and coating it with Mana for extra damage when it's brought down with force. }


Axle's stats are set, and I gave him one skill, the earth spikes skill, while his hooves stump was learned after a scorpion got too close and Axle didn't like that so it got squished.


Name: Aiko

Race: Mythical Fox Beastmen

Sex: Female

Age: 15

lvl: 80

Exp: 5,900/8,000

Sp: 0

Hp: 8,000/8,000

Mp: 20,750/20,750

Str: 400

Vit: 800

Agi: 800

Dex: 800

Int: 2,075

[ Skills ]

{ Fireball lvl: 34

Damage: 340( +10 burning damage )

Cost: 170 Mp }

{ Explosive Ball lvl: 18

Damage: 360( +20 burning damage )

Cost: 180

This skill was recreated from putting all of her Mana in a single fireball that it wasn't identified a fireball anymore. }

{ Fire arrows lvl: 10

Damage: 100 on each arrows ( +10 burning damage )

Cost: 10 Mp on each arrows

This skill can summon multiple arrows at once, and move in one direction but a skilled mage/user can control where they'll be moving. }


I might have gone overboard on adding all of her stat on intelligence that was already raising by 15 each level up, I gave her the fire arrows because having just Aoe skills is Mana costly on just targeting one target and there's also the skills tendency to miss, I flinched a bit at the last part because there had been target mistakes when her skill missed.


Name: Ryo Masashi

Race: humanoid

Sex: Male

Age: 16

lvl: 93

Exp: 6,500/9,300

Sp: 0

Kp: 225,000

Hp: 11,800/11,800

Mp: 11,800/11,800

Str: 1,000

Vit: 1,180

Agi: 1,060

Dex: 1,000

Int: 1,180

[ Skills° ] [ Tasks ] [ Shop ]

{ Dual wield dagger-skills( passive ) lvl: 20( max ) }

{ Rapid slash lvl: 20( max ) }

{ Rapid stab lvl: 20( max ) }

{ Dagger throw lvl: 15 }

{ Skinning lvl: 10 }

{ Muay Thai lvl: 1 }

{ Head pats/rubs }

{ Dash lvl: 10( Max) }

{ Cooking lvl: 13 }

{ Multilingual }

{ Electric resistance( passive ) lvl: 13 }

{ Fire resistance( passive ) lvl: 8

You have finally gained the fire resistance after being ( Accidentally) hit by Aiko's fireball, fire arrows, and Explosion multiple times, 16% damage reduction on fire damage. }

{ Earth Spikes lvl: 8

Damage: 80 on each spikes

Cost: 40 Mp

This skill can only be used on a solid surface, earth spikes will appear and Pierce your opponent. }

{ Electric whip lvl: 5

Damage: 100( +20 electrocution )

Cost: 25 per second

With a flick of your wrist you can whip and stun someone you wish to be whipped, if you have that kind of kink, but hey we won't judge. }


I wasn't very fond of the fire resistance skill on how I got it, her skills are very dangerous even for me, that's why I added some of the stat points on vitality. I also got myself an Aoe skill, earth spikes, because of the accidents since most of them was because I was in the middle of being surrounded, I also bought myself a mid range attack, the Electric whip skill, instead of the actual Electric whip, because we had another run in with the bats and them flying around is kinda annoying because I can't hit them and missed sometimes. I've lost count of time but I'm sure it's nighttime already so tomorrow we'll clear the floor.


I hope that you liked this chapter and possibly enjoyed it, if you did please leave a star or put this in your library please and thank you.
