
23- first task

It was the finally the day of the first task. I was nervous for Harry but he knew exactly what he was going to do. I was walking down to the tent to hear what dragon Harry had to battle. I'm just hoping that it wasn't the fireball. I saw Hermione was also down in by the tent. She was whispering into the tent, probably to Harry. I started jogging up to them when I saw Hermione burst through the tent. I peeked through as I saw Reeter Skeeter with her camera taking a photo of Harry and Hermione. Skeeter was ushered out of the the tent by Viktor Krum. Hermione had left the tent quickly and didn't even glance an eye my way. She has been really off with me lately, I'm not sure why but I hope it goes back to normal soon, she is my best friend. I opened the tent as Harry quickly came over to me.

"Holly what do I do, I got the Chinese fireball, how did you calm it the other day, I'm panicking, I don't know what to do I-"

"Harry stop panicking, calm down." I put an arm on his shoulder. "You'll be ok, just go with the plan, everything will work out." He nodded as Dumbledore and Barty Crouch walked into the tent. Dumbledore started to speak to the competitors. I just stood by Harry's side.

"Right, is everyone ready to go into the, oh miss black what are you doing in here." He looked to me as I just stood there,

"Oh sorry, I'll just go, good luck everyone." I awkwardly walked out of the tent and up to the stands. I stood with Neville and Seamus. I didn't really pay attention to any of the other competitors when it was their time to go. Cedric was badly burnt by his dragon but he still retrieved his egg quickly. Madam Pomphrey will be able to fix him up very well anyway. It was now Harry's turn. He walked out onto the pitch and I could tell he was scared. The dragon was distressed and I wish I could help it, it looked scared. It shot fire at Harry as he hid behind a large Boulder. He called for his broom. His fire bolt came flying through the pitch. Everyone was cheering, I might have one first prize for loudest cheer. Neville and Seamus just laughed at me but I didn't care, my best friend was actually doing this. He flew into the air as the dragon followed, the chains broke. Harry kept rising as the dragon came soon after. I grabbed Nevilles arm as they both disappeared.

It had been a good ten minutes, I was muttering under my breath when Neville turned me around and held my shoulders,

"Holly calm down, I'm sure he's fine." I just nodded as I turned my body to face the sky. A figure was coming towards the pitch. It was Harry. He was back. I was now screaming as everyone else was. He swooped down and grabbed the egg and sped out out of the arena. Charlie and his friends came out from the shelter and tried to grab the reigns of the dragon as it had broken loose. Charlie's eyes met mine and I could tell he needed my help. I started to run down the stairs from the podium as Neville and Seamus were calling after me. Dumbledore and all the other staff and students were now standing as I ran onto the pitch. McGonagall looked terrified as I ran over to Charlie.

"Holly please help, I know you know what to do." I nodded in answer to Charlie as I ran over to the dragon. The familiar dragons eyes met mine as it shot fire at me. Everyone gasped and some screams were made by the students. I deflected the fire with ease and I could tell that the dragon remembered me. I held out my hand as I felt it's head rest in my hand. I went under it and grabbed hold of the reins. I walked it over to Charlie and his friends and handed them the reins. The walked out of the arena leaving the whole place staring at me in shock. Dumbledore was the first to walk up to me,

"Well miss Black that was extraordinary, Charlie told me all about your gift with animals, but next time please don't go and put yourself in danger." I laughed as a smile crept up to his face. Next thing I know I'm being engulfed in a hug by Hermione. I really didn't like it but I still hugged her back. I missed her so much. She was speaking so fast I couldn't even understand her but she stopped when I just walked away from her. She started laughing as we went to see Harry in the tent. His arm had a cut from his elbow to the wrist. It wasn't bad but madam pomphrey still decided that it needed time in the hopsital wing.

When we were eating dinner the next day I was reading the paper when I saw an article that nearly made my pumpkin juice come out of my mouth. It was Harry and Hermione hugging and Skeeter explaining that they were a couple. I stared laughing as Hermione went bright red with anger. Ron had obviously spoken with Harry and all was forgiven as they started laughing and patting eachother on the back in result of the article. We were interrupted by mail. I saw mystic fly in which made me confused. I never get mail. It was a letter. I knew immediately who it was from. Moony. It said akaila which i loved. I hadn't been my wolf for so long, I must go into the forest some time soon. I started reading the letter,

Dear Akaila,

How are things, Bill is furious that you haven't written to him yet and so am I, how rude it is that you have forgotten us. Your father is going quite mad without you, he misses you like crazy. I heard what trouble Harry has found himself in now, I want you to be there for him the whole time please Akaila, he needs you. This months full moon is coming up and I won't have you with me. I wish you were here, it's so easy with a family that understands you. Anyway I won't be a burden, just promise me you'll write soon and I'm expecting Bill would want a letter soon.

Ps- your owl is beautiful

From Moony

I laughed as I put down the letter. I remembered that I must remember to write to Bill, he probably should know about my nightmares. When we had finished dinner Harry Hermione and Ron headed to the common room whilst I headed to the library to write my letters. Mystic was playing with Hedwig and it was adorable. I first started writing Moonys letter,

Dear Moony,

I have been well, apart from the fact that I've been trying to get Harry to survive these tournaments. It's crazy how he was even chosen to be in this tournament. He's not even 17. Anyway about the full moon, I wish we could be together. I haven't been a wolf for so long and I can't even remember what it feels like to run free in the woods. When I see you again, we definitely have to have a trip with you, me and father. And don't worry Bill will be accepting my letter soon enough. Write to me soon,


Ps- I definitely need your hot chocolate recipe.

I tucked his letter into an envelope and tied it to Mystics leg. I told her not to leave yet as I still needed Bills letter, I grabbed a piece of parchment and put a spell over it to make sure no one else but Bill could read it,

Dear Billy,

It's me Holly, I've heard you've been waiting for a letter. I actually needed to speak with you. It's about my nightmares. They're back and they're bad. I've had two lately and one wasn't even when I was asleep. I was getting up from my seat in the great hall when I got transported into a graveyard. I keep seeing this graveyard every time I fall asleep. The dark lord was there. He said that I had to join him. That I was a big asset to his followers. The second time, my father was there. He was speaking to Voldemort, he said that he gave him permission to do whatever he wanted with me and that he never loved me. Bill what if it's true, what if he never loved me. What if he doesn't now. Bill I don't know what to do. I'm scared please I need your advice right now. There is a spell on the parchment to do seal this message. Bill I need you.

Holly x

I could feel the tears rise into my eyes as I finished the letter. It was true I was terrified but I couldn't show it. That would just be stupid. I tied the letter round Mystics other leg as she flew off. I watched out the window as the snow began to fall. It was nearing Christmas. I'm hoping I'm spending it at the burrow. But I also hope Remus and father are there to. I miss them so much. I wish I could write to father but it's just to dangerous right now. He needs his name to be cleared before I can even think about living with him. I had completely forgotten that I would meet Hagrid as I raced from the owlery and down the path. It was becoming dark so I needed to hurry before curfew hit.

I saw Hagrid as I ran down the pathway. I could tell he was annoyed that I was late but he just left it and pulled me off to the side. We were walking down a pathway passed his hut and no matter how many questions i asked he never answered any of them. We came to a pen, it was a hippogriff, a baby one.

"Merry Christmas Holly." Hagrid spoke as he opened the pen. My eyes shot open, she was mine. This was the best present anyone had ever given me in my entire life. I jumped as I hugged Hagrid.

"Well, she obviously can't stay in your dorm room now can she, but I'll keep her safe, plus you get to name her." I sat down with the hippogriff as it played with my hair. I tried to think of the perfect name for the perfect creature, then it came to me

"Ah it's perfect, Lyra." Hagrid beamed as I said the name as if he thought it was the most perfect thing ever.

"Now Holly I know you want to see her now, but it's very late, you'll be late for curfew if you don't hurry, don't worry you can see Lyra tomorrow." Hagrid said as he bent down to pick the young hippogriff up.

"Of course Hagrid, oh and thank you, this is truly the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." I hugged Hagrid as I said goodbye. He waved as he watched me run up the grass towards the hill.

I was panting as I reached the Gryffindor common room. I opened the portrait to find the trio sat by the fireplace talking about something and Hermione was holding up Harry's egg. She started talking/ shouting at Harry

"Right, now why the hell did you open it again, you heard it's cry the first time. If i ever hear it again Harry James Potter I will strangle you." I just laughed as I sat down on the chair nearest the door. I had already heard from the rest of Gryffindor what the egg sounded like, apparently it was Harry's clue for the next task but to me it sounded like a million Mrs Norris' being murdered all at once. I told the trio about Lyra and everyone looked really happy apart from Ron, he had some sort of weird look on his face. I'm usually good at reading people but Ron was strange

"How come Hagrid never got me a gift, and he gets you a bloody magic creature." We all just laughed as Ron slumped back into the sofa. My thoughts kept running back to my father but when Harry noted that he had spoken with him I didn't really didn't care what about, I loved my father but did he even love me back. That's what I didn't know and I had to find out. I realised it was pretty late so me and Hermione walked up to our dorm. There was a package on my bed, it was from Mrs Weasley and there was one for Hermione to. It was a dress, why the hell would she send me a dress, I hate dresses. There was a note attached,

Dear Holly,

Think you might need this.

Mrs Weasley xx

It opened it, the dress was a red colour with lace and two single straps either side. I'm not going to lie it was a beautiful dress but I would never ever be seen dead in it. Hermione's dress was amazing, it was a purple colour and her face lit up when she saw it. We didn't know why we needed dresses but knowing Dumbledore, I wasn't excited. It was nearly Christmas and that was all I could think about.