

The memories of that night still haunt me to this day. Even though the days pass slowly now I still can't forget that horrifying moment in my life.

 I was 17 at the time and my mom and dad were dead. I was an orphan at age 10. I was adopted when I was 14 and have the same family since. I never really knew anything about them except my New mom and dad can't have kids and don't use the restroom. You may be wandering "What? They don't use the restroom?" But belief me they didn't even have a bathroom till they adopted me.

 It was one summer night in 1997, June 12th I believe but I can't remember because all the days get mixed together now. Time just flows too slow now. I saw my parents go into the bathroom first my dad then my mom. I asked my dad why they went in there since they normally didn't go in there. He said " Don't go on the bathroom till I tell you that you can. Ok?". "Alright but where am I suppose to take a crap then?" I said. "I don't know I don't crap like you humans do. Find it out." My dad said. I walked to the kitchen which is a room away from the bathroom, I saw my mom walk out of it. I waited for a bit then went in without calling any attention to myself. Time just is too slow as I sit here and type this for you each letter takes a hour to put in. I looked down in the toilet and I saw a human head sitting in it with a wide grin and an X on its forehead. I walked out and ran straight into my parents as they blocked the doorway to the bathroom. "I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT OF HERE!" My dad said in a raspy voice. " I-I didn't mean to." I said in a low voice. My dad stood their as his eyes went white and he bent his back straight back as he yelled " NOW YOU'VE GOT TO JOIN NOW ASWELL!" In a shriek shrill. Then a spike shot out of him and struck me it went right through my heart. Time slowed, the blood stopped running I pulled the spike out grabbed a knife and stabbed each one of them with a knife in the neck time then continued and my stab wound was gone. My dad and mom were turned into monsters but were dead on the ground. Ever since the one day became one year. I studied what they were online well it took about 39 days per link I clicked, and 9 days to scroll down but anyone they stab with their "spikes" won't take any damage they get stuck in time where they can only get out by death or killing the ones that stab them. When I found this out I went back to were I kept the bodies and looked they were gone. It haunts for me to know their out there waiting healing to kill me and go back to normal time. I hope I will be ready for when that happens. I warn you if you know someone that uses the restroom don't go near them leave town if you can. This will help if you listen closely I realized they don't even breath either watch out. What was that? A crash no, I hope you take this warning for yourself as I should of when I first saw a post online reading Wanted: The Adoptive parents that dont breath. Warning: Don't get stabbed.