
System reboot

A wise man once said that revenge is to move on happily and let karma do the rest, but how can I move on when those evil doers are still out there living happily without any remorse or punishments for the harm their actions caused,if it's best to leave leave them to karma then I shall be the karma that does the justice. Ding [The gods has heard your cries and seen your pain,they have decided to give you the power to crush those who have wronged you] [Quest: Remove the corrupt leaders of the holy temple] [Reward:Your sister's life and the end of the rifts] -------- Li wei is a below the average highschool student since he never received a blessing,he often works trying hard to provide for his sister who he sees having a better life than him because she has a high blessing of the gods. It didn't matter that he was always bullied for being weak, It didn't matter that he had to skip a couple of meals and work various part time jobs everything was fine as long as she was happy. So why was he standing Infront of a stone cold body that was said to be his sister. The son of one of the Celestial saints had killed her for rejecting him and he was released without any retribution. Now, blessed by the gods and filled with power that will enable him to take revenge he goes on a killing spree, punishing those who have wronged him and destroy the corrupt temple that was meant to protect the people. After all the system could use a little rebooting

Roxanne_Writes · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Chapter 5

The blessings of a god.

Li wei couldn't believe his eyes. He had always wondered how his life would be if he had actual blessings and wished that he was just a late bloomer but no matter how much he prayed his wish never came true

"I can't believe I finally have a blessing"

Angelica just snickered as li wei looked at his hands the same way a toddler would look at a new object they picked off the ground

"Must feel really good,now all we have to do is have you learn how to control it and awaken the rest"

She flopped back on the couch and flipped through channels as she continued to explain the situation to him

"As for now you've only awakened a bit of Loki's blessing which is magic,luck and super strength. To face all kind of opponents you'll need to have more than just that"

She was right,as much as he wanted to march up to the holy temple and slaughter everyone there he couldn't with this weak blessings of his even if it was enough to take care of some low ranking monsters it wouldn't be enough to defeat someone as strong as Selena or the rest of the saints. He needed to get strong and fast

"Angelica please help me get stronger"

Angelica gave him a smile that made him wonder if he had signed his life away to the devil

"Oh don't worry I was going to work you to the bone before you even asked me to now time for part two of your training"

2 months later

Military guild's headquarters

"Hey boss I just wanted let you know that we're taking a newbie with us,this is his file"

Emine looked over to the low ranker who had barged into his office holding a file without knocking

"What do you mean? We've received all the rookie's, we aren't supposed to have any replacements till next year"

"Yes but doctor Jayson recommended him and asked us to let him join"

"The doctor recommended him?"

Now that was a first, Doctor Jayson hardly recommended people but everyone he recommended had either been a high tier or mid tier. What kind of monster did the doctor bring now?

"So which tier, high or low?"

"Neither ma'am"

What!? What was this low ranker saying

"What do you mean by neither!?"

"I mean he's a low tier"

A low tier! What kind of sick joke was Jayson playing? She needed soldiers to fight not people to hold her back

"Tell the doctor that we won't accept him"

"I tried to tell him but he said that he won't heal us if we don't take him"

Damn it! that damned doctor if not for his extraordinary blessing she would have cut ties with him years ago. She sighed into her palm before asking for the rookie's file

Li wei. An 18 year old orphan who was recorded to not have a blessing but turned out that it was actually a late bloomer situation

"A late bloomer huh? Fine tell him to come in tomorrow for an interview,I'll see where to place him after that"

She handed the file back to the low ranker and sent him away. Li wei huh? Let's see what the doctor saw in him

"So you're li wei"

"Yes sir"

Emine looked at the child in front of her before looking at the doctor standing next to him and had a smug smile on his face.

"So Emy is he in?"

As much as Emine wanted to turn away the kid he couldn't because this damned doctor was their life line. If only she had someone with a healing blessing as good as his

"Fine your in but you'll be placed in the back as to not disrupt the others in the front"

"Thank you ma'am"

Li wei wanted to be at the front where all the action and battle took place but unless he wanted to expose himself he had to keep a low profile

"You can come in Monday,I'll show you to your room where you'll share with the other rookies"

"Yes ma'am"

Emine gave the boy one last look over before asking him to leave her and Jayson alone. She had to check if Jayson had finally gone mad

"What are you up to Jayson"

Like the asshole he is he just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. Why did this man know how to get on her nerves every single god damn time

"I'm not here for games, Jayson! The rifts aren't playgrounds, they are the battlefield sending a low tier like him would put him in death's way!"

How could this man not know the danger he was putting that child through. Jayson looked at his long time acquaintance who was fuming with anger and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Is this a joke to you, what if that child dies!? Why are you even doing this?"

Jayson gave her a lazy smile. Why was he doing this? He laughed again as the memory of the past 34 hours replayed in his mind


After the incident with Selena and those children business had gone as it usually went minus the constant threat of death from Selena if he stepped out of line.

"Wish she would just drop dead already"

A knock on the door interrupted his grumbling and the voice of one of his nurses came through

"Doctor Jayson someone is here to see you"

Now who could that be? Was it someone sent by the saints to silence him or was it a random patient who forgot to book an appointment

"Send them in"

The door opened and for a split second his heart stopped beating.

"Hello doctor do you remember me"

How could he not remember him. This was the same person who had died after getting a hole punched through him. How the hell was he still alive

Li wie oblivious to the doctor's breakdown sat down on a chair placed in the corner while doctor Jayson stared at him in shock

"Do you need something doctor?"


Li wei gave him a smile,he didn't know if he could trust this man just yet but he was his best bet at getting what he wanted

"Easy it's because I'm not dead"

"You had a hole punched through you, they incinerated your body, how the hell are you not dead !?"


Oh yeah the kid didn't know what happened to his body after his death

"Selena didn't want another scandal so she burned your body to ashes"

"Wait, what about my sister!?"

"Don't worry Selena kept her promise and buried her,so now that you're back from the dead why come to meet me?"

"I need your help"

His help why?

"Why do you need my help?"

"I want to kill the 12 celestial saints"

In all his years of being a doctor and of all the crazy amount of shit that comes out of some of his patients' mouths this would have to be the craziest.

"You want to do what?"

"I want to kill the celestial saints"

Jayson stared at Li wei for a while before bursting out into uncontrollable laughter

"Sure,sure if that's want you want to do then fine but what does that have to do with me"

"I did some research and I found out that you have connections with some guilds. I want to join a guild"

"A guild huh? Fine sure why not"

Li wei couldn't help but to glare at the man. Why was he so eager to help him? Was he siding with the saints? Should he just kill him-

"I'm not with the saints if that's what you're thinking"

"Then why are you helping me so easily"

"I feel bad for letting you and your sister die and to be honest it been a while since I last saw something as amusing as this so why not kill two birds with one stone

So li wei do your best to entertain me"

*End of flashback*

"What was I thinking? I was thinking of how this would provide perfect entertainment of course!"

Emine watched the doctor leave her office with a pep in his step before sighing heavily into her hands. Heavens wonder what goes through that man's head sometimes.