
Tale of Twin God

You can`t broke something ruined. This is story about two people that tried to change their fate, quench their thirst and satiate their anger. Follow the adventure of John and Jane, twins that tried to embark on journey of cultivation to fulfil their wish. The road was thorny, filled with dread and blood. Two polar opposite that tried their best to help and understand each other. What can they found at the end of the road? is that what they always looking for? ======================================= Well, this is my very first novel, I tried to polish my english writing skill by creating this story. i hope everyone can enjoy this story, i`m not a professional writer and english not my main language, so any insight to the writing technique and stories telling always welcome. thank you very much.

timbangan · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Journey Begin

John starred at his twin, his look was profound. Everything was his fault to begin with, and to make it worst, he didn`t do much. All this time he only provides her what he can think of, not what she really needs. This selfish act was the only way he can think of with every wisdom on his mind, only if he was wiser when all of this start, or at least he was more experienced like he was now, he was sure that he can protect his sister more, and not let her did any of this bullshit. What his sister did was in line with what his way of thinking.

"Jane I ask you, are you really want to walk this road?" Said John with deep voice, Jane was startled with his brother seriousness.

"DO you really want to walk this road that filled with pain? You will be degraded, you will be tortured, you will always ask your conscience if it was the right thing to do, the pain will overshadowing the pain" John asking again without giving any time for Jane to speak at all.

Jane startled, it was the first time John act like this. In her memories, John was always a laid back kid with profound knowledge of everything. The first memory of her brother was when she was 1 year old, her brother always sat at the edge of their room enjoying the sun. She never knows why John always smiling whenever he was sunbathing, and it always happen even now. This John in front of her was someone she never knew, from the start from when he was knocking on her room till now, he gave off different vibe.

"I`m ready" jane said it resolutely.

Hearing this John get up from his seat. He was pondering for a while if it was the right thing to do. He was the one that cut off his sister dao when they were 5. He was someone that born to cut anything under the heaven, it was his role. Cutting his sister dao wasn`t something hard for him, they were 5, and his sister was like a blank paper with a heavy destiny. Cutting mortal from dao was easy thing, so long you are allowed and know how to, you can do it with ease, but the price was steep. He was the one and the only one that this world allow to cut mortal from the dao, and he did it to his sister. This one time deal was salvation heaven give to her sister, and he was the one that bear it.

But now, he will undo everything he did after he paid the price to cut her dao. He can only sigh, maybe it was his foolishness to did everything. How can someone cut someone from their destiny? you can run, but you can`t stop it. This contemplation made him regret everything, he was a fool, and his sister too. But everything he did was to prepare her sister mind, she can`t be beaten down the road, he need to made her sister realize that the thing she want to do wasn`t something a flower that grown in the garden can do. He need to made his sister the thorniest flower, he need to made his sister unbreakable on her walk, she can be trampled but no one can made it wither.

You can`t broke something ruined.

No, his sister wasn`t ruined. She was tempered.

John take something from her pocket, this thing was something he was prepared for many years. The reason why they move to this god forsaken place, the thing that he paid dearly.

"Would you embark the path of cultivation?" John ask Jane while she hold her sister hand.

Jane startled. The reason why she become prostitute was this. She can`t cultivate. She need the power as fast as she can so she can get her revenge. When the main road was closed, you need to take a detour even though the road was longer and the gravel was sharp. She was ready to bleed her body from the day she knows she can`t embark the journey of cultivation. She made meticulous plan for the next twenty years while prostituting her body to get what she wants. Last night event cut her plan for almost ten years, and yet now? His brother bring her to square one.

Why would he do that? Why he allowed her to walk this shameful walk, he literally took all her cloth while did it. He was become man plaything, the most expensive one. She was the sweetest dew a man can taste, she was the prettiest flower a man can pick, but why her brother let her do it all. She was a woman, a maiden at that time. Why he let her bear all the pain and shame, why now off all time. An anger rose from her heart to her brother, she felt betrayed.

Shiver come through from every part of her body. The emotion was so overbearing. She hated her own body more than anything in this world. This body was his tool of revenge, a tool won`t feel anything even when it was licked, touched, grabbed, penetrated. I sold myself to the devil, but now I know I sold it to wrong devil. Her twin was the biggest devil that can led her to her revenge.

"How, and why?" She cried as she removes all her clothes and spread her leg.

Her mind stopped working, she felt so broken right now that she did it all as a reflect, she was ready to give everything so long she can cultivate. She doesn`t care if it was her twin, her brother or even anyone, so long she can embark on the journey, her tool, her body can be used as they pleased. Her broken mind was so apparent that it was painful to watch.

John look at the sky once again, he was shaken. So it was all his fault. He grab her sister clothes and put it on her body back. He help her to stand up put the sleeve on her sister arm. After the clothes was on her sister body, he tidy it up, he sweep away all the tear from her face.

"Everything was my fault. I`m the biggest fool to let everything happen to you" For the first time in his life, he felt genuinely sad. He put his cold hand on her sister face, let the coldness bring back her calmness and made her mind under control. She hold his brother hand tightly, this is the warmest devil hand she ever felt.

"How and why John, why everything was your fault?" Jane asking when her shaken mind completely gone. She put all the cultivation matter behind, the sadness in John eyes was much more important than anything in this world, and she want it all to go away.

"No, you can`t know it yet" John shakes his head.

Realization comes to Jane mind, why did he so sad, is it connected to her cultivation? Will he die so she could cultivate? Thinking about John, that was the most possible answer. He always put everything for her first, and if It was the price for cultivation, he won`t be able to bear it.

John can`t cultivate, she know that. When they were tested for their aptitude, both of them can`t even light the stale. Their cultivation talent was zero, it almost feels like they were born without any destiny with the dao.

"Whats the price for the cultivation, John? Whats the price?" Her teenage girl shaked when she talk. At this time, everyone that can hear her voice will be tempted with how youthful her voice is. The voice almost childish without any taint or sin.

"Everything Jane. The price will be too big" He sighed.

"Will you die?" The voice become more trembled.

John shakes his head.

"No, jane. I already pay my price. Its you" He look at her with his profound eyes.

"It will cost you everything" He said it almost like a whisper.

"So long its not you, John"

"I`m ready, I will even burn this world for our revenge"

John then give the thing that he hold in his hand. It was a marble with blue and white stripe, almost look like a miniature of the sky. This thing was something that he pays so much that he feels dumb to ever did that. This thing was his destiny. It was something that he prepared for himself, the essence of his very existence. And when he gave it to Jane, he knew that everything was over for him. He cut her destiny once to protect her, and now, she will bear his destiny so she can fulfil her destiny. Such a dumb paradox yet it was something he need to do to make sure his sister was strong enough to fulfil her destiny.

I come to this world because of you.

And now you will become part of my world.

"Swallow it"