
Tales of A Drunkard and Cherry Blossoms

disclaimer: every book I post will have a minimum of 5 initial chapters. If the concept is cool to you, and you want to see more of it comment that, and I'll continue posting another 10 chapters. Most of all, I'd deeply appreciate feedback as an up and coming author. Thank you. Ever since Argonauts curse the world has been full of danger, but also wonder. Islands on the clouds Towers that pierce the stratosphere Dungeons filled with frightening beasts Demons, Angels, Gods, Titans, and Magic Beasts Enter- Itami a boy who dreams of being a hero like those of myth. Through his journey he goes through countless trials and tribulations that make him question what being a hero means. Would you like to watch it with me? If so, let's start in the beginning. FROM THE AUTHOR: This is my first novel and I'm posting it to get feedback. I did right the synopsis in a rush, so please don't judge the entire story off that. If you're interested about the full story of the lore the prologue will explain that otherwise skip it. The story takes 7 to 10 chapters to get to the more action portion, and the pace doesn't slow down. Whether it be harsh or nice I will accept criticisms with open arms, and if you have questions please ask. Most importantly, while I have my own vision for this story, I would love to hear yours. ** yes, I have the first 10 chapters done but it's subject to change. ** Let's not just go through Itami's journey, but mine as well.

Harlow_Crownin · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

I am Edward Pendragon (Chapter 15)

Third POV:

"What!! How did that happen? I thought Magic Beasts from dungeons couldn't leave," Itami said with a bewildered face. "No, that's what the Dons want you to believe. 

However, magic beasts can leave whenever they want to. Think about it. If magic beasts were incapable of leaving, would there be a need for many Armada to be stationed outside the towers?"

"Okay, I've got two questions then. Who are the Dons, and why don't they want the public to know," said Itami with a firm face. 

Now, It was Kage's turn to be bewildered.

"You don't know who the Dons are??"

"Nope, not a clue," said Itami with a straight face.

"What were your parents teaching you!! **sigh** The Dons are the leaders of the 100 best Armada. Their power equals the Guild, the governing body over all Chevalier." Kage said with passion.

This deeply surprised Itami because he'd never seen Kage talk with that much passion before. 'It's clear their importance if even uncle revere's them?'

"If they're that powerful, why don't they want the public to know?" Itami said in confusion.

"It's because it would hit them in their wallets. If they came out and told them that their lives were in danger, many people would leave. One of the reasons people go to tower towns to make it big is the business opportunity. 

However, this is what makes them flourish. Tower towns are a melting pot of many different cultures and ethnicities. This is where the Armadas and the Guild come in. 

Inside the tower, there are many useful things for the common populace. These can range from magic treasures to basic herbs-" 

"If that's the case, then why does it matter if the public knows or not if you can only get them in the dungeon," said Itami in deeper confusion.

"That's the point because they're not exclusives. Aside from magic weapons, which are rare, most other items like herbs are products of having concentrated amounts of ether in the area. Many other areas with powerful beings could stimulate the growth of those items without having thousands of monsters swarming the area."

"That is evil. Endangering innocent people like that because they want to fill their greedy pockets," Itami said with disgust.

"Is it? If the general populace found out, that the towers were filled with monsters, there'd be mass panic. Because their main cause is money, it doesn't mean the public doesn't benefit," said Kage.

Hearing this, Itami got lost in thought.

"Anyway, let's get back on topic, Illucard. With your current strength, you'd probably die facing it. However, there is a way you can beat it."

"How uncle?", Itami said desperately.

"Calm down. It's simpler than you think. All you've got to do is use your aspect." 

"That's not simple at all. I haven't been able to use my aspect since it was unlocked. How am I supposed to do it now?"

"That's up to you to figure out. You must remember every aspect is different, and has different requirements for use."

Itami's POV:

After hearing his uncle's words, Itami internally sighed.

'The problem is I already know how to use it. However, the requirement is too high, and I can't bear it. 

Dammit, I guess I've got to do it.

I've got to open that Book.

Otherwise, there's no way I can defeat the Illucard.'

Third POV:

After Itami decided to open the book in his mind space, he walked to his room because tomorrow was going to be a long day, and he needed some rest.

The next day, Itami went out and picked a moss from one of the caves in the mountains that induced the effects of paralysis.

Although he lived in the Hana domain, he didn't find out about it from a walk around nature or a book his dad read him.

He had found out about it the hard way after eating it the day after Kage left, confusing it for another type of moss.

That day Itami decided, despite his knowledge of different plants, that he'd never pick one up in the wild, and eat it again. 

After he retrieved the moss from the mountains, he went to his room ripped one of his tops in half, and wrapped the shredded sheet around his mouth in case he could still scream. 

Then, making sure the cloth fit around his mouth. He went to the kitchen and fixed himself lunch and dinner. 

He ate the lunch solemnly as if it was his last meal before death, and stored the dinner in the fridge because he knew he'd be hungry afterward regardless if he succeeded or not.

Five minutes later, he finished eating; he begrudgingly went into his room, mixed the moss with some water, and drank it.

Why not mix it into his food?

Because if he was going to torture himself, he wasn't going to eat s**** before doing it.

5 mins later

Once Itami made sure he was poisoned, and the cloth was wrapped around his mouth tightly, he laid down on his bed and went into his mindscape.

Once he got into his mindscape, he looked at the book with every piece of malice he had in him and opened it up.

Once again, he saw many random pictures, videos, and people. The pain wasn't as bad as the first time because of the poison, but it was still painful. 

Then suddenly, the pictures intensified, and he saw images of war, and people dying. He'd never made it this far, so he didn't know what was happening. 

It was a strange and gruesome sight. Thousands of different corpses, all bathed in red, and telling different stories. They were doctors, hunters, and warriors, but most importantly, they were dads, uncles, children, and mothers. 

He didn't know why he knew them, but because of them, he felt an unspeakable level of grief and anger.

He wanted revenge. 

Then suddenly, the images changed again, and he saw a dagger, a spear, and a sword stuck inside him. 

Then, the figure holding the sword said some odd words with a smile. She said, "I'm sorry big brother, but please die for me."

Afterward, a flash bang hit my eyes, and an old man was standing before me.

"I am Edward Pendragon".