
Tamer of Galactic Beasts

The universe is filled with a nigh infinite variety of dangerous beings, however only those at the top of the food chain have the ability to tame and control the rest. Tamers are that very apex of life, able to contract most everything living and control them as they will. Akash Tagar, a tamer broken and battered by the tumultuous crimson hellscape that was his life, was on the verge of ending it all before a most fortuitous encounter. One with the strongest being in the entire universe, the Primordial Beast. Restoring Akash to his youth, the primordial offered him an opportunity to fulfill his remaining regrets if he agreed to complete a mission for him. After acquiescing, Akash is sent to the weakest and most primitive civilized planet in the universe. Now reinvigorated with youthful vitality, he must claw his way back to the top armed with the knowledge and experience of a top veteran. *** Join our Discord https://discord.gg/8zpBxnU63u

The_Novel_Man · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Big Bro

"What! Do you want me to die, my dear Earl Haji?"

Akash replied with a gloomy face.

"No, No, My Liege, only those who are at the 5th Star realm and below can join this tournament. You have enough time and given your talent, you should be able to reach the 2nd Star realm before the tournament commences. Not to mention, what could those children possibly do when even I was helpless against you. I have full confidence in your chances of victory, My Liege."

"I see, so there will only be children. I guess I, was worried for nothing."

In truth, Akash could not decline the offer because there was also a quest that required him upgrade Abran into a 2nd tier city to earn the reward of a Mythic-Grade weapon.

"Thank you, My Liege, I will always be in your debt. You've made our family's dream come true!"

"I'll do my best. It's also my city now and thanks for the amazing car."

"I also got a mobile phone for you, My Liege, as well as newly designed noble uniforms."

"That's too much, Mr. Haji, I can't take it!"

"I insist, My Liege, you gifted me something that's much more valuable. These trinkets pale in comparison yet money is all that I have, so please accept these tokens of my gratitude."

"Alright, I'll take my leave now."

"Let me escort you, My Liege."

"No need, you've assigned Mike to me for a reason, after all."

Akash Tagar and Haji Tea both unequipped their cloaks and came out of the mayor's office. Mike was waiting by the car.

"Alright then, come to the HQ tomorrow for your spear training. I'd like to see your beasts as well."

"I will, My Liege."

Mike was confused to see the mayor of the city calling a kid 'My Liege'. He knew that Akash Tagar was a VIP but for the mayor to call him in such a manner was simply extraordinary.

Akash sat in the car and told the confused Mike to return him to the HQ.

After a while, they arrived at their destination.

Akash took his mobile phone out of his pocket and gave it to Mike.

"Dial your number and save it."

"Oh! Yes, of course, Master Akash."

Mike replied hastily and received the phone. After saving his number, he gave the mobile back.

"Here, Master Akash."

"Alright, Mike, you can go home and you don't have to wait here for me daily. I'll call you whenever I need the car."

"Understood, Master Akash."

Akash frowned as if he was irritated, he looked at Mike and spoke again.

"One more thing! Don't call me master again. Call me Akash or Mr. Akash or any other informal way."

Even in his old life when Akash was in charge of the House of Knowledge, he disliked pleasantries. He always loved a frank and friendly atmosphere where everyone could jest and laugh without worrying about formalities.

Mike's face was filled with tension.

"Did I upset him, Sir Haji Tea told me to be respectful to him. Did I perhaps overstep my boundaries?" Various questions permeated his mind.

Akash saw Mike's upset face.

"Just call me Akash, I told you earlier that we are friends now, and no one calls their friend, Master."

Mike came back to his senses and started to scratch his head embarrassingly.

"Ha-ha, you are right mast... sorry, I mean, you are right, Akash."

"Very good, you can go home and rest now."

Mike was smiling ear to ear, he was very happy. He admired Akash from the very 1st day he met him because of his looks and close relations with the mayor, but now Akash's friendly nature gave Mike another reason to admire and respect him. He didn't think that Akash meant it when he said they were friends now.

Mike Smiled and replied.

"Hahaha, understood. Now that we are friends, I can also call you brother and as you are much younger than me, I'll call you little bro and you can call me big bro."

Akash laughed and reciprocated.

"Sure, big bro."

"Alright then, little bro, take care and call me whenever you need anything."

Mike got into the car and left.

Akash was still standing at the entrance of the Headquarters, he was looking at the receding car and closed his eyes.

Akash thought of a charming kid with a voice that always brightened his mood as he reminisced about his past life.

"Big bro, I will be the strongest tamer of this world. I'll make you the proudest brother ever!"

"Haha, yes, I know you will be, after all, you are the only brother of the Sage Scholar."

"Uh, big bro, will you give me a Star General Nobility rank beast when I become a 1 Star realm tamer?"

"No, no, a Star General Nobility rank beast is not suitable for a genius like you. I will give you a Star God Nobility rank beast."

"Huh, big bro I'm not a fool, Maa and Paa told me that there aren't any Star God Nobility rank beast in our planet, you are lying!"

"Ssshh! Keep your voice low and don't tell anybody about this. There is a Star God Nobility rank beast on our planet but I hid it somewhere for you so that you can tame it when you grow up."

"Eh, is that true big bro? Promise me, that you are not pulling my leg like always!"

"Haha, I promise. I'm not lying to you."

"Yaayyy! Big bro is the best!"

Akash opened his eyes and lowered his head, he murmured to himself.

"Who would have thought that someone would call this thousand-year-old man, his little bro."

Akash's eyes reddened again.

"I miss you Afaaq. Nobody has seen you ever since you left our planet to explore the cosmos, but I believe that you are still alive. You would have probably heard about our planet by now, but don't worry, we both will reclaim our planet one day. Until then, you have to wait for me, I'll find you soon."

Akash wiped his tears off and entered the headquarters.