
Tamers and Bonds

A young man finds his way through a world revolving around taming and evolving beasts while steadily fighting against the evils of the world.

omeroford · Kỳ huyễn
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71 Chs

Chapter 67. Destruction on All(7)

Ashton took a deep breath using arrow after arrow while Grim and Pocket provided support.

'They made contact with the giant, then the asura, we should be fighting the demon goat.'

Though the leaders fought the disasters, the small fry was the assignment due to regular people such as Ash. Arrow after arrow launched killing, kobolds, insects, boars, zombies, and other creatures. A cacophony of screams, yells, and techniques firing off. Blood spilled on the ground as if flavoring the bland earth beneath their feet. 

"This is a fucking mess." An arrow lodged into a zombie's skull while a mace decimated three poison tongued chimps. 

"Yeah, pretty similar to the beginning of the realm opening." Kaz attacked with measured ferocity as he swung his mace, Mako breathing flames and stomping on any of the opposition. 

Ash could sense the flow of battle. 'Two places up ahead are danger zones and the rest is chaos. Hope we live. That Kraven guy is powerful, way stronger than I initially thought.' 

"Good job Pocket." Ash complimented his snake like goblin as he formed plate after plat deflecting random attacks. Pocket slaved away as the attacks never stopped.

'Arrows good, no pills used yet, and no wounds, we're doing ok.' Other disciples of various places fought with skill that caused reflection within Ash. 

'I thought I was, I don't know, moving towards excellent. But I'm probably average as it stands, great.' It was light and delicate, the whisper was so sensual, Ash's whole body heated up, but he snapped out of it and looked at a place not too far away. There stood the demon goat, breast hanging bare, with a human like smile on it's goat lips.

"This... this abomination's looking at me?" Ash immediately switched to his saber but he noticed something. Very few people were moving, even the opposing monsters stopped. Ash looked and Kaz had a dull look in his eyes. Fear enveloped Ash's heart, "This thing basically froze dozens of creatures and tamers within seconds." Ash could feel the pressure surrounding the goat, a lascivious and greedy aura. 

"Don't you want some?" A woman's voice sounding as thought it was the sexiest and most tantalizing one in the world. A haze surrounding his vision.

"Ash felt his body heat up, lust building in the boy."

"I want..... I want to fuck.. hahahaha." Shaking his head and slapping himself, Ash felt lust fill his body. Weakness took the boy, his knees falling to the ground, and his temperature spiked. Ash couldn't breath, and the pain in his heart filled him with agony. 

"This is what a child of God amounts to... nothing." The goat like creature walked up to Ash, but the closer the goat got the more it looked less like an abomination and more like a woman.

"She's-She's beautiful. I want, no, no, I---" Confusion filled Ash as he felt lust burning in him, it was something the boy never felt. The woman shifted, sometimes an ebony goddess, sometimes an Ivory queen, sometimes a caramel tigress.

"Give your soul too meeee." The woman now by Ash's face whispered in a soul sucking voice. Her tone demanding his subservience.

"Give it to me, Give it to me, Give it to me." The woman pushed Ashton to the ground sitting atop of him, "Give me what is mine." Ash could feel the woman open her mouth to kiss him and he felt lost, pleasure drowning the young boy. His vision now a hazy red fading to brown, and then black. 

'Where even am I? What was I doing, why do I feel lost.' This time a different voice called out to him one he hadn't heard in awhile. 

"Don't forget my child. Do not forget, your purpose." It was a deep voice, powerful and thundering. Something divine, it was. "God" Ash spoke. 

Ash's eyes sparked open as his body was on the ground a lusty goat's tongue wrapped around his neck, going into his nose.

"Did,.... did an F'ing goat just give me a wet dream. Ok, I'm killing all of you." Fury filled the boy as he looked around, a great number of people were on the ground surrounded by lusty goats and the goat demon remained seated in a bloody circle. Hector fighting against the goat as it laughed. It merely sat and attack but it was more than enough to keep the injured prince at bay. 

Taking his saber, Ash cut the goat tongue and quickly plunged the saber into the goat's head. Even looking at it's lustful eyes pissed him off. Yanking the tongue out of his nose, Ash coughed as he found the thing to have gone pretty deep in his nasal cavity. A small amount of blood leaking. 

Rage filled the boy while he snatched, Grim and Pocket. Eyes both dull, putting a hand on top of their heads, he channeled his spirit element and clarity started to return to their vision. Reaching out through his link, Ash yelled with severity.

"Wake the heck up guys, I need you." Both of his bonds jolted at the call confusion evident on their faces.

"We got enemies to kill." Grim took to the air, a white light gathering, it's fury matching it's tamer. Pocket himself had a rather ugly look on his face but fear radiated deep within him. 

With both bonds now awake at his side, Ash questioned his course of action. 'Help the prince guy, or get everyone up and fighting.' Squinting at the circle the goat demon sat in Ash could faintly feel an energy leave the body of certain people and head into the circle. 

'A ritual.... no, this a sacrifice.' Ash immediately command Grim, "kill the lusty goats as fast as you can, Pocket stay with me." 

Channeling the blood element, Ash took off as he zipped to different people and cut the lusty goats, the creatures inactive while securing souls. Yet the goat demon didn't go unresponsive to Ash's awakening, goats that had already secured souls retracted their tongues and headed towards him. 

"Eh kid, keep doing what your doing, I got the goat. Make sure to wake some of these guys up when your done." 

Not turning his head, Ash slashed and hacked but called back, "Got it, pleasure to meet you your highness." Tongues whipped to him like mallets and Ash dodged.

"Not going like it did before with you ugly mucks. Let's see how getting stronger paid off." First two goats, then five. Ash had a number on him trying to lock him down while Grim received the same treatment. 

"Pocket focus on steel plate around me. Make sure they hold."

Deciding to finish it quick, Ash used berserk and used flash point over and over. Once his arm hurt, he switched to his non dominant hand and continued to strike down goat after goat. Pocket sweat as he used three big metal plates to take the attacks: from wind blades to tongue smashes to spit blasts, to lover's dust blasts. Pocket defended with everything it had while his tamer killed enemy after enemy. 

Deactivating berserk, Ash felt weak but used a Ginger up pill and also used an antitoxin for the aphrodisiac attacks. His body practically devouring the nutrients to replace what he'd just lost. Grim flew through the air and used blood spear on the congregated enemies but continued to maintain focus on the goats sucking the souls out of people. Finally the goat demon turned to the duo currently messing up it's plans. 

An ugly smile on it's lips as vomited on the circle performing hand signs. The circle shining as it spoke.

"Door of Baal." A door appeared in the sky that sent a chill down Ash's spine. Hector frowning before taking out a vial of water. Ash rushed to kill the goats like a wild man, switching from his saber to bow and arrow and started firing off explosive arrows. 

'Our section of the total formation is the largest but I think a lot of people are dead. I can feel the death qi from a few who seem to be dead.' Slowly the door opened while the demon hid behind it's formation, it no longer attacked at Hector but let out a masculine wail that caused some of the goats to die along with some of the people. 

Hector flashed over to Ash and sent out a talisman in the sky that radiated light. The body of people that were under a trance now awoke. Those who were dead however, forever remained so. A door painted amaranth red, it's door nob blacker than ebony. The door merely cracked, the crack small enough that nothing could be seen but the effect was not as small as it's size. The demon goat screamed a masculine pitch as it continued, now switching to a kneeling position. It's phalace and balls on full display. A pressure now permeating through the area, like being under the weight of a lake. 

Though people woke groggily none could ignore the dread infusing their being at the door. Ash shook, feeling strange. 'One part of me feels fear, while the other feels an understanding.'

"Alright... alright God. I know you're there, and I know me meeting this F'ing freak is no coinkidink. How did Dad used to pray? Screw it, I'm winging this."

"Father give me strength in this trying time, guide my blade to destroy my enemy and allow me success." Ash raised his blade in defiance the demon looking at him, this time not a dream. A glaring white infused in Ash's eyes as he tapped into his spirit element. 

The door creaked as the crack got larger, a darkness akin to the abyss inside. Hector fought on using his sword glowing golden yellow. Rosie commanding plants to constrain and attack. Taking half of the liquid, Hector spoke. "God almighty bless my blade with your power. Help me smite this foul abomination. [Holy infusement] [Overflowing Light]. Rosie seemed to spray additional light onto the blade. "

His blade now littered with runes as the demon goat looked on, it's eyebrows furrowed. It's scream now changing having both a male and female voice. The crack opening a little bit further. Ash and Hector the only two that were in a fighting state. Various disciples having barely come out of their fever dream now bearing pressure they couldn't adjust to.

Ash and Hector felt it, the pressure was physical and spiritual. Some people had their eyes go dull, other seemed to be straining to stay conscious. 

"[Breath of Carnage]" Mako spat flames at the goat demon that carried such heat the demon could not ignore. A circle with a pentagram in the middle shielded the goat as it bled from it's eyes. The orange flames crashed with the barrier singeing the earth beneath them.

"Sorry for the display guys, that wet dream..... was something else entirely." Ash swore he saw longing on Kaz's face as if he missed the nefarious dream. 

With a wave of his hand Hector threw two vials at the two boys who caught them. "Put the holy water on your weapons and be snappy. The door doesn't need to open all the way for that thing to summon something that can kill us all. If you use it on your blades it will have the effect of increased damage against it."

Ash doused his saber in the holy water and a thin sheen of holiness covered it. Taking a couple Ginger up pills and throwing one each to his bonds along with Kaz and his bond, Ash readied himself for the fight ahead. 

The demonic goat chuckled as they put holy water on their blades. "UnWorldLY LUSt!"

A pink mist started to diffuse from the circle as it expanded, encircling everyone in their division. People's eyes went dull once more but this time they got up and attacked people. They stabbed one another, while others bashed each other's brains in. With every drop of blood the imposing pressure on the pentagram grew. 

"We kill it now or never." Hector raised his blade and charged forward while Ash himself staved off their now deranged comrades. Kaz charging with Mako as the mace grew to a length of six feet. Mako lifting Kaz up in the middle of his run having him on his back. The two looked valiant as people moaned, frothed at the mouth, and killed one another. Ash busy unleashing explosive arrow one after another while Grim used blood spears. Pocket maintained metal plates over the two with sweat dripping down his face. 

"Fuck, I'm trying not to kill you guys but this is ridiculous. I'm not strong enough." Though Ash managed to create a path for Kaz, it resulted in him now being swarmed. 

"Pocket start making an exit tunnel. Grim use Song of the Undead Soldier!" Both bonds set on their task with maximum effort. Ash entering his berserk, mode in order to cover for the two. Using his saber, his fists, and kicks, Ash beat the deranged bloody. 

Grim flew high in the air as death qi and spirit qi accumulated towards him. The dead bodies released an energy that flowed into Grim's crown like marking atop his head. A ghostly outline seemed to rise from the ground. Different from last time, it wasn't multiple soldiers but one hulking soldier.

Hector clashed with a now completely free goat demon, leaving behind the door with the shield as it's protector. The demon still had one of it's hands performing symbols that sent energy into the pentagram. Hector's blade seemed to be unending in it's strikes while his bond worked overtime.

Thick vegetation growing around as the vines and nature itself seemed to try and seal the goat. The seal of a scale atop a fulcrum seemed to burn in the depths of the goat's eyes. It's full attention on the loss of death energy that accumulated from it's hard work killing. Ruthlessly the goat closed it's hands and some of the qi started moving towards it. 

Kaz jumped around and created waves in the barrier the goat maintained. Kaz raged as though a deadly suicide warrior. "[Finishing Bust]" a bang as Kaz's mace slammed against the pentagram shield causing a rupture of light and fire energy. 

The holy water infused strike creating small holes and cracks in the goat's shield while Hector took advantages of the small window of opportunity to throw a vial charged with his light element as hard as he could towards the door.

Time slowed as each individual fought. A vial reaching towards a demonic door. A fat boy with a luxurious looking calf underneath. Pink mist reaching all over, disconnecting their part of the formation from the rest. The amount of living people decreasing by the second. Ash dashing forward to attack the goat, Pocket still digging a hole, and Grim's giant soldier rising off the ground with a scythe made of death qi ready to charge. 

Time marching on the goat grunted and the slowly opening door seemed to rip open almost completely. The vial now in front of the abyssal door. Kaz fighting valiantly to destroy the shield and door completely. The goat swinging a serpentine sword while casting deadly spells. Hector moved with grace and resolve, his bond performing attack and defense. "[Metallic Slide], [Holy Barrier], [Prickly Layout]." Technique after technique as Hector fought the beast. The various clashes causing the dead bodies to fly away, dust kicking up, wind becoming violent, and pink mist twirling around tumultuously. 

A few hidden figures watched all without making a sound. Just sickening smiles that reached their ears.