
Taming the billionaire wolf prince

Esmeralda's mother, the enchantress, forces her to work with the wolf prince in order to destroy the prince's bloodline. Against her will, she accepts the job offer her mother secures for her at the royal fashion house. Prince Kain is relentless, he will stop at nothing to lift the curse placed on him. The animal in him is growing impatient, having been forced to hide for so long and he promises himself he will make the enchantress have a taste of her own medicine. But the game changes when he discovers she is the daughter of the enchantress. He should hate her, but now new feelings start to spring up from a heart once frozen.

Douglas_6610 · Kỳ huyễn
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97 Chs

The First Survey Site

Esmeralda rolled her hand into fists and banged the table. Kain immediately looked up at her while McCormick jumped is seat, his eyes flustering to wake.

"Gentlemen, if you don't mind, we have a journey to resume and stalling time here won't do you much good. So please get up and let us be on our way" she said corporately and walked outside leaving the two men to exchange troubled and confused looks. Kain tucked in his phone and stood up while McCormick blinked his eyes many times before he was able to stand up. They walked out of the restaurant and walked up to their cars. They got inside and drove off.

The moon was already out when Kain drove to a stop.

"We are here" he said and turned off the car. He climbed out of the car and Esmeralda followed suite. McCormick climbed out and walked to them.

"Is this the place?" he asked.

"Yes, it is. I'll just put across a call" Kain said and reached into his pockets for his phone.