
Tale of Twin God

You can`t broke something ruined. This is story about two people that tried to change their fate, quench their thirst and satiate their anger. Follow the adventure of John and Jane, twins that tried to embark on journey of cultivation to fulfil their wish. The road was thorny, filled with dread and blood. Two polar opposite that tried their best to help and understand each other. What can they found at the end of the road? is that what they always looking for? ======================================= Well, this is my very first novel, I tried to polish my english writing skill by creating this story. i hope everyone can enjoy this story, i`m not a professional writer and english not my main language, so any insight to the writing technique and stories telling always welcome. thank you very much.

timbangan · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

The Thorny and The Fool

People used to say 'never go to the edge of civilization', a place where wilderness and civilization clashed, a place that so bad it attracts so many people to change their course of life. This place offers many opportunities and prizes, yet it also places where people buried their bones and put their soul away. In this place, you can find death and fortune in every corner, you may seek it but you can`t force it, because once you force it, it will be as good as death. It was almost funny to think that

At the Edge of Civilization, stood tall a city that so big you can`t even see where it ends. No one know who made it, it almost feels like it appeared out of nowhere, a place that created in a blink of an eye to give comfort for people that seek their own fortunes here. According to the legend, before this city erected, this place was a bank of a river, but after so many years, people didn't see any water anymore, but this city still called white river city. This city stood so tall that you might think you are at the edge of the world because if you stood in front of it, you won`t be able to saw what was on the opposite of the city.

For millions of people, white river city was their whole life. The street always packed with people and chaos. This city was so chaotic that it creates their own set of rules. In this city, you can saw many people bring their weapon on their hip, back or hands. This sightseeing is kind of unique by itself, because even though you can saw their weapon on their body, you won`t see anyone draw it. If you asked anyone why they didn't dare to draw their weapon here, the answer will always be the same, this was the last sanctuary for everyone, no need to rush anything that can be done beyond the wall. For everyone here, this place was the safest place they can think of, and no one want to change it.

As a place that closest to death and dream, this city always provides anyone with everything they need. When you didn`t know when death knock on your door but know enough it was in the next room, you always tried to live your life to the fullest and depressed over it. The impulse everyone feel here was the most real, you always feel it was the right thing to did things based on it. when you feel you need to vent your lust, you can find many brothels here, when you want to numb the pain, you can drunks from many taverns here, and when you want to kill someone to satiate your anger, you can just jump beyond the tall wall and look for trouble. For many people, this is the best place they can even think of.

This place was the melting pot of everything, you can find the good, the best, the bad and the worst here. This place will never let anyone down.

On the hottest day of White River City, the street will stank of sweat and shit, especially if you walk around the brothel district area. This place always lively no matter what time people visit it. When someone walk on this place, they will lost their track of time because everything was under the shade of red colour. When the sun was on their highest point, the light will be shone upon the red transparent linen that laid on every roof from building to building. The redness made people attracted to come, yet it also gives a dreariness feeling after you did your thing here. People just went as fast as they came.

In the brothel district number 13, stood a big building that give impression of grandness filled with lust. When people saw it from a far, they would think this place look like a woman that spread their leg, the tallest building was placed on the right and left side of the main building, the roof was curved from the center to the both sides, and the most prominent embodiment of lust was the prostitutes that lean their body on the window and try to attract customers. This place was the most famous brothel in this district, the place where you can find the prettiest flower that bloom in the earliest sunrise then picked before moon completely gone. No one know what the real name of this establishment, but many people call it morning dew brothel, just like what they offer to their customer.

In one of the rooms of morning dew brothel, laid a girl with prettiest face that someone can think of. Her hair color was as black as night here, skin as pale as jade and lovely oval shaped face. She is one of the stars of this establishment, many people want her yet only few can have it. her long eyelashes tremble gently when sun shine upon her face, her body feels heavy but the light can`t made her eyes keep closed. When she opened her eyes, people can see a pupil with clear brown colour, the eyes were so clear that made many people think they can see through her soul, and see themselves filled her heart. With a gentle move she moved her body up, the tiredness is kinda unbearable for her, but it was something that always happen every day. After she open her eyes, she looked at the man on her side.

Beside her, someone sleeping soundly with light snore, the man looked innocent and handsome, yet every breath he takes will made any normal people trembled. From every breath, people can feel a strong energy that anyone can`t think from someone this young. She smiles when she saw that man was smiling on his sleep. This man was someone that she always dreams of, a big shot from cultivation world. This dream of her was the drive that made her come this dark side of the city when she was only a kid that start to sprout.

Her daydream stops when someone knock softly from outside of her room. The girl knew who was it, so she starts to wear her cloth carelessly and leave many places open.

"Jane, you awake?" said someone from the other side of the room.

Jane opened the door slowly and walk out of the room. In front of her stood someone with same height as her. The teenage boy in front of her had same facial feature as her, they had same thin lips and pointy nose, if someone saw them, they will know they were twins just from their identical looks. Even though they look so similar, they have a day and night difference on their eyes, the girl had almons shaped eyes yet the boy had droopy eyes that made people think he was lazy, and even though the girl eyes as clear as the starry skies, the boy eyes look like the skies the before storm at night. His eyes look so black that it doesn't reflect any light, and most people agree that looking at his eyes will made someone unease because you won`t be able to see what was beyond that eyes.

"Why you broke our promise?" the boy asked with irritation. Something that almost never happened before.

"Why you care now, John?" Asked Jane back with sharp tone.

John exhaled a deep breath, he didn`t know what he should do now.

"I never broke our promises, you said I`m not allowed to sleep with anyone above 30. So I did!"

The word Jane said made John ponder for a while. Yeah, he did said that when his twin start to do the deed she wasn`t allowed to sleep with anyone above 30, but that wasn`t the point at all. He now regrets his lack of wisdom of this world again, he was just a frog in a thousands deep well, he knows he can dive deep enough but don`t know how big the sky is. He never thought that there will be someone with age of less than 30 and already a plucking the fate realm of cultivation appear in this place.

"I need the money and his connection John, that`s the only way we can reach our dream" Said Jane softly.

"Did you need this revenge so badly? We can drop it off and go wherever we want." John tried to convince her.

"If you want to start a new and drop any of this idea, I can kill everyone here that ever touch you, I will kill everyone here in this establishment that know your deed, I will kill everyone on the list of your customer, I won`t let anyone know any of this, so please?." John pleading voice made Jane moved, he was always a quiet guy, since he was little he never talk much and show any emotion.

"I will even kill him if you want start a new now." The coldness in his voice made Jane go quiet.

"Why John? After all this years I never ask why you let me do this, but why now you act so strange?" Jane spoke with pained voice.

Her twin was the smartest guy she ever knew. After that incident, her twin was the one that provide her with anything. He was the one that teach her everything she had, he taught her how to read, how to count, how to speak eloquently, how to sing, and many more. He was the teacher of her life, and the only thing that disturbing her heart was when he didn`t do anything when she started this way of revenge.

"I had the knowledge, but not the wisdom" Said John as he starred at the sky.

"I am not smart enough to let you satiate your anger, I don`t have any direction to guide you through all of this. The only thing I can did was to stood there with you facing all this" He continued with a sigh.

He blamed himself for how incompetent he was, compared to her sister, he was the dumber one. You can have all the knowledge of this world but that doesn`t mean you can apply any of it the right way. Well, that was what he should do though, he was a blade, not a thinker. He was made to cut, not for planning and conspiring.

Hearing that, Jane grabbed her twin hand and put it on her forehead. Her brother body temperature was always low, his hand always feels as cold as a winter wind here in edge of civilization. Jane tried to calm her mind with this coolness, she was too excited for the chance that she always dreams off. Even though she tried to calm her mind, the flame in her heart never stopped burning.

"No, John. We will have our revenge no matter what." Jane said it so cold that the temperature in the room feels go down the drain. John was startled.

It`s happening and he can`t stop it.