
Taming my Fierce wife

Witness the twist in this love story. Yang Feng + Xiu Mei. Wang Hu + Yang Ruoxi. Wu Xiang + Wang Xinyi. This book cover doesn't belong to me. All credit goes to the original owner.

Ruby_pinky · Thành thị
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41 Chs

CHAPTER 6: Hey Mr.kidnapper Let Me Go.

Before getting hit a big hand pulled her into his chest.

she hits her nose on his chest and it was a little bit painful "Ouch it hurts, Tsk who is this stupid man?" Xiu Mei murmured then she turned to look at the man and said" Hey Mr.stranger, can't you see that I wanted to cross the road and why do you look like Yang Feng?, are you his brother or his sister?, no you can't be his sister you are too masculine, oh well who cares I just want to go home".

"Come I will take you home," Yang Feng said as he lifted her.

"Huh?, Hey Mr.kidnapper let me go, or else I will beat you to a pulp"

"Xiu Mei, I'm not a kidnapper, I'm Yours Truly," Yang Feng said

"Mr.Truly yours how do you know my name".

"I know your name because I am Your one and only Yang Feng"

"Y-YANG FENG, you are Yang Feng?"

"Yes," Yang Feng answered as he opened the door of his Maybach and placed her in the passenger seat then he fastened the set belt for her and then went to the other side of the car.

While they were on the highway Xiu Mei didn't keep her mouth shut she was singing in a very bad voice. At a point, she started singing CardiB's music (money).

"Look, my bitches are all bad, yeah I was born to flex, diamonds on my neck, I like boarding jets, I like morning sex but nothing in this world that I like more than checks, all a bad bitch need is...." Xiu Mei kept singing while missing a lot of lyrics from the songs.

Yang Feng who was driving immediately recorded her while laughing at the voice and expression she made when singing and saved it on his phone.

When they got to the Yang Mansion Xiu Mei was fast asleep so he unfastened her seat belt and carried her on his back.

Then suddenly the Xiu Mei who was fast asleep woke from her slumber and struggled to hop off his back. when she hopped off his back she screamed"Helppppp me, I am being kidnapped" After she said that she started running around the Yang mansion and screaming for help.

"Xiu Mei come back here, darn you are still so energetic while drunk".

" Why should I listen to you huh?"Xiu Mei said as she kept running.

"Xiu Mei listen it is me, Yang Feng, come let's go inside," Said Yang Feng as he caught up with her.

"You are Yang Feng," Xiu Mei said while examining his face. Then she suddenly kicked his groin.

"Xiu Mei, what was that for?" Yang Feng yelled

at her.

"That was for calling me ugly" Xiu Mei said then she slapped him and said, "And that was for making my trip".

She was about to give him another slap but he held her and carried her into the Yang mansion forcefully.

When they got into the Yang mansion, the Yang family was shocked at the sight they saw. Yang Feng was carrying a girl forcefully

and the girl was hitting him on his chest and saying" YANG FENG how dare you, you idiot donkey, you are so annoying" Yang Feng just ignored her and the stares his family were giving him.

when she got to the room and laid her on the bed, the bed was so very soft that the arguing tigress immediately kept quiet and fell into a deep slumber. When Yang Feng looked at her sleeping face she was so attractive that he wanted to kiss her Pink plump lips but instead he smiled and said"Just a little more time and you will be mine forever" after saying that he covered her with the quilt and pecked her forehead then he went down the stairs.

When he got to the living room he saw his parents and sister giving him weird looks but he just walked past them and went to the bar, they followed him to the bar and for more than five minutes they kept giving him weird stares when he felt uncomfortable he finally yelled"WHAT".

and his dramatic mother buried her face in her husband's chest and started fake crying while saying

"Honey, my son is yelling at me" Mrs.Yang (Jiang Meilin) fake cried.

"You ungrateful son, how dare you to yell at your mom that way, she carried you in her womb for a whole nine....." Mr.Yang was talking when he was suddenly interrupted by his son.

"Enough of the story dad, you say that all the time don't you get bored of it? just go straight to the point what do you want to know?" Said Yang Feng while his father just pouted "humph" and his wife just laughed at him because he looked very cute and funny for his age.

"We want to know about the girl brother," Said Yang Ruoxi (Yang Feng's sister).

"Oh the tigress, well what can I say. she is the future daughter-in-law of this family" Immediately Yang Feng said that he walked towards the stairs and went to his bedroom while his family stood there dumbfounded.