
Tales of an Extra: The Hero No One Expected

Malik was just an ordinary kid, living a normal life, until a chance encounter sets him on a path that he could never have imagined. One day, while walking down the street, he was approached by a strange and pale old man who handed him a withered old book and before Before malik could even figure out what was going on the old man vanished and disappeared without a trace, leaving him bewildered and wary. Years went by, and malik almost forgot about that strange encounter. But one day after his final exams, a series of bizarre events began to unfold, leading him from one unexpected situation to another. Just when things could not get worse, malik ends up being pulled through a spatial rift into an entirely unknown world—one filled with dangers, secrets, and the echoes of the old man’s enigmatic words. In this new world, malik finds himself enrolled in a hunter academy, realizing that he has become an extra in the very story from the old man’s book. Struggling to survive in a place where he was never meant to belong, malik must now adapt to this harsh reality. This is my first Novel, so hope you can read it with an open mind and consider supporting me on https://ko-fi.com/dragonworrior10 or patreon.com/DRAGONWORRIOR10

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28 Chs

The entrance exam I

I was suspended in darkness, a place where sound didn't exist, where no light could reach. The air—if it could even be called that—was suffocating, thick, like I was trapped at the bottom of a deep, endless ocean. My chest tightened with each breath, the weight pressing down harder and harder until it felt like my ribs would cave in.


I tried to move, to break free of whatever was holding me, but I couldn't. My body was frozen, a prisoner to this strange void.


Suddenly, something shifted in the blackness ahead of me—a faint stirring, a ripple in the stillness. At first, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but then I saw it clearly: a colossal shadow taking shape in the darkness.


Fear gripped me as the figure loomed closer, its form impossibly vast, blotting out everything around it. Then, two burning red eyes pierced through the void, locking onto me. They weren't just looking at me—they were **seeing** me, stripping me bare, revealing every secret, every fear, every weakness. I felt completely exposed under that gaze, like nothing I'd ever experienced before.


I swallowed hard, trying to steady my breathing, but it was no use. My heart raced in my chest, the icy tendrils of fear wrapping themselves around my throat.


Just as I thought I might pass out from the sheer terror of it all, the figure spoke, its voice a deep, guttural rumble that seemed to echo from every direction, vibrating through the very core of my being.


"**Who are you? **" the voice demanded, each word striking like thunder. "**Why do you carry that lost authority...? **"


Authority? I didn't understand. What was it talking about?. My mind raced, scrambling to find an answer, but all I could do was stand there, frozen in place, my body betraying me.


The figure shifted slightly, and I caught the faintest glimpse of its silhouette—a serpentine shape with massive wings that stretched out into the darkness, its form impossibly huge. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was a dragon. A colossal, ancient dragon, the kind I had only ever heard about in stories. 'Is he the current dragon king?', I thought.


Before I could gather my thoughts, before I could even begin to form an answer, the dragon's eyes narrowed, and I felt a surge of heat around me, as if the very air had been set ablaze.


Then, without warning, the world shattered.


I bolted upright, gasping for breath, my heart pounding in my chest. Sweat clung to my skin, my clothes damp and clinging to me. I was shivering uncontrollably, as if I had just emerged from an icy nightmare. My mind was spinning, disoriented, struggling to separate dream from reality.


It had felt so real—too real. I clutched the ground beneath me, trying to steady myself, but that haunting voice still echoed in my mind, the dragon's red eyes still burned in my memory.


I didn't know what had just happened, but one thing was clear: whatever that was, it wasn't just a dream.


I could still feel its presence lingering, a heavy weight pressing down on me, and I couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't the last time I'd encounter that terrifying creature.


Slowly, I became aware of myself again. First, I noticed the weight of my limbs, heavy as lead. Then, the dull throbbing ache in my head. My eyelids flickered open, and I found myself staring up at some kind of tent, crudely assembled with torn cloth and wooden beams.


I groaned, reaching for my head as the pain pulsed in my temples. My throat felt dry, my voice hoarse. "I'm saved me?"


A soft voice responded from nearby. "Be thankful we found you before it was too late, any longer and that poison might have killed you or that demon would have taken you with him."


I turned my head slowly and saw the elf who had fought to save me. She stood at the entrance of the tent, her silver hair shimmering in the dim light. Her bow hung loosely at her side, but there was a sharpness in her eyes, a quiet strength that told me she was used to battle.


I sat up, wincing as the motion sent a jolt of pain through my side. My fingers brushed against a bandage. I had almost forgotten about the wound I took during the fight. The elf stepped forward, holding out a small vial of shimmering liquid.


"Drink this. It's one of our healing potions."


I took the vial, not bothering to question it, and gulped the potion down in one swift motion. Immediately, a cool sensation spread through my body, easing the pain in my head and the tightness in my muscles. I sighed in relief.


The elf gave me a brief nod. "The demonic human got away, but we've sent scouts after him. He won't get far."


I exhaled slowly, leaning back a little. "What about the prisoners?"


"They're safe. Luckily, our reinforcements were not too far when you freed us. The others… they've returned to their homes. The dwarven blacksmith was just passing through human lands, searching for rare materials. The demi-humans were taken from nearby villages."


I felt good that I was able to help them out. The thought of those people still being prisoners had haunted me, but knowing they were safe was a relief.


The elf reached into a satchel slung over her shoulder and pulled out a small, worn book. She handed it to me. "This is for you, as a token of our appreciation. It's a human skill manual, and only humans can use them."


I took the book, turning it over in my hands. The cover was weathered, and the engravings were faded with age, making them hard to make out. When I opened it, the first few pages were filled with strange symbols and notes. As I skimmed through, I realized it was a manual for a movement technique called Flash Steps—a way to move so fast you'd practically disappear and reappear in the blink of an eye. But there was a catch. Only those with a lightning element affinity could use it.


I closed the book, feeling a bit disappointed but still thanked the elf in front of me "Thank you for this". Still, I couldn't help but feel curious.


The elf gave a slight shrug, her lips hinting at a smile. "You fought and showed courage to act when you decided to save us. Even if you decided to run away, we always repay kindness done to us" I let out a dry laugh, shaking my head.

Saying that she decided to leave, it seems their entire force was about to leave the area as she was about to leave I decided to ask for her name

"Wait, can you tell me your name?


"Aaah I forgot how you humans use names to associate with one another, my name is slyphus, but you can call me slyfie humans." After word she left flashing me a smile which was absolutely mesmerizing. If I was a guy interested in elves, I would probably be smitten right then and there. After she left I hurridly cleared my thought and began to organize my things.


After much thought I decided to see for myself if I could learn using skill books. I placed the skill book on the ground in front of me and closed my eyes. I began to Focus on my intent to learn the skill, I didn't expect anything to happen, but it was worth a try.


I placed my hand on the book and focused.


For a long time, nothing happened. The tent was quiet except for the sound of the wind rustling through the trees. But then, I tried using my strange power, suddenly as my eyes glowed golden, i felt it—a faint hum of energy, buzzing just beneath my skin. My eyes shot open just in time to see the book begin to glow with a soft, bluish light. The air around me crackled with static, like the air before a lightning strike.


"What the…?" I muttered, watching in disbelief as the book dissolved into light, which spiraled around my hand before sinking into my skin. I stared at my palm, feeling the energy still buzzing faintly.


"It worked," i said, with a hint of satisfaction.


I blinked, dumbfounded. "I have… lightning affinity?"


It didn't seem possible, but I couldn't deny what had just happened. The knowledge of **Flash Steps** had imprinted itself in my mind, as clear as if I'd practiced it for years. There was a strange tingling sensation running through me, like I was more aware of the energy flowing around me.


I stood, my muscles still stiff from the battle, but I had to try it out. Focusing on the technique, I pushed my body to move. And just like that, I flickered forward in a blur of motion, covering several feet in an instant. The world blurred around me, and the wind rushed past as I reappeared further from the tent.


The movement was exhilarating, but I hadn't fully controlled it. I stumbled, catching myself on a nearby tree as I gasped for breath. Still, I had done it.


"I can't believe it," I whispered, staring at my hands in awe. As I came out of the camp I saw the elves beginning to move towards the forest.


I thanked their leader and slyfie once again before heading towards the academy. The academy exams will be held in a few hours, I needed to hurry If want to make it in time


The elf glanced toward the darkened forest. "We'll be heading back to the slave traders' camp soon, to see if we can find any more traces of the demonic human."


I gave her a nod, my mind still reeling from the experience. I watched as she and the others melted back into the shadows of the trees, disappearing like ghosts into the night.


When they were gone, I found myself standing alone in the clearing, the quiet settling in around me. My body still ached, but I could feel the new energy coursing through me—a power I hadn't known I possessed.

But there was no time to dwell on it. I still had a long road ahead of me. This was just the beginning.

I plan to cover the academy entrance in the next chapters. Sorry for the delay


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