
Tales of an Extra: The Hero No One Expected

Malik was just an ordinary kid, living a normal life, until a chance encounter sets him on a path that he could never have imagined. One day, while walking down the street, he was approached by a strange and pale old man who handed him a withered old book and before Before malik could even figure out what was going on the old man vanished and disappeared without a trace, leaving him bewildered and wary. Years went by, and malik almost forgot about that strange encounter. But one day after his final exams, a series of bizarre events began to unfold, leading him from one unexpected situation to another. Just when things could not get worse, malik ends up being pulled through a spatial rift into an entirely unknown world—one filled with dangers, secrets, and the echoes of the old man’s enigmatic words. In this new world, malik finds himself enrolled in a hunter academy, realizing that he has become an extra in the very story from the old man’s book. Struggling to survive in a place where he was never meant to belong, malik must now adapt to this harsh reality. This is my first Novel, so hope you can read it with an open mind and consider supporting me on https://ko-fi.com/dragonworrior10 or patreon.com/DRAGONWORRIOR10

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Duterra I

As I was transiting between worlds, a flood of memories from the novel the old man gave me surged back into my mind. The world within that book was called Duterra, a realm brimming with mystique and complexity. Though the journey felt like an eternity to me, it lasted only a second in real time. My senses were overwhelmed, my thoughts disoriented by the transition. The title of the novel was 'The Tale of the Hero and the Doomed World' which made a profound impact on me.


The story was set in a world much like our own, but with one crucial difference—humans possessed extraordinary abilities due to a force known as mana. Mana was the lifeblood of Duterra, an enigmatic energy that flowed through every living being, akin to blood circulating through veins. Early humans had discovered methods to harness this mana, developing techniques that granted them incredible powers. These abilities were honed over generations, becoming integral to their society.


Before the rise of humans, Duterra was dominated by dragons and other primordial beings, including ancient dinosaur-like creatures similar to earth. The dragons were the world's ultimate guardians, birthed from the primal elements over centuries and gaining self-awareness. At the pinnacle of their hierarchy was the Dragon King, also known as the Heavenly Dragon King. Unlike other dragons, the Dragon King wielded a force called the Draconic Force, allowing him to command the rawest of energies and maintain balance among the dragons and other mythical beings that manifested from the raw primal energies.


As time passed, other mythical creatures emerged through evolution, yet some arrived from beyond Duterra. Among them were the Phoenix, a celestial being that once roamed the cosmos, and the Leviathan, the original guardian of the abyss. Both sought refuge under the Dragon King's dominion, fleeing from the relentless battle with the usurpers of their authorities and essence. The Phoenix, now residing atop the highest peaks, and the Leviathan, a colossal being lurking in the ocean's depths, carried scars from their battles, nearly as powerful as the Elemental Dragons yet bound by a shared history of survival. Despite their might, neither posed a threat to the Dragon King, for they had come seeking his protection.


The Elemental Dragons, each born from a distinct primal element—Earth, Wind, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Nature, and Water—served as ancient and powerful guardians of Duterra. These majestic beings presided over their respective elemental domains, maintaining the delicate equilibrium of the world. The Earth Dragon, steady and unyielding, ruled the mountains and forests, while the Wind Dragon roamed the skies, swift and untamed. The Fire Dragon commanded the blazing volcanoes, its fury unmatched, as the Ice Dragon reigned over the frozen tundra's, cold and unrelenting. The Lightning Dragon, residing high above storm cloud across the sea governed the lighting domain, while the Nature Dragon fostered life and growth in the wilds. Finally, the Water Dragon resided in the deepest oceans, guiding the flow of life through rivers and seas.


Together, these Elemental Dragons kept the world in balance, their combined influence ensuring the stability of the elements. Each dragon's domain was a sanctuary of pure elemental energy, and their existence was intertwined with the very fabric of Duterra itself. They were not only guardians of their domains but also protectors of the natural order, watching over the world from afar as they upheld the ancient laws established by the Dragon King.


 As time turned into centuries, an environment that was suitable for humans came to be as the mythical being and the elemental dragon became dormant in their respective domains. A sort of equilibria was created between the elements and the mythical leviathan and phoenix became being that ascended the primal energies from which there were birthed from. With the Phoenix inhabiting the sky and the Leviathan inhabiting the deepest parts of the earths and ocean, humans began to explore the surface world of duterra. The elemental dragon maintained their own respected domains and left the humans to explore as much as the wanted.


With the arrival of humans, the balance began to shift. Humans started harnessing mana and elemental energy, gradually depleting the elemental abundance that once flourished in Duterra. As humans continued to draw on this power, the Phoenix and Leviathan, who had thrived on the abundant elemental energies, grew increasingly agitated. Viewing humans as usurpers, they launched devastating rampages. The Phoenix, in its wrath, set entire forests ablaze, while the Leviathan unleashed chaos in the oceans, causing massive tidal waves and storms.


The conflicts between these mythical beasts and humans were catastrophic. Cities were destroyed, and countless lives were lost. The Phoenix's fiery attacks scorched landscapes, while the Leviathan's fury drowned entire coastal settlements. The humans, though resilient, were struggling to defend themselves against such overwhelming forces. The elemental dragons, despite their sympathy for humanity, refrained from intervening, remaining aloof and enigmatic. Their existence became shrouded in mystery, a distant legend rather than active protectors.


Realizing the peril posed by the Phoenix and Leviathan, the Dragon King took drastic action. To prevent further devastation, he sealed both the Phoenix and the Leviathan within his own dimensional domain thus sealing himself with them. This act of confinement was meant to preserve the remaining elemental balance and protect humanity from the beasts' wrath. However, this action came at a cost. Without the Dragon King's influence and the rapid siphoning of mana by humans, the Elemental Dragons began to weaken, their power dwindling over time. Eventually, they went extinct, leaving only their lesser kin—the Wyverns and Drakes.


As human civilization continued to rise, they became the predominant force in Duterra. They established dominance over the world, relegating the Dragon King to the realm of forgotten legend. The Dragon King's once-majestic reign was now a mere tale of yore.


In the world of the novel, the discovery of mana marked a pivotal turning point. This mysterious and potent resource catalyzed rapid advancements, pushing humanity into an era of unprecedented progress. Early humans tapped into mana's potential, developing diverse techniques such as chi, magic, and elemental control. This led to a surge in technological and scientific achievements.


Yet, the rise of mana came with grave consequences. As nations grew more powerful and competitive, the pursuit of mana drove them into fierce conflicts. Wars erupted across the globe as factions vied for control over this precious resource. Some saw mana as a divine gift meant for the betterment of humanity, while others sought to exploit it for domination.


Amidst these internal conflicts, a darker threat emerged—an invasion from beyond Duterra. Demons from another realm began to infiltrate, sowing discord and manipulating existing wars. Their influence spread like a malignant shadow, exacerbating the chaos and pushing humanity toward the brink of annihilation. Their ultimate goal was to conquer and corrupt the world, plunging it into a state of eternal darkness.

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