
Tales of an Extra: The Hero No One Expected

Malik was just an ordinary kid, living a normal life, until a chance encounter sets him on a path that he could never have imagined. One day, while walking down the street, he was approached by a strange and pale old man who handed him a withered old book and before Before malik could even figure out what was going on the old man vanished and disappeared without a trace, leaving him bewildered and wary. Years went by, and malik almost forgot about that strange encounter. But one day after his final exams, a series of bizarre events began to unfold, leading him from one unexpected situation to another. Just when things could not get worse, malik ends up being pulled through a spatial rift into an entirely unknown world—one filled with dangers, secrets, and the echoes of the old man’s enigmatic words. In this new world, malik finds himself enrolled in a hunter academy, realizing that he has become an extra in the very story from the old man’s book. Struggling to survive in a place where he was never meant to belong, malik must now adapt to this harsh reality. This is my first Novel, so hope you can read it with an open mind and consider supporting me on https://ko-fi.com/dragonworrior10 or patreon.com/DRAGONWORRIOR10

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28 Chs

The Entrance Ceremony I

After the match, I was led to the medical bay. My body, still aching and bruised from the fight, was in desperate need of attention. Inside the room, a strange blend of aromas hit my nose—herbs, ointments, and the subtle scent of magic in the air. Healers moved swiftly around, tending to applicants like me who had pushed their limits. The process of healing was fascinating, something I had never witnessed up close.


They started by applying special ointments around my wounds. I could feel it's cool touch soothing the sharp sting of my cuts, the balm working almost immediately to ease the pain. But the real magic began when they applied holy light to the areas. A soft glow enveloped my skin, and I watched in awe as the wounds started to heal right before my eyes. The combination of magic and medicine wasn't just about closing the cuts; it seemed to enhance the body's natural ability to heal, speeding up what would have taken weeks into mere minutes.


Despite the relief I felt, it was clear that the healing wasn't perfect. While the magic helped close the wounds, it still left me with a dull ache—a reminder that I had been through something brutal. The healers explained that their method wasn't a miracle cure; instead, it focused on amplifying the body's natural healing process. While this meant faster recovery, the pain and exhaustion remained.


After they finished their work and ensured I was stable, I was allowed to leave the healing room. On my way out, I glanced around at the other applicants. Some were in worse shape than me—students with arms in slings, others barely able to sit up straight. Some, horrifyingly, were missing limbs. It became clear that not everyone had been as lucky as I was. There were rumors that some of the senior students had sadistic tendencies, deliberately pushing their opponents to the edge. I winced at the sight, realizing just how brutal the academy could be.


I made my way to the waiting area again, stomach grumbling. I was famished after leaving the healing bay, so I grabbed some food to eat. As I filled my plate, I could hear the quiet murmurs around me—whispers about my match, about how I had outwitted Lannister and pulled off the win. The conversations were a mix of praise and disbelief, but most of all, it was clear that people had noticed me. I wasn't just some nameless applicant anymore. I would prefer to remain low-key, but I won't shy away from attention especially if it will dismay bullies. This is one lesson I learned back when I was bullied. At first I thought it was because I was weaker than them and didn't have a lot of friends, but I quickly realized the reason they picked on me was because I was isolated and too few people knew me. The more people know you the lesser the likely hood of getting bullied.


Once I had eaten my fill, I returned to the hall where they were announcing the results. Names were called one by one, those who had passed being directed to collect their belongings in the next hall. I stood in silence, waiting anxiously. The tension in the air was thick as some students, realizing their names wouldn't be called, began to walk away with defeated looks on their faces. Some had tried their best, but this academy wasn't kind to those who didn't meet its standards. The guards tried to offer some encouragement, saying they could try again next year, but we all knew how expensive the entrance fees were. For many, this had been their one and only shot.


I watched as the names of those from influential families were called—Jayden, Melissa, and others. They had been waiting in private rooms, far from the anxious crowds, their servants ready to announce when their time had come. It was a luxury I couldn't afford. I remained standing, foot tapping nervously on the stone floor as I waited for my own name.


As the minutes dragged on, my heart began to pound harder in my chest. 'What if my name wasn't called? What if I hadn't made it after all?' The thought gnawed at me, each second stretching out unbearably. My mind was racing, torn between hope and dread. The relief I had felt from the healing earlier—the soft glow of magic that had closed my wounds—was fading fast, replaced by a gnawing anxiety that threatened to overwhelm me. I could still feel the ache in my muscles, but it was nothing compared to the unease now creeping up my spine.


The hall grew quieter as more names were called, the crowd thinning out. I glanced around at the other hopefuls, some still waiting like me, their faces a mix of anticipation and fear. Those who were rejected slunk away with downcast eyes, while others were congratulated by friends or family, their joy a sharp contrast to the nervous silence that surrounded the rest of us.


Each time the examiner's voice rang out, my stomach churned. My breath felt shallow, and I could almost hear the thudding of my heartbeat in my ears. What if I had miscalculated during the fight? What if my effort wasn't enough? Doubt crept into my mind like a shadow, and despite everything, I couldn't shake the terrifying possibility that my name might never be called.


Seconds turned into minutes, and the tension became almost unbearable. The uncertainty weighed on me, pressing down like a lead blanket... until finally, my name was called.


"Applicant number 3747, Darius, please proceed to pick up your academy kit for your stay in the academy."


At first, I was dumbstruck, my mind struggling to process what I had just heard. The examiner repeated the announcement, and this time it hit me—I had passed the entrance exam. I felt a surge of relief and joy, though I kept my outward composure. Inside, I was rejoicing.


I made my way to the next area, where the academy staff pointed. The room was lined with intricate equipment, all of which seemed advanced beyond anything I had seen in my previous world. Before receiving our kits, we had to pass through a machine that detected any traces of demonic energy in our systems. While not 100% accurate, it worked effectively enough to filter out demonic humans from entering the academy.


Next, we underwent medical examinations. They inspected our bodies for any tattoos or symbols, asking about any illnesses or genetic conditions, but the part that truly fascinated me was the blood test. Unlike the syringes and vials used in my previous world, where we would have to wait for days to get test results based on a serious of chemical labs test. The process was far more advanced and almost magical in the academy. The machine used for the test was a sleek, metallic sphere. Its surface gleamed, engraved with runes that pulsed softly with light, hinting at the intricate mechanisms within.


When I placed my finger into a narrow slot at the top, the machine made a barely noticeable pinprick to draw blood. From there, the real marvel began. The blood flowed through a long, transparent tube that spiraled down from the machine, passing through what looked like thin, floating sheets of mana, each layer suspended like shimmering veils of light.


Each sheet of mana had its own distinct glow, varying from pale blue to deep violet, and as the blood moved through the layers, these ethereal sheets responded to it, analyzing its properties. The mana interacted with the blood cells, reacting to any impurities, abnormalities, or traces of demonic influence. If anything was detected, the color of the mana sheet would shift, sending signals back to the main system, alerting the health inspector.


The entire process was live, instantaneous. The mana sheets worked in perfect synchrony, scanning for issues in a matter of seconds, something that would have taken hours or even days back on Earth. What made it even more efficient was that these mana layers were attuned to detect specific types of ailments, from diseases to arcane afflictions, making the machine far more versatile than anything science alone could achieve.


As the tube wound its way through the final layer, the blood sample returned to normal, and the machine hummed softly, signaling that no abnormalities were found. I marveled at how seamless the process was—quick, efficient, and powered by a blend of technology and magic that was beyond anything I had ever imagined.


After my examination, with no concerning conditions found, I was guided to a vast hall lined with tables. Each table had a briefcase-like box—our student kits. The architecture of the hall was breathtaking, with intricate carvings and elegant designs that made the building feel... *otherworldly*. The artistry here prioritized aesthetics over practicality, unlike the straightforward, cost-effective designs of my previous world. Every wall and pillar seemed to tell a story, adding to the grandeur of the academy. As I glanced around the hall, there I saw a signboard in a writing that seem readable to me somehow, it read students between 3500 to 3999.


As I approached the counter, the grand hall felt eerily quiet compared to earlier. Most students had already collected their kits, leaving only a few late comers like me. The light from the chandeliers overhead cast long shadows across the room, giving the space an almost surreal glow. At the counter, a friendly-looking student greeted me with a smile that seemed genuine, despite what I imagined had been a long day for them.


"Hello, may I get your application number and name?" the student on the other side of the counter asked in a professional tone, though their demeanor remained approachable.


"3747, Darius," I replied, my voice still tinged with the exhaustion of the day's events.


"Ah, here we go." The student handed me a briefcase, sturdy yet elegant, with the academy's crest embossed on the front. "This is your academic kit. It contains everything you'll need during your time here—a rule book, a key watch, your uniform, and some other essentials. Once you wear the key watch, it will automatically assign your room. Make sure to rest up before tomorrow. The entrance ceremony with the headmaster is in the morning, and you'll also be able to check your class assignment on the watch. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the academy rules."


I nodded, gripping the briefcase tightly as if the weight of it symbolized more than just school supplies. "Thank you," I murmured, turning to find a nearby bench.


As I sat down, I couldn't help but pause and take in my surroundings for a moment. The hall was vast and imposing, with its high ceilings adorned with intricate carvings. Unlike the utilitarian designs of my previous world, the architecture here seemed to blend functionality with a strange, otherworldly beauty. Each wall was decorated with flowing patterns and symbols that seemed to dance when the light hit them just right.


I placed the briefcase beside me before opening it. The contents were neatly arranged: a pristine uniform folded with military precision, a slim rule book, and at the very top, the key watch. I picked up the watch, its sleek design both elegant and intimidating. The band was made from a material I couldn't quite place—something between metal and leather, smooth but incredibly durable.


With a deep breath, I strapped the watch onto my wrist. The moment the clasp clicked into place, a soft hum vibrated through my skin, and the watch sprang to life. A translucent, holographic screen appeared above it, displaying several options in crisp lettering. After a few moments, a notification appeared, revealing my assigned room. Relief washed over me—at least I wouldn't have to wander aimlessly.


Scrolling through the other options, I skimmed the basic settings, rules, and other information. The academy's rule book was extensive, outlining everything from curfew times to the different factions within the school. There was even a section dedicated to mana control and usage guidelines. It was a stark reminder of the world I now found myself in—one that blended magic with the mundane in ways I was still struggling to comprehend.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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