

Humanity went into chaos when the flux gates arrived, millions of people lost their lives as monsters flooded out, all hope seemed to be lost. Until the echo's descended giving humanity a chance to fight back by granting them supernatural powers as they chose their hosts. Kaiser a boy with the inability to feel pain is granted one of the strongest echo's the world as ever seen, join him on his journey as he fights for his survival and uncovers mysteries buried by the very ones they call their saviours. Cover art was done by Latan on artstation.

Lazy_Writ3r · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Fall of the ocean gang

"I'm going to fucking kill you", Adrian said has he thought to himself while his aether was still leaking out 'how did things end up like this, where did it all go wrong', but his thoughts were interrupted as Kayden released his own wave of aether which was red in colour has he reached behind him to pull out one of his swords.

Seeing the situation in the room the other men couldn't help but slowly retreat as the clash of aether was already enough to make some of them lose their will to fight, but they all stopped as they heard Adrian say.

"Anyone who leaves will be killed by me personally", hearing this declaration all the eight men in the room knew there was no escape as they were either going to die here or survive at which point, they would be seriously injured and would be killed by Adrian as he didn't like liabilities.

Knowing his fate one of Adrian's men raised his gun to aim at Kayden but instead saw a blazing hot flame heading towards him, with no time to react he covered in flames as he screamed for mercy before been reduced to ash in a matter of seconds.

If there was tiny bit of hope in the minds of Adrian's men it was now gone as no one expected this sudden turn of events.

Looking at the ashes of there comrade the men turned to look at Kayden who had a fire ball in his left hand, as his right hand was holding one his sword which was rested on his shoulder.

Turning his head to look at the men, Kayden said "Don't worry you will be joining him soon" as he raised his sword to kill the remaining men but was stopped has Adrian used his whip to hold kayden's sword.

"Not on my watch", Adrian said as he used his whip to drag kayden's sword away from him but he didn't let go, so he decided to toss him instead.

Seeing as he was rising Kayden couldn't help but express his dissatisfaction "shit", before he was slammed into the wall breaking into the other room.

Seeing what just happen Adrian's men couldn't help but stare in awe at their boss, but Adrian knew that won't be enough to finish off Kayden as he instructed his men

"What are you doing standing around shoot him", but before they could even raise their weapons there was a loud sound as if something just broke the sound barrier before one of the seven men's exploded

Noticing the strange occurrence Adrian shouted at his men "take cover it's a sniper", but it was too late as three more heads exploded before the rest could take cover seeing as the situation took a turn Adrian couldn't control his frustration as he said

"Fuck, someone take out that fucking sniper already"

Adrian's men quickly did as they were told as they began unloading rounds of bullets at the sniper.

While Adrian himself turned to face the main issue as water started wrapping itself around his whip before swinging it at Kayden who was just getting up.

Seeing the whip approach, Kayden quickly rolled over to the side as he said "Hey, that's foul play" as he looked over to his side to see the damage the whip had cause looking at the long slash mark on the floor.

Standing up I looked at Adrian before dashing towards him as he used his whip to slash at me again but I dodged to the side as I swung my sword at his neck aiming to end this quickly but he reacted even faster as he moved back allowing my sword graze the side of his neck.

Closing the distance, I sent a kick towards his body as he moved to the side to dodge while sending a water ball towards me, quick to react I used my sword to block the water ball but it still pushed me back distancing me from Adrian.

Gaining my bearings, I decided to take this fight up a notch rising my sword up while my aether fluctuated before my sword was surrounded by a large amount of flames before swinging it down straight at Adrian.

Adrian seeing this attack coming towards him knew he couldn't dodge the attack as the room they were fighting in was too small leaving no room to dodge which left him with no other choice but to tank my attack.

Knowing fully well the damage that would be done to him, Adrian's aether flared as he surrounded his arms with bright glowing water in fused with a large amount of his aether, bringing his arms close to his chest in an x shape manner he steeled himself before he was blasted out of the building.

Kayden looked at the huge hole he made as he walked towards the hole in the wall while looking at all the destruction they caused during their fight.

Reaching the hole he looked down just to see Adrian still standing but barely alive as he had burn marks all over his body bleeding excessively.

Jumping down of the building, Kayden walked towards Adrian stopping just a few meters from him as he heard Adrian say "Didn't think you would have advanced to the next rank", as he looked towards him.

Kayden seeing no reason to lie answered "Yeah, just managed to breakthrough a few days ago", knowing the difference in power between the ranks Adrian knew he had no chance from the very beginning.

One last question before we end this, "what did you offer him, what did you offer fastov to warrant my betrayal" Adrian asked as I knew sone reasons but wanted to be sure.

Kayden pitied the man in front of him but still humbled him before answering "I offered your position as the gang leader, but the order …" Adrian interrupted as he said "was to wipe out the ocean gang".

Kayden continued as he said "Yeah turns out during one of your expenditure's you caught the eyes of the association, as the order was given by them directly either way, we couldn't let him live".

Adrian's eyes widen as he heard the news that the association had ordered his demise but he couldn't think of anything he did that would gain the attention of an organization as big as the association, accepting his fate he said to Kayden has his eyes sharpened.

"Let's end this"


Kayden opened his halo watch as he sent a transmission to the sniper who helped him earlier in the fight, after a few seconds Kayden heard a voice has the transmission connected.

A girl with blond hair dyed pink at the tip could be seen on a rooftop of a building a street away from kayden's position wearing a black jacket with black pants.

Speaking into her halo watch freya said "Are you done, boss"

Kayden replied "Yeah, pack up we're leaving"

"Okay boss", Freya said as she ended the transmission has, she packed up her sniper to go meet the boss at the rendezvous point.

Preparing to leave Kayden looked back at adrian's dead body as he thought of his last attack, 'I didn't think he would have an ace up his sleeve'.

Looking back at his body he could see a long slash on his chest, if it wasn't for the rank difference it could have potentially caused him some serious damage.

Taking one last look at Adrian, Kayden said "Goodbye old friend".

Leaving the site Kayden headed to the rendezvous point to meet with Freya as they headed to the association to collect their rewards before grabbing dinner and buying a new pack of cigarettes before they headed straight home.

Getting home to a two-story building with a garden at the back, Kayden settled on the couch as Freya went to her room before a woman with straight black hair and brown eyes and toned but curvy body came to meet him, sitting beside him the woman asked "How were his last moments".

Kayden thought for a while before replying "He died screaming", Alice nodded her head in understanding keeping her poker face as she stood up to leave before asking him to join her in the bed, after a while Kayden stood up to join her as the night grew darker.