
Tales Of Oculus

Gore warning!!! Some parts may be unsettling but if you could handle reading a text without vomiting then thats good. ———— Ignis, a young man who never reconsidered his actions and who constantly immersed himself in negativity, never achieving anything, found that nothing mattered to him. After all, what he had was what he had. When one day fate would take its turn for him, the things he witnessed is what the future possessed. However, who knows? An ability always has its trade-offs.

SlicedFlans · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Oriona and Debt.

Ignis explored the kingdom of Oriona. He looked at the beautiful structures of the place. These houses and other things are not what he would see in his homeland; they are made from durable materials, and those woods were definitely taken from the forest of the region.

"They look different in here..." said Ignis as he continued to walk amidst the crowd.

Ignis then stopped by one of the inns. He entered and was greeted by a lot of adventurers and merchants who were having fun in their own seats. He then approached the innkeeper.

"Its unusual to see a younglin visiting here by themselves!" the Innkeeper said with a surprised tone.

"Please take a seat." The Innkeeper then gestured into one of the stool chairs.

Ignis then takes a seat on the stool chair. As the Innkeeper asked him what he wants, Ignis then choosed mashed curry at the menu, while the curious Innkeeper asked.

"Are you by yourself young one?" The Innkeeper asked in a curious tone.

Ignis looks at her then responded confused by the question after that he returns to look back at the menu list.


"Aha, its been a while since a young adventurer came here." The Innkeeper says.

"Most of them made promises to come back but yeah some of them never did" The Innkeeper giggled after.

Although Ignis was confused by such topic and waited patiently, Until the Innkeeper finished preparing his food and approached Ignis.

"Sorry if that confused you haha! Well anyway kid what brings you here in the kingdom of Oriona? After all this place had nothing really much special to it." The Innkeeper then served his food after.

Ignis then responded however he doesnt want to tell the Innkeeper that hes an outsider so instead he made up a reason and said.

"Just travelling i guess? hahaha..." Ignis laughed awkwardly.

Although the Innkeeper could clearly tell it was a lie she played along with his reason after all it doesnt really bother her that much, But all of her years working shes been wondering what could have been this young people being into? just going by themselves and eventually die.

"Heh... I see, Since you are here wanna hear some facts about this place?" The Innkeeper says.

The Innkeeper then puts her hand at the desk getting closer to Ignis, While Ignis is literally confused on it after all my man had to eat his food hes really hungry...

"Okay...?" Said by Ignis as he continued eating the mashed potato with curry.

The innkeeper then began telling a story about a woman who defeated the two Great Bastras.

"Alright, one day there used to be a woman who was born in this region that defeated two of the Great Bastra's. I heard she was a first division member of the Grand Chivalry."

Ignis then stopped eating his food halfway as he spoke while still chewing some of the curry in his mouth.

"What's a first division? I never heard of that."

Ignis said while still chewing.

The innkeeper then responded.

"I heard from my uncle that a first division is considered the greatest rank of the chivalry. In other words, the person possessing such a rank is considered the greatest knight or mage. Well that was all, while the rest were the following."

"Can you believe it? One of the strongest knights is a woman! I can't imagine being like her!"

Ignis then took a sip of water as he burped. He then whispered to himself.

"I wonder what Sir Arteros is ranked at then..."

The innkeeper then remembered something coincidentally as she slammed the wooden counter.


"Ah! By any chance, do you know the Knight of Esen? Arteros?"

Ignis was surprised as he didn't expect that his confusion also gave him the answer right away in here, but he said back.

"Yeah, what about him?"

The innkeeper then spoke enthusiastically.

"H-Hm!~ I idolize him a lot! But do you know that he's ranked as the third division in the Great Chivalry?"

"I see, that's cool..."

Ignis said calmly as he continued his meal, eventually finishing it.

Well, that quite answered his question, but either way, more time passed as the innkeeper continued her story until he didn't even realize it was already turning dark when he looked at the window.

"Oh crap, I gotta go."

Ignis said, then took the pouch and paid the innkeeper 2 Aurias.

However, the innkeeper called him back and returned it as she said.

"No need to pay! That was my treat. Glad you actually enjoyed and listened to it. Take care!"

The innkeeper smiled as she tossed the 2 Aurias to Ignis, and he caught them. She then waved to him after.

Ignis then left the INN while the sun was about to set. The lanterns began lighting up, giving light to the roads of the place, which actually made the view even better.

"Man, she's talkative..." Ignis gasped. He looked everywhere to see the view of the crowd going their own ways. Ignis then joined in as he left the place and explored the whole kingdom.

Ignis whispered to himself, while looking everywhere, it seems like the people of this place are not as what Ignis expected. Some are mostly tired of their work, while others had their families carrying with them. And also, it feels like the place is just people with their minds on their own jobs. It should be rough living that way.

"I guess I was wrong, huh...?"

A few hours passed by. It seems like the crowd decreased while Ignis had no choice but to stay in an inn, only to find out he returned to the same place. The innkeeper looked back with a smirk and said.

"Hoo~ Did my talkative side get you all the way back here?"

Ignis made an awkward face; this was the second time a coincidence happened. As he gasped, he said.

"Yeah, yeah, I guess. Actually, I want to stay in here for tonight..."

The innkeeper laughed but nodded. However, she wanted to tease this kid more, so she came up with another idea before letting him in.

"However, you've got to listen to hours worth of stories first! How's that?"

Ignis facepalmed, but he approached the counter and sat in the stool chair again. He said to himself.

"Shittiest night by far..."

The INN remained noisy while the innkeeper told a ton of stories to Ignis, who literally wanted to sleep but was forced to listen to some enthusiastic woman who loved telling facts and stories to anyone.

Meanwhile, in the mountains of Benerith...

Arteros was about to enter the Garden of Oria when suddenly a pigeon came up to him and gave him a letter. It said:

— Dear Arteros,

I thank you once again for helping me elaborate with Vera, but again something bad happened to our village. After the disappearance of Aeris, her little brother Ignis went in next with no trace. But it appears like he might have passed by the Garden of Oria. If by any chance, please help us. You're the only one we could get help from in this situation.

— Sincerely, Aurora.

Arteros widened his eyes. His suspicions were right; that kid was the son of Maria, judging from his look and hair. Already, it was no doubt! He immediately rushed to the Garden all the way to the mountain to address the situation.

Meanwhile, in the village, in the midnight, a bonfire meeting was once again underway.

Relio, Aurora, and a few villagers discussed the debt. After all, it had been two months since they last paid it. The death of Julius basically put them in a bad situation. Until one of the villagers spoke up.

"Chieftess, how are we going to pay the debt? If we just ignore it, the aristocrats will take this village from us by force!" They said with a concerning tone.

"I'm sorry, everyone, for the pile of problems. But I'm sure me and Relio are finding ways to pay off the debt so that our village remains ours against them," Aurora said calmly, though she seemed sad, considering a ton of problems were coming to the village, and they kept stacking up day by day.

Relio then spoke up. "I already have some ways to pay off the debt, although this is risky. How about we try to steal those gemstones that Julius-"

Suddenly, Arteros barged into the conversation.

"You better not." Arteros looked at Relio really seriously.

From the sudden appearance, the villagers, Aurora, and Relio looked at him surprised, as they never expected him to arrive.

The villager beside Relio then shouted.

"T-The Knight of Esen?! S-Sir Arteros! We never expected you to arrive sooner!"

Aurora then also said in surprise.

"Arteros, I never expected you to get the message so quickly!"

Arteros bowed down, and then he said.

"I already found Ignis, however..."

The villagers and Aurora, Relio skipped a beat when Arteros said "however" and until.

"I was stupid, and I let my confusion get the better of me, and simply bring him all the way through the kingdom of Rondellia."

Aurora put her hands on her face in shock and revelation, while Relio stood up and gritted his teeth as he shouted at Arteros.


Relio continued to growl at him, while the villagers beside him stopped him from hitting Arteros. While Aurora shouted at Relio.


Aurora looked at him totally serious with her eyes. This was the only time Aurora had gotten so angry in a while, but she knew Arteros had a reason.

"Arteros, continue." Aurora said in a calm tone.

Arteros then responded, "I may have put him there; however M'lady Vera was the one who ordered me to bring the kid to the Kingdom of Oriona. But I couldn't believe it either until M'lady told me it was the kid's decision."

Arteros then added.

"Once again, I'm really sorry, Chieftess! I'm also really sorry to lady Maria and to everyone. I've never done anything but to give you all problems."

Arteros looked down in the ground and kneeled at them.

Aurora ordered Arteros to stand up. After all, it wasn't his fault with the kid's decision. "Stand up."

Arteros looked at Aurora and immediately stood up. Aurora then said, "This is not your fault, but I just wanted to know one thing. Since you met Ignis, what did he tell you, and why did he ran away?"

Arteros then explained.

"The kid perhaps did tell me something about his motive for running away, but also it's unclear for me. However, one thing I knew is he was in search to find the truth behind his own confusion."


Arteros added again.

"I never missed any word of warning to him on what he would witness. Therefore, I'm determined myself, Chieftess. The kid is determined as well."

Aurora then responded.

"I won't still allow it."

Arteros looked up and tried to say something on the topic.

"I knew it myself this is right, so shouldn't it be-"

Aurora then spoke back.

"Yes, I know, and I understand His motives, but he's way too young. He can't go by himself just like earlier what you exactly warned him. Does he even know magic? Does he know about Utschrens and the kingdom, Arteros?" Aurora said in a serious tone, while looking at Arteros coldly.

"Therefore, we want him back."

Arteros then stood up and gasped as he asked.

"Understood. However, I also have one favor to ask you, Chieftess."

Aurora then said.

"What is it?"

"If Ignis refuses to return back, do I have the right to use force? After all, I can't take anyone who refuses unless I was asked to." Arteros explained with a serious face.

Aurora then nods and agrees.

"Do whatever you like. Just bring Ignis back to us. We can't let him see the horrible things in and outside of Rondellia."

In the Kingdom of Oriona, at Stella's INN...

Now back to Ignis, who's literally dying to sleep, until he knocked down on the desk from the innkeeper's boring stories.

"Oh~ Finally... you're asleep~" The innkeeper pulled a devilish grin.

This is the first 2,000 word chapter of mine by far! In total of 2,085 Words (More longer chapters soon)

Minor changes

Additionally some of you may not notice or notice but i actually changed "Mistress" To "Chieftess" Considering the meaning i realized it may sound wrong yk just by the meaning of the word "Mistress" itself. Not a big change in the story.

SlicedFlanscreators' thoughts