
Tapestry Of Lives: A Multifaceted Journey

"Tapestry of Lives" is a rich narrative that follows the interconnected lives of several characters from different walks of life. Set against the backdrop of a bustling city, the story weaves together themes of love, loss, redemption, and the pursuit of dreams. Through a series of intertwined vignettes, the characters navigate through their individual challenges and triumphs, ultimately discovering the profound ways in which their lives intersect and influence one another. As their stories unfold, you are drawn into a captivating tapestry of human experience, where each thread contributes to the intricate and beautiful fabric of life.

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Thành thị
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23 Chs

Chapter Eighteen


"Young master," Coral's raspy voice woke me up from my slumber.

I stretched out my arms, lazily, letting out a tiring yawn in my mouth. The morning sun rays sneaking through the large curtains windows, glimmers in my eyes.

I avoid them with the back of my hands placed on my face. I tilt my head to my other side, meeting my eyes with a middle age, white british woman old enough to be my mother. 'Coral'

Mrs. Coral Heisenberg has been my nanny since I was five here in london. She look up to me as if I've always been her son. She took care of me as if she carried me in her womb. Although, she never had a biological child.

Her smooth brown hair like feathers curled in a short bob. Her black and white uniform neatly ironed. Her white waist apron well tied around her waist and her hands intertwined behind her back.

Till date, Coral still regards me, even though I've quarrel with her so many times to keep off with the formality and put on the familiarity.

She is the house keeper of my mansion here in london and head leader of all my british aristocrat staffs here in my mansion.

"Good morning, Coral." I sat up, rubbing my eyes like a child. I do deserve the longest rest after a long flight yesterday.

"Good morning, young master." She bow curtly. I love her strong british accent. "Your water is ready."

"Fuck…...so soon." I mumbled. She even get to prepare my bathing water everyday--whenever am around. "I will later."

"No, you will now, young master or else it might get too cold." There she go again, complaining. She made her way to my closet to fish out something nice for me to wear. She always does that. "Have you come to stay or just for business?"

I got off bed tiredly, took off my top as I made my way to the sink to brush my teeth. "Hopefully. Business."

"How was nigeria?" I wish I could replay the part she pronounced my native land. It's like asking about the weather. Coral has never been there before.

I spat out and wash both my face and mouth. "Sarcastic." I groaned, grabbing a towel.

Coral laughed. "I bet not." She place a pair of simple casual outfit on my kingsize bed. And went for the door. "Breakfast will be ready in ten." She left when I shook my head.

I came out of the bathroom five minutes after. Smelling all nice and fresh. I remember I haven't logged into my social media pages' inbox since I landed london yesterday.

I picked up my two phones after dressing up. I went to my vanity table and place one there. While I logged in on the second.

Few messages awaits me on whatsapp. I picked the other and dialed a number from the second on the first phone.

After it rang for a few seconds, the other person answered.

"Good morning from london. Is this a right time for you to log in so we can talk properly?"

She was dumbstruck for a moment that I even thought she might have hung up. I took a glimmers of the screen. Yes, she's still there.

"Are you there, miss?" I confirmed.

"Y----Yess----Yes--sir----sorry?" She stammered. She has a sweet tiny voice-----the type that didn't truly seem like a stranger to me."

I lean my waist against my vanity table and wrap one arm around myself as I face towards the window. "I am just seeing your last message now on whatsapp. I have five minutes to talk with you, but we can chat later thereafter because I have things to do----and sorry I replied late, I'm currently not in nigeria as I speak."

"Sorry but is this your number? It's an international number and like you just said you're not in naija."

I exhaled, shrugging. "Yep! Am presently in london."

"Since when? Oh, my bad---pardon me for being a bit inquisitive."

"Since yesterday."

She kept quiet for a little while that almost seem like forever.

I don't have time to waste, Coral already told me breakfast will be ready in ten and more than five minutes has been stroken off. "I don't have much time right now. Allow me, we'll talk via video call------"

"No, no, no, no, no…...I umm, we can just chat. That will be better."

This woman is hiding something. Something she doesn't want me to know. "Excuse me, miss, do you have a problem communicating with someone on video call?"

She stammered, "Umm…...ummm, not really. Am undergoing some treatments currently on my face so it will be awful to see someone for now. I promise you when it's the right time to talk, I'll let you know."

I exhaled, rolling my eyes. Whatever. "Alright. Am going down for breakfast. I'll be online twenty minutes later."

She responded, "Okay." And we hung up.

Come to think of it, what's on her face that she doesn't wants me to see? Or is she a victim of acid accident or fire outbreaks?

Though the pics she last sent are oblivious of injuries. They are sexy photos of different women and that made me laugh, having more interest in her con-artist game. And from the sound of her voice, she is too sweet to play such dirty and rough game with me.

She better speak out her reasons so I can help her get what she wants, other than playing deception with the world's most dangerous Damian Ayomide.