
Taming my Fierce wife

Witness the twist in this love story. Yang Feng + Xiu Mei. Wang Hu + Yang Ruoxi. Wu Xiang + Wang Xinyi. This book cover doesn't belong to me. All credit goes to the original owner.

Ruby_pinky · Urban
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41 Chs

CHAPTER 5: You are getting married.

When Xiu Mei got home she was completely exhausted. So she just took a shower and went to bed.

While sleeping she had a dream,

In the dream she saw herself in a stranger's car, she happily laughed with the stranger, they went to a mountain together, and they had great fun. The face of the stranger finally showed up in the dreams and he said [I love you.]. Xiu Mei woke up screaming when she saw that the stranger was none other than Yang Feng.

"No this is never gonna happen" she murmured to herself while patting her left chest. After calming herself she went back to her slumber.


"Good Morning Mom" Xiu Mei greeted her mom.

"Good morning dear, come to have breakfast, and Meimei I have something to say to you."

"What is it, mom?" Xiu Mei asked while chewing an apple.

"You are getting married soon," Huang Yihan said with a smile.

"pfft," Xiu Mei spat out all the apples she ate and turned to look at her mother annoyed.

"And they are coming to visit on the weekends which is tomorrow"

"But mom you said weekend why are they coming tomorrow then"

"Tomorrow is Saturday so why can't they come"

"Mom but you didn't even ask for my permission first, are you that determined to send me away?"

"Meimei I have been telling you since when you celebrated your 23rd birthday to bring me a son-in-law but you didn't, The two years I have given you are enough you are already 25 now, how long do you want to keep me waiting?" Hang Yihan said annoyed.

"Wow mom wow, don't worry I will get married to him then if that is what you want, but I never knew that my mom wants me out of the house" Xiu Mei stood up from her chair and took her blazer and her bag and began to walk away when she heard her mom's voice "Mei, who does this house belong to huh? It is yours isn't it and you think I can throw you out of your own house? Meimei everything I have done and will do will always be for your good, do you know how I have always tried to live happily since when your dad left us, but because of you I tried to live very happy, Mei if you were not born I would have followed your father, My life is very miserable and lonely so why can't you get married and give me a cute baby to light my darkness at least if I die after playing with your child I will die with a smile". When Huang Yihan finished talking she cleaned the tears that had rolled down her cheeks.

Giving up Xiu Mei hugged her mother and said" I'm sorry mum I will do what you want then, but my future husband and his family should give me some time".

"Y-you always say I should give you some time and some time will turn into three years," said Huang Yihan with a sniff.

"I will ask for my future inlaws to give me permission for me and my husband to know each other". When Xiu Mei said that Huang Yihan nodded and they hugged each other more tightly.

After she calmed her mom she left for the office.


When Xiu Mei got to the office she was very angry that the employees were very scared to even go close to her office door. Xiu Mei wasn't able to concentrate for three hours when she figured that she won't be able to concentrate on her job today she called Wang Xinyi.

" Hello," Xiu Mei said when Wang Xinyi Picks up the call.

"Meimei, what is wrong? you sound very irritated, is anything the problem?".Wang Xinyi asked worriedly.

" I will tell you what happened, come and meet me in star bar," Xiu Mei said and hang up then she walked into the elevator and went to the ground floor, and then she went to the parking lot and drove off.


In star bar, Xiu Mei was drinking a bottle when Wang Xinyi walked in,

"Meimei what is going on?" Wang Xinyi asked worriedly.

"Xinyi my mom said I am getting married," Xiu Mei said with a bitter smile.

"is that why you are sad?" Wang Xinyi asked.

"Yes," Xiu Mei said while nodding her head.

"Meimei you should be happy instead, all of us will get married one day aren't we?"

"But you know that some arranged marriages don't work"

"Meimei give him a chance, okay and if you are not interested in him then tell aunty you want to find true love, I am sure aunty will leave you be"

"Okay, I will give him a chance". Xiu Mei said and Wang Xinyu nodded and stood up and said "I still have a meeting in 30 minutes from now, can you hold yourself?" when Xiu Mei nodded she said "If you can't I can cancel it"

"No need just go do your jewelry stuff," Xiu Mei said with a smile. Wang Xinyi smiled and rushed back to her office While Xiu Mei kept drinking. After an hour later she had emptied four bottles and her drunk self stood up and took her things then she shakily walked out. She just kept walking, her drunk self didn't even remember that she brought her car, so she was on the dangerous street with her unstable legs. While she walked she reached the side where she wanted to cross the road, she didn't even check if a car was coming or not.

she was in the middle of the road and a car was coming at full speed, she was so close to getting in an accident when a big hand pulled her into his chest.