

" Good or evil Hero or villian It all burns down to the power man can control." This book tells the story of Henry Blank, a human soldier sent to space to check a new planet humans on Earth named Saivas which was discovered on by a satellite. The soldier and his team reached Saivas but the whole crew was killed except for one soldier, Henry. Left stranded on a strange planet, he strives to survive in a dark world, then he luckily gained the strongest ability to ever exist. Henry protects his world and the strange world as he struggles to keep his sanity and values.

Emma08 · Võ hiệp
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13 Chs

Chapter 9: Ability

Henry was surprised when he saw the battle result, Greg and his men were clearly strong and yet they weren't able to injure DreamFrye. Henry stayed on a tree that was far away from the battle site but he could still see everything that happened. Sighing before looking around then he froze when he saw a shining crystal under the sand.

Henry quickly got down from the tree then he crawled towards the crystal, DreamFrye was also looking for that same crystal but he couldn't find the crystal. Henry finally reached where the crystal was, then he dug the crystal from the ground before wrapping one of his clothes around the crystal. The crystal bright light dimmed a bit and he took the crystal before running far away from the battle field.

DreamFrye was still looking for the crystal, ignoring Greg and his men but he couldn't find the crystal. After a few minutes, he turned to look at Greg with anger all over his face.

" Where is the crystal?" DreamFrye asked.

" I don't know." Greg responded.

" I didn't take it and none of my men did." Greg added.

" Then where did it go?" DreamFrye asked, Greg honestly didn't know how the crystal disappeared but he suddenly thought maybe Henry took the crystal while they were fighting. ' But how could he do that? Even the battle waves are capable of killing him.' Greg asked inwardly.

" I don't know." Greg responded.

" Really?!" DreamFrye asked.

" Like I said earlier, I don't know anything about the crystal." Greg repeated, DreamFrye took a deep breath before releasing an attack. A fire dragon flew towards Greg and he quickly waved his broadsword towards the fire dragon, defending himself from the attack.

While DreamFrye attacked Greg and his men in anger, Henry already ran away from them with the crystal. He didn't know where he was heading to, he just ran away from the battle. He stopped running before supporting himself by placing his hands on his knees, he breathed heavily as he caught his breath. He suddenly straightened his back when he heard a low grunt, he quickly turned then he looked around him but he didn't find anything around him.

Sighing in relief, he stood up on his feet and he continued to walk forward but he heard another low grunt behind him. He quickly turned his body before getting into a fighting stance, he looked around but he didn't see anything. Befuddled,he continued moving then a tail suddenly hit his chest and he was sent flying as the crystal he held fell to the ground.

Landing with his back on the floor, he managed to stand up, ignoring the pain that coursed through his body. He looked up and he saw a humanoid beast with a long tail crawl out of the sand with the crystal close to the beast.

" Shit! I have to get the crystal before the beast does." Henry shouted loudly as he rushed towards the crystal before the beast got out of the sand. Before he reached the crystal, the tail of the beast hit his neck and he fell to the ground.

Henry rolled away as the tail headed towards his body then he stood up before jumping towards the crystal. Before he could reach the crystal, the beast's tail caught him in the air, wrapped around him and it brought him towards the beast. The beast pulled Henry towards it with its tail, ignoring Henry that struggled to escape.

When Henry reached the beast's front, he took a good look at the beast from a close distance. He noticed the beast's black eyes and its body covered with brown scales. The beast suddenly snorted before punching Henry but it didn't let Henry escape its tail. Henry coughed blood as the punch hit him, before he could recover another punch hit him.

Then another punch, after the third punch, the beast threw Henry away before heading towards the crystal. The crystal contained great power and the power attracted the beast, the power could be concealed by a tool but Henry didn't conceal it. He didn't even know anything about the crystal.

The beast took the crystal from the ground, stared at the crystal intensely for minutes and it headed towards the hole it crawled out.

" Stop!" Henry shouted and the beast stopped in its tracks, Henry walked towards the beast with his knife.

" You are not taking that crystal." Henry shouted and he ran towards the beast that already turned to face him. The beast dropped the crystal to the ground and it swung its tail at Henry. Henry managed to dodge the tail but a heavy kick hit his waist after dodging the attack. Landing on the ground, he realised that he broke some bones in his body but he ignored it and he jumped away as a punch hit where he laid earlier.

Henry dashed towards the beast before dodging an attack from the beast then he saw an opportunity he took. He closed in on the beast and he leapt up and he used the momentum to stab the beast's neck, the result was not what he expected.

He expected the knife to deal a bit of damage to the beast but his expectations were shattered as his knife was broken into pieces. Henry was surprised but he quickly created a distance between him and the beast and the beast chased after him. The beast kept throwing attacks at him but Henry kept avoiding every attack before a punch hit him, breaking his left arm.

After the attack, the beast kept hitting the weak Henry for minutes. After beating Henry into pulp, the beast walked away from him, surprisingly not killing Henry. The beast went to the crystal but before it could pick it up and get away…

" Stop you ugly beast." Henry shouted loudly as he stood on feet, beaten badly. The beast turned to look at Henry with fury then it dashed towards Henry. A smile appeared on Henry's face as his plan finally worked, when he saw that he couldn't defeat the beast without good weapons, he planned on getting the crystal then running far away from the beast. That was the only thing that could ensure his survival.

Seeing the beast running towards him, he took a deep breath and he also ran towards the beast, when they were close enough and the beast threw out a punch. Henry slid in-between the beast's legs and he ran towards the crystal, seeing this the beast leapt towards him. But Henry managed to get to the crystal before the beast, when the beast landed beside Henry and it saw the crystal in Henry's hands, it whacked Henry with the back of its hand.

Henry landed a few metres away from the beast but he ignored the pain as struggled to run away. His movements suddenly stopped when his blood dripped on the crystal, the crystal shone brightly and the blue colour rapidly changed to red. Henry was surprised with the crystal's reaction and the beast's action, when the beast saw the crystal change, it ran away. Pain suddenly jolted Henry's body as the crystal lifted into the air then it exploded into tiny fragments.

After exploding, the tiny fragments moved into Henry's body and he experienced an excruciating pain that he had never felt in his life. His head felt like someone was hacking at his brain with a blunt sword and his whole body felt like he was on fire. His bones broke and it was refixed again, he heard snapping sounds from all the parts of his body but he couldn't stop or control the pain that coursed through his body. The pain finally stopped after an hour! Henry stood up slowly and he looked around him, he didn't see the crystal or living creatures around him.

He felt like his body got stronger and faster, he could see better, he took a few steps before pain resumed in his head. Henry held his head with his two hands as he fell to the ground screaming loudly in pain. Henry's sight was replaced by images and scenes of a man destroying large ships, killing thousands, sitting on a golden throne, kissing a beautiful woman, drifting in space, fighting a large creature that looked like a giant, riding a large wyvern. After seeing the scenes, Henry passed out immediately. Unknown to him at this time, he just got the most powerful ability ever seen on Taintron, the ability to take other abilities.