
22- the names

Beauxbatons were awful, they came into the great hall in there tight blue dresses shaking their butts as they walked. I have never seen so many stuck up girls in my life. Obviously Harry and Ron were very interested just like all the other boys in the hall, it was because they were part veela. I really wanted to set their clothes on fire but I knew that I shouldn't, or I could be expelled. Next it was the durmstrang boys came in. I was shocked as they were doing flips and breathing fire when they walked into the hall. I zoned out and leaned my head on Harry's shoulder whilst Dumbledore was inviting everyone to Hogwarts.

I realised that it was the end of the dinner and Harry was shaking me to wake up. I stood up quickly as I didn't want to spend anymore time that I had to in the room with the veelas. I stumbled as I stood up as Harry held my shoulders. All I could feel was my eyes roll back to the back of my head and I was thrown into some sort of nightmare or memory or something, it was a graveyard, the same one I had seen in my nightmares so much. But there was another man, Peter Pettigrew, the man that cause my father so much pain. I was in the memory, in the graveyard, he was walking towards me and started speaking in a low tone,

"Well, well, well, if it isn't dear Holly Black, how's your dad, you know you should join us, you're strong enough we could use someone like you on our team, come on you belong with us." He then began to laugh. I started edging my way away from him, I fell back and landed on my back and then everything disappeared and all was black.

-Harry's pov-

As we were getting up from dinner, I felt Hollys grip on me loosen, I was sad as she was leaning on my shoulder, she really has been here for me through everything right now and I just never want to loose her. I looked over and she started swaying on the spot. I was calling her name and she wasn't responding. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Hermione was now crying as Holly was shaking on the floor, Dumbledore came running down with McGonagall. He picked her up off the floor. Her eyes were open, she was unresponsive. She was shaking and everyone was staring. What was wrong with her, she was fine before and now she's on the floor shaking. I'm pretty sure I was now crying and shaking her on the floor. I didn't care now if anyone saw me, Ron was holding Hermione as she was in pieces. She stopped shaking but she didn't wake up. Dumbledore picked her up but didn't say anything. I followed him as he brought her to the hospital wing,

"Mr Potter, I'm hoping you will stay with her, she needs rest hopefully she will tell us what happened when she wakes up, don't force her though." Dumbledore said as he rushed her onto a bed. I couldn't say anything but I nodded, he understood. Mostly everyone had seen what had happened including the new schools, she never liked to be the centre of attention. That's what I loved about her, wait no, I don't love her, I like certain aspects of her, yeah. I was sat down holding her hand. She was deathly pale. Everyone was probably in the great hall watching people put their names into the goblet. I wanted to see it but Holly was more important.

I was practically falling asleep in my chair, still holding Hollys hand. I felt her fingers wiggle inside mine. Her eyes slowly opened. Thank god.

-Hollys pov-

I slowly opened my eyes. I realised I was in the hospital room and that Harry was next to me. But then I remembered the vision. I shot up as I jumped out of bed, stumbling onto harry in the process.

"Hey hey hey, back to bed you, slow down you're safe, it's ok." He spoke softly as I sat back down on the bed. I was so scared, I don't know what that was but what if he was right, maybe I was to much of a danger to keep around. I started shaking as I held onto harry. I wrapped my arms round his shoulders which I'm thinking he didn't expect, he stood stiff for a moment as I cried into his shoulders. We stayed like that for a while. It was nice, we didn't have to talk, it was like he knew that I was scared.

                                    -time skip-

Harry and I were walking back into the great hall, his hand was in mine, I loved it. He was so nice to me when I was in the hospital wing, I didn't tell anyone and wasn't ready to. I just couldn't right now. As we walked into the hall everyone's eyes turned to us. I could see Fred and George on the floor as old men, I'm guessing an aging potion didn't work. Oh well it's funny. I could see all eyes were on me and Harry although he didn't pull his hand out of mine. He just pulled me to the side where we met with Ron and Hermione. They were calling out the names from the goblet. Everyone was whispering but I just decided to ignore it. I leaned my head on Harry's shoulder and he wrapped his arm round me. Dumbledore walked up to the goblet as the fire turned blue and a piece of parchment flew out of the cup. The durmstrang champion was Victor Krum, but let's just admit, who else would it be. The cup then turned blue again, Fluer Delacour. She was the snobbiest of them all. Great. And then it was time for the hogwarts champion. It was Cedric Diggory. I was glad it was him as Hufflepuff never really got much recognition. As everyone was clapping the fire turned blue again as another piece of paper flew out of the cup. Dumbledore didn't catch it but let it fall to the floor. We all looked at each other. McGonagall walked over to Dumbledore as he held the piece of paper in shock. I felt Harry's grip around me tighten. Everyone jumped as Dumbledores voice echoed through the hall,

"Harry Potter."

Everyone was in silence. My heart sank, how did this happen. Hermione shoved Harry up. He looked back at me. He was scared. He didn't do this, he didn't put his name in the goblet. Hermione, Ron and I waited for harry to get out of the room with the champions, he walked out, his face was so pale, he was terrified. He had to compete. Ron barged past me and Harry and left the hall. He was really upset with Harry for not telling him that he was entering the tournament. Hermione rushed after him leaving me and harry alone in the hall. He had tears in his eyes and I could see he was needing someone. I wrapped my arms round his neck and just hugged him for as long as I could.

"I have to compete Holly, I can't do this." He was now crying into my shoulder and it just broke my heart. He had already been through so much and now he had to deal with this. My nightmares were getting worse and now were happening even when I'm not asleep. I'm so scared for myself but I can't tell anyone now, especially now Harry has to deal with all of this. He was holding me really close and to be honest I hated it, I hated hugging and any human contact since my mother. It was then when I began thinking of where I would go after school had ended. Dumbledore had said I wasn't going back to my house with my mother but he hadn't told me where I would be going. I was brought out of my thoughts when Harry began to speak to me,

"I don't know what I would do without you Holly." He spoke very quietly as he broke up the hug. I didn't say anything as we both walked up to the common room. Ron and Hermione were sat on the sofa by the fireplace finishing homework, Harry sped up and stormed up the stairs. I called after him but he didn't hear, he was already in his dorm. I really didn't want to talk to either Ron or Hermione, they both know Harry didn't do this but of course Hermione stays with Ron. I was just stood in the middle of the dorm. Ron and Hermione just looked at me and back at each other and walked to the dorms. Neither of them said anything to me. I sat on the sofa as snowball came down and sat with me. I decided I was just going to sleep in the common room as I don't think Hermione was eager to see me. I spread out on the large sofa as snowball cuddled up to me. I soon drifted off as it wasn't to hard.

It was another nightmare, I was in the same place as I was before, but my father was there. He was talking to the dark lord. I was hidden behind a large statue so I couldn't be seen. My father began to speak very quietly.

"Of course you can have her my lord, I never loved her anyway." My heart sank, was this true, my father never loved me. I got up and ran. I had no clue where I was going but I knew that I couldn't stay there. I found myself in a forest area. There were dragons everywhere. I felt calm with animals. There were lots of pens with all sorts of magical creatures. I went over to a hippogriff pen and bowed towards the majestic creature. It bowed back as I sat down next to it. I heard rustling in the bushes as all of the creatures either flew or ran away. I was alone again. A figure came from the bushes, it was the dark lord. He spoke to me in the same eerie voice I hated so much,

"Well I now have permission to do whatever I want to you." He lunged towards me as I felt his hand grip my throat. Then it went black.

I sat up immediately on the sofa. Tears were streaming from my eyes. I was sweating a lot. It was still dark outside so I figured that it was still night. I went over to the mirror and saw that there was a mark on my neck. It was like a burn that had been made by ropes. I ran my fingers over it to make sure it was real. It made me sad, another scar to add to my collection, didn't really make a difference. That's when my mind traveled to what my father had said. He never loved me. What if it was true. What if he didn't really care. I didn't know what to do. I sat down on the chair by the fireplace that was still ablaze. I held my hand over the fire as it created creatures from the fire. They all played around with eachother. I loved this power. But at the same time I hated it. I tried to fall back asleep but I knew it was never gonna happen. I held my wand in my hand. The purple gems shining in the dim light. I knew it was powerful because of what Olivander had said that day in the shop. My wand was related to Albus Dumbledores. I just hope that I'm powerful enough to stop anything that happens to me. I grabbed a book from the shelf, it was about magical creatures. It was the first task in a week, so I just had to help Harry in any way I can and hopefully keep myself distracted from everything else.

When Hermione, Ron and Harry walked down from their dorms they all looked exhausted. I was exhausted as I hadn't slept that night. They could tell. They didn't mention it though which I was glad about, we all walked down to breakfast. It was then when they had realised the mark around my neck.

"Holly what the hell is that." Ron started

"It's nothing don't worry" that was all I could say I couldn't mention my nightmares.

"That's not nothing, it looked like someone strangled you." Harry spoke next, I could tell he was angry. Hermione didn't say anything.

"It's nothing, ok just leave it." They just rolled their eyes as we walked to the great hall. Ron and Harry were still not talking but I didn't care. I just wanted breakfast. My favourite meal of the day. I sat down with a bowl of porridge in front of me, I wasn't hungry, I never am anymore.

"Holly you have to eat something, are you ok?" Hermione whispered as she was sat next to me. I just nodded.

"Um guys I'm gonna go see Hagrid, I'll be back soon." I could hear them calling after me as I walked out of the hall. I felt all the eyes on me but I didn't care. I left the grounds and walked to Hagrids. He was sat outside tending to some sort of plant.

"Hey Hagrid."

"Well ello Holly, what brings you here?"

"What, can't see my favourite Professor in the morning?" He just laughed as I went to sit down next to him. I walked with him towards the forest. He said it was dangerous and he didn't want me to go with him. I wasn't taking no for an answer. I changed into my wolf as I walked next to him. He just laughed and patted my head. I played with fang as we walked into the forest. We were walking for a while when there was a loud roar. I turned as I stood in front of Hagrid. A familiar red head walked through the clearing. I changed back into myself as I ran up to him

"Charlie, what are you doing here?" My question was immediately answered. There were 4 dragons in pens chained up. They were beautiful. I knew all about dragons as I had read the same dragons book over 4 times.

"First task they are, each competitor has to retrieve a golden egg from one." Charlie spoke as he went to fill up the water. I was in shock, harry had to fight a dragon, he'd be fine if he had my help. Hagrid left as he went to tell Harry as I stayed with Charlie. All of a sudden one of the dragons started going mental. It was the Chinese fireball. This was probably one of the most dangerous dragons out of the 4. It was also known as the LionDragon. This was because it was so fierce. Charlie pushed me back but I pushed through his arms and ran towards the dragon. He was calling after me, shouting my name. I ignored as I went up to the dragon. I looked the dragon in its eyes. He shot fire at me but I easily deflected it using my powers. I spoke confidently as the dragon stopped firing at me,

"Stop, please calm down." I held out my hand as the dragon rested its head in my hand and laid down. Um wow didn't expect that to work. I guess I really do have a gift with creatures. Charlie's mouth was so wide you could fit a bludger inside it.

"You're hired." He spluttered as he walked towards me. I just laughed as I explained my gift with creatures. Hagrid walked through the clearing and I'm guessing he'd told Harry as Harry walked through the clearing pale faced. Hagrid noticed that I was sat next to the dragon with its head in my lap when he started to run forward with a worried Harry. I just chuckled as Charlie explained what i had done. Harry kept asking me to replace him in the challenge. We just laughed as I said goodbye to the dragons and walked back up to the castle. Charlie and his friends had offered me a job at the retreat during holidays to help out with the dragons. I was so happy I was practically skipping up the grass towards the castle. Harry and I walked up to the common room and sat by the fireplace talking about the task and what he can do about it. I taught him the spell 'accio' and that he could call for his broom and fly out. He was really thankful as now he knew what he was going to do. Now all that he had to do was fight a dragon.