
Tales Of Oculus

Gore warning!!! Some parts may be unsettling but if you could handle reading a text without vomiting then thats good. ———— Ignis, a young man who never reconsidered his actions and who constantly immersed himself in negativity, never achieving anything, found that nothing mattered to him. After all, what he had was what he had. When one day fate would take its turn for him, the things he witnessed is what the future possessed. However, who knows? An ability always has its trade-offs.

SlicedFlans · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: The Knight of Esen

Ignis remained stuck in one part of the forest, trying to solve his problem. Meanwhile, the number of golems in the area had increased to three, and they were now circulating and waiting for Ignis to show up while he took cover in one of the blue-leaved oak trees. As he thought of a way out, he suddenly heard Vera's whisper in his mind.

"Oh look, how unfortunate for the young man~" Vera said in a mocking tone.

Ignis, hearing Vera in his mind, responded.

"I guess your sensing me here proves how 'overly-sensitive' you are."

The golems continued to circle the tree Ignis was in as he whispered to Vera, "Just give me an idea of how to escape them!"

The golems got closer, and Ignis grew more desperate for Vera's help. For Vera, watching the young man struggle was just entertainment.

"I want you to plead." Vera whispered mockingly into Ignis's mind.

Ignis muttered to himself in a frustrated tone, "Is this woman a sadist or what?!" Vera heard it and as expected, Vera did something to Ignis forcing him to blown away from the tree he was taking cover in, and Vera whispered one last time.

"This makes things better: the more you struggle, the more your brains rattle! Just take this as a trial for you. Anyway, bye bye!~." Vera's connection disappeared before Ignis could respond. Now, he was left with the three golems looking down at him, their glowing blue eyes piercing through him. One of the golems on the left prepared to swing its hand.

"Oh well, she took that mockery way too far..." Ignis muttered as he got up and dodged the attack just in time.

The golems slowly approached Ignis while he ran faster, trying to escape. Eventually, he reached the path he had followed earlier, but as he got close, he suddenly hit something and realized the area was locked in a barrier.

"No way... Is this how she takes things seriously?" Ignis turned back as the golems almost reached him. He tried to move to the left, but it was too late—they were almost upon him. Ignis got down and smirked, realizing he was trapped.

"This is dumb... over a mockery, you've got to be kidding me," Ignis said in a nervous tone.

The three golems were finally within reach and prepared to strike Ignis at once. Suddenly, a bright green light approached the golems rapidly. Ignis covered his eyes with his hands because of the brightness. Just before the golems struck Ignis, they suddenly broke down into pieces, marks of slashes appearing on their bodies. Standing before Ignis was a man with long white hair that swayed in the wind, pointy ears, and a long sword. The man's green, emerald-like eyes shone when he turned back.

"Sorry, I was late." The elven knight approached Ignis and offered him a hand.

Ignis took the gentleman's hand and stood up. "You're Sir Arteros, right?" Ignis asked in a confused tone.

The Elven Knight nodded and observed Ignis for a few seconds, looking him up and down, which made Ignis feel awkward.

"Uhh... Something wrong?" Ignis asked, tilting his head.

Arteros responded, "Nothing, it's just that you look familiar, that's all."

This made Ignis wonder what Arteros was talking about. He didn't know this man, having only heard of him from his uncle and the people of the village. Meeting him in person was not something he recalled until now.

"Okay..." Ignis responded, still confused.

"Anyway, follow me. I will lead you to the exit," Arteros said as he approached the waterfall's barrier. He put his hands through it, causing the barrier to crack and break.

"That's cool!" Ignis said as he followed the knight.

The two walked for a few minutes until Arteros suddenly stopped and looked at one of the tree markings.

Ignis looked at him and said.

"Even an elven knight needs a landmark for this forest, eh?"

Arteros responded.

"Well, despite being M'lady's right hand, I don't really have her equal senses."

Ignis tilted his head, wondering who this "M'lady" Arteros was talking about.

"M'lady?" Ignis asked, confused.

Arteros responded.

"Oh, by M'lady, I mean Vera. Long story short, it's the way I show her respect."

Ignis waited for Arteros as he examined the oak tree markings one by one. After a few minutes, the sun was about to rise. Arteros returned, lowered his back, and looked back at Ignis, who was confused about what he was doing.

"Hop on, kid. I'll get you out of here really fast." Arteros said, offering Ignis a piggyback ride.

Ignis was confused, not feeling tired or anything, but he did as Arteros asked. He clung to Arteros's shoulders, and Arteros lifted him.

Arteros suddenly assumed a stance, and his hair, along with Ignis's, started blowing upwards while the grass and tree leaves blew away from their surroundings. Aswell as the ground glowing up some green light.



"Woahh!" Ignis exclaimed in surprise.

Ignis was caught off guard by the sudden speed as Arteros accelerated through the trees and grass, blowing them away in their path.

"This is awesome!" Ignis said in amusement.

Arteros remained focused, and as they traveled further, they saw a hint of a cleared area straight ahead. Finally, they reached the edge of the forest. Arteros stopped and slowly put Ignis down.

"Are you okay?" Ignis asked, concerned for the elven knight.

Arteros nodded and took a deep breath. "The air outside is really great, isn't it?"

"Now, kid, are you really fine with going on by yourself?" Arteros asked seriously.

Ignis, looking at the view of the mountains and sat down he responded. "Uhh yeah, I guess?"

Arteros advised, "I tell you, The world outside is intoxicating. The first feeling will eventually pull you down to its true meaning. Are you sure of yourself, kid?" This time, he spoke more seriously.

Ignis looked at him, his eyes clearly conveying that it didn't matter to him whatever feeling would pull him down. He responded, "I already knew that, but I seek it. Does that answer your question?"

Arteros gasped. "Well, promise me, kid, you'll make it out alive, whatever you're searching for. After all, I hate saving people just for them to throw themselves away."

Arteros got close to Ignis, crouched, and raised his hand to give him a dap.

As Ignis took it, it was a promise that he would survive on his own.

The two stood up as the sun rose.

"So, kid, ready for your first destination?" Arteros asked confidently.

Ignis responded with equal confidence, "Yeah!"

Once again, Arteros gave Ignis a piggyback ride as they accelerated toward Ignis's first and Arteros's last destination, the Kingdom of Oriona.

"Woohoo! you're hella fast!!!" Ignis shouts to Arteros as the two were accelerating down the mountain to the fields.

Finally, after a few hours, they arrived at the Kingdom of Oriona's checkpoint. There, the knights met Arteros and immediately saluted him, saying

"Good morning, Sir!" The knight in front, along with the other two, greeted him.

The knight on the left then interrupted and asked Arteros.

"Sir, may I ask who that kid is? He doesn't seem familiar nor a civilian of this region."

Arteros responded in an intimidating tone.

"He's an acquaintance of mine. Is there any problem with that?" He looked at the knights deep with his eyes.

The knight nodded, fear evident in his tone, and said.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience! You may go in!"

In fear and respect for the Grand Chivalry members, the knights admitted Arteros and Ignis, allowing them to enter the Kingdom of Oriona.

As they walked, Ignis spoke.

"You didn't have to call me your acquaintance. Aren't I an outsider? Couldn't you have just said that?"

Arteros responded calmly, "If I said you're an outsider, there's a no chance you would enter here. Oriona is a region run by aristocrats; it's not governed like other places. therefore anyone who's not an aristocrat or a civilian cannot enter here unless with permission."

Ignis wondered how the country could survive without anyone ruling it. "Doesn't that make the place chaotic? Even my homeland has a chief to rule us."

Arteros looked at Ignis and responded.

"It's not exactly unruled. This place still has its government, but they handle only properties and criminals. Most importantly, anyone who lives here owns something in the mountains or fields on this region."

Ignis widened his eyes as Arteros mentioned his homeland but kept it to himself. Arteros noticed this.

"What's wrong? You're not feeling well?" Arteros asked with concern.

Ignis hid his thoughts by saying he was hungry, placing a hand on his stomach. "I'm hungry, I haven't eaten anything for a day after all.."

Arteros understood but he had no time left. He took a pouch containing at least 30 Aurias from his robe—a year's salary in grand chivalry thats enough to feed someone for a months here. He handed it to Ignis and said.

"Here, Take this. Keep it carefully kid. Sorry... I must return to the Garden, M'lady needs my help."

Arteros placed both hands on Ignis's shoulders and tapped them.

"Promise me, Don't get yourself in trouble."

Arteros then walked away as the crowd slowly covered him, leaving Ignis behind.

Now all that was left was the pouch, Ignis, and the crowd surrounding him in the land of aristocrats. Although he was thankful for the elven knight's kindness, Ignis felt overwhelmed. It was his first time here, and he had no idea about the personalities of the people or what they might like or dislike.