

Humanity went into chaos when the flux gates arrived, millions of people lost their lives as monsters flooded out, all hope seemed to be lost. Until the echo's descended giving humanity a chance to fight back by granting them supernatural powers as they chose their hosts. Kaiser a boy with the inability to feel pain is granted one of the strongest echo's the world as ever seen, join him on his journey as he fights for his survival and uncovers mysteries buried by the very ones they call their saviours. Cover art was done by Latan on artstation.

Lazy_Writ3r · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: The Past 1

Struggling to wake up to his alarm ringing, kaiser open his eyes reluctantly as he stopping the alarm before standing up to go to the bathroom.

Standing in front of a mirror kaiser ran his hand through his white messy hair with a few black strands has he said to himself "Hmm, did I grow taller".

Freshening up kaiser came out of the bathroom after which he wore a white T-shirt and black shorts before leaving his room to eat breakfast.

Getting down the stairs kaiser saw Alice in the kitchen preparing breakfast while Freya was switching between channels on the tv, upon seeing freya, kaiser mood was instantly ruined.

Seeing as they hadn't noticed him yet kaiser quietly tried to sneak back up the stairs before he heard a voice call out to him.

"Good morning kaiser, care to join us for breakfast", Alice said has she made pancakes.

Kaiser cursed his luck as he replied "Nah, I think I will pass".

Moving to climb the stairs kaiser heard alice called him again but this time with aether infused into her voice, suddenly he felt a chill wash over him before turning his head to see alice smiling at him.

Knowing there was no escape kaiser came down the stairs before taking a sit on the couch, seeing as freya was staring at him on the other couch he immediately knew what was about to happen, turning his head to look around trying to find an escape his eyes locked unto his headphones.

Wasting no time kaiser leaped trying to pick up the headphones but freya had also noticed it too and also leaped at the same time to get it, kaiser seeing his escape so close was almost relieved before he saw a hand pass his, knowing the consequence of what he was about to do kaiser saw no other choice as he sent a punch straight at a freya's face.

Hoping she would move back to dodge and he would acquire his escape he sent that punch, but reality was often disappointing as freya grabbed his punch instead and tossed him unto the couch while she took his headphones.

Kaiser thought to himself as he accepted his fate 'I sometimes forget she is a drifter', freya walked over to him before sitting right beside him saying "did you really think you would win".

"No, but it was worth a shot", kaiser said as he steeled himself for what was to come.

Waiting for her to start talking kaiser was ready to tune out her voice but after sometime he noticed she didn't say anything, kaiser turned his head to look at her when he found her just staring at him before he could even say anything she said.

"What were you expecting me to do talk you to death or annoy you, normally I would have gone that but you have a free pass today", kaiser stared at her like she was some alien as he asked.

"What have you done to the real freya", hearing what he said a vein bulged on freya's head as she controlled herself be for saying.

"You're so lucky today was your birthday or I would have killed you".

Kaiser's eyes widened as he himself forgot today was his birthday he paused for a while before saying.

"Thanks", kaiser said with a smile.

Seeing the sincere smile on kaiser's face, freya couldn't help but show a smile of her own, but that didn't last as both of them heard alice call out to them saying.

"Breakfast is ready"

Hearing the announcement both of them frowned as they turned to look at each other they gulped their saliva as they walked to the kitchen, stopping in front of his food kaiser saw a purple looking thing on his plate, if he hadn't seen it in the past, he could have sworn it was alive.

Praying to whatever god was there in the sky to save him, kaiser picked up his spoon to eat the abomination on his plate when the door to the stairs opened revealing his savior.

Kayden opened the door of the stairs as he immediately smelled something horrible as the entire room was covered in the that particular odour. Spotting kaiser, kayden moved closer to ask him why the room was covered in this particular odour but it was a mistake.

Upon getting closer kayden immediately saw the cause of the odour, taking one look kayden turned his entire body to dash away but suddenly felt a tug on his shirt, turning his head to look back Kayden saw alice smiling with her eyes closed as she said

"Come join us, Kayden"

Kayden taking in a deep breath paused before saying

"I'm sorry alice", before he turned and fired a fireball at the pan and our plates.

Watching as my plate turn to ash I couldn't be happier as I turned to thank kayden before going to make some proper food for myself while kayden had to deal with alice.

After 30 mins of explaining why how he could have died and apologizing, alice finally forgave him while I finished eating, seeing as everyone was busy doing their own thing I decided to head back to my room when Kayden called out to me.

"Wait, I have something to show you", after saying that he ran to his room before coming back with two objects covered in bandages, looking closer I noticed one of the objects that was covered was longer than the other as he handed the them to him.

Looking at the gift, I thanked kayden before keeping the gift aside, as I looked around watching everyone as they did their own thing, kaiser couldn't help but think back to how his life was before he meet kayden.


Kaiser was born with the inability to feel physical pain and this was likely due to the fact he was born in a flux gate as child born within flux gates were often born with disabilities this was due to the high density of aether which was concentrated there.

The children who were born mostly underwent mutations trying to adapt to the environment which led to their deaths but kaiser was different kaiser's mutation eventually allowed him to passively absorb the aether in surrounding into his body strengthening it, the chances of this happening were very low but that was what kept him alive.

Unfortunately for kaiser this was both a blessing and a curse, after kaiser was born his parents had died in the flux gate defeating an A-rank monster, one of the party members had survived eventually bringing kaiser out of the flux gate.

Not knowing what to do with kaiser the party member named helix decided to drop him of at the closest orphanage.

Getting to the orphanage helix told the head mother kaiser's name before leaving, he didn't mention the name of kaiser's parents as he thought it would do kaiser no good.

Years passed as kaiser grew up in the orphanage, growing up kaiser knew he was different as he never cried, because of his white hair and weird behaviour the other children stayed away from him.

But after sometime they started to bully him, but kaiser himself didn't understand what they were doing as he thought this was how they played so when one of them threw a rock on kaiser's head, kaiser did the same but with a bigger rock causing the boy to bleed and cry.

Kaiser's body which was passively absorbing aether from the surrounding was stronger than that of most children his age so when the boy threw the rock on kaiser's head it didn't even leave a mark thoughtless of causing him any harm.

Kaiser not knowing what to do just stood there and watched as the other children gathered around the boy, fortunately one of the children went to call the head mother as she attended to the boy giving him quick first aid.

Later when she was done treating him, she asked the children what happened, but they all said it was kaiser's fault.

The head mother punished kaiser because of that incident as she locked him in a room without giving him food.

The head mother had always been wary of kaiser because of his strange attitude which led her to ignore him most of the time but this incident changed her mindset has she started to punish kaiser when he did something bad or the children reported him.

But kaiser never changed as when the children always came to bully him, he never fought back trying to avoid been punished, he had finally realized what they were doing after their third attempt so he distanced himself form them but they kept coming, so one day when they came to bully him, he beat one them so bad he was hospitalized.

That second incident led to the children fearing kaiser, and after sometime he decided to leave the orphanage as he always felt he didn't belong, after packing his belongings in a garbage bag he stole some food before leaving.

But reality was cruel after kaiser left the orphanage the food only lasted him a week before he starved, kaiser lived of scraps and stole to survive even if he tried to act cold to the other adults living near him, he was still just a kid.