
This Time is beating me

I was at my friends for the first time in awhile get was acting normal. I thought that's finally good. I spoke too soon, If only.... if only I had listened to what others had said and told me. I wouldn't be here right now. Johnny a wise man once said "It's great to have dreams, but its heaven to fulfill them." it seemed like good advice. Of coursefully I didn't listen to him. My name is Chase I don't listen to anyone and play by my own rules. I was out walking past the football field and a guy went to the side and said "Hey come play football with us will ya?". No is what I was gonna say but then I realized who the hell do these people think they are? so I said "Who do you think you are walking over here and getting beef with me? Huh?" I had expected no response, but the one I was given was one that made me flip. He said " No, who do you think you are not coming and playing football with us we could easily beat you right here right now so get square or get air." I went close to him and pushed him on the ground, "You sure you guys can do anything you guys don't even have muscle so how about you get out of here and go cry to your mom." The kids friends all come over and stand behind him. He got up and cracked his knuckle, "You want me to get square huh? I'll show you why that was a bad idea." Him and all his friends came all at once at me. I took out the kid who had started it all first since he was closest. I grabbed him and knocked him out, then knocked the wind out of the second one. The third one hit my side, my face, and my arm. I tackled him and beat his face till he had two swollen eyes a broken tooth and a bloody nose. When I got up the second one went to hit me I grabbed him and slammed his face on the turf. I was then later arrested for assault, the kids had said that I attacked them and they did nothing. The football field had cameras luckily and saw they made the first move and it was self defense. Those damn kids still haunt me even to this day. When I look back at my life I never saw the reason of me being tortured for all this time was cause of them. I laugh knowing they had accomplished their mission. Too bad they suffered more in the end. The day after I was arrested I was walking down the road I saw the the kids again minus the one who had swollen eyes he wouldn't be coming out for awhile. I went over and said "how's life losers?" They said "Perfectly fine dirtbag, what you wanna know why?" at the moment I did want to know why. "Yeah, give me the reason that your awesome. Especially cause I remember beating you guys up yesterday, correct?" they shouldn't be good after that. "Yeah, here look." I walked over behind the wall and saw a pentagram. "Woah, what are y'all satinists?" I stared at it and then realized the dead body of the guy who I had beat his face pretty well. "Well I'll be damned you guys used his blood." I turned back around to the pentagram and they pushed me into the middle I was like wait what. Then, I was no longer there I was in an endless looking space sorounded by them all three And there I lay running from them getting beat no matter what I don't die. Too bad they trapped them selves in there with me. All alone here as I think this I'm running away from the third one about to be trapped by the other two.