
System reboot

A wise man once said that revenge is to move on happily and let karma do the rest, but how can I move on when those evil doers are still out there living happily without any remorse or punishments for the harm their actions caused,if it's best to leave leave them to karma then I shall be the karma that does the justice. Ding [The gods has heard your cries and seen your pain,they have decided to give you the power to crush those who have wronged you] [Quest: Remove the corrupt leaders of the holy temple] [Reward:Your sister's life and the end of the rifts] -------- Li wei is a below the average highschool student since he never received a blessing,he often works trying hard to provide for his sister who he sees having a better life than him because she has a high blessing of the gods. It didn't matter that he was always bullied for being weak, It didn't matter that he had to skip a couple of meals and work various part time jobs everything was fine as long as she was happy. So why was he standing Infront of a stone cold body that was said to be his sister. The son of one of the Celestial saints had killed her for rejecting him and he was released without any retribution. Now, blessed by the gods and filled with power that will enable him to take revenge he goes on a killing spree, punishing those who have wronged him and destroy the corrupt temple that was meant to protect the people. After all the system could use a little rebooting

Roxanne_Writes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 6

I still don't understand why I have to join a guild

"I already told you the reason"

He turned to look at the angel who had become attached to his television and was watching some crappy telenovela series

"Yeah but why?"

"I told you that I can only teleport you to low ranking rifts, mid and high ranking rifts belong to guilds and they use that to make money. As an angel of the holy gods, I won't defile myself by committing the sin of theft"

Isn't it the same gods who sent her here to teach him how to become a killing machine?

"Fine whatever you say"

A heavy knock on the door rang through the small apartment

"I am lieutenant Gordon from the military guild and I'm here for li wei"


He opened the door to see a hunting mass of muscles with scars on his arm and a scowl on his face

"You're li wei?"

"Yes sir"

The man looked at him for a while before clicking his tongue and walking away

"Let's go"

Li wei rushed after the man who was still walking away without

"Um so are we going to take a cab?"

The man snorted as if he had said something funny

"Oh we're not going by car"

"Then how are we supposed to get to the military guild?"

"You have legs don't you?"

"Yes I do but-"

"Good, then try to keep up. Dear god mercury grant me your speed"

And like that he had disappeared completely from his vision. Li Wei groaned into his palms as he was left alone with nothing but the dust of the man who had left him just great exactly what he needed to start his day. Where was that angel when you needed her

"Hey Angelica"


He could hear her voice but he couldn't see her


"I'm in your system don't bother worrying about the details just know that I'll be here whenever you need to go out as to not be seen by other people"

Well that made sense but why not just go to the holy summit till he needed her. Maybe it was just faster this way, who knows.

"Well can you please make a portal to the military guild for me please"

He could hear her sigh in his mind and a second later a portal had opened under his feet taking him directly to the gates of the guild.

"Thank you"

He looked around and saw that the man who had left him behind was nowhere to be seen. Did he get here before him?

"I guess I'll wait then"

It took a few minutes but the lieutenant eventually arrived. He stood innocently by the gate as the lieutenant glared at him

"So you made it here before me huh?"

"Yes sir"

"it seems like you aren't a total waste after all, follow me"

He led Li Wei into the guild taking him through endless hallways and different twists and turns before they finally arrived at what seemed to be a dorm.

He opened the door not bothering to knock and shoved him inside

"This is Li wei he will be your new team mate from now on"

Lieutenant Gordon left the room as soon as he said that and an awkward silence took place till a red head boy asked him a question

"What's your tier"

"Oh um I'm a low tier"

"Are you fucking kidding me!?"

The awkward silence had given way and a tense and hostile feeling that surrounded the room

Ethan was furious. Why the hell would they give them a low tier when they know perfectly well that almost everybody on their team were mid tiers on the verge of being recognised as low tiers so why the hell would they give them a low tier instead of a high tier to boost them up.

"Even if it was a mid tier it would still be better than your useless ass!"

A brown haired boy sighed from behind them before walking up to his red haired friend

"that's enough Ethan"

Caleb placed his hands on his friends shoulder trying to get him to stop his useless taunting of the newbie but he just shrugged it off

"Don't tell me that's enough Caleb we're falling behind they know we're falling behind so why on earth did they give us a low tier instead of a high one!"

As much as Caleb wanted to disagree, Ethan did have a point they were falling behind the other first year teams and li wei would just be dead weight to them.

He heard a familiar sigh behind him before the person spoke out, voice cool and calm as always.

"You guys are being ridiculous"

Ethan glared at the blonde girl behind him in frustration and anger. He knows everyone is frustrated by this so why the hell are they so calm!?

"Oh really? Then what do you have to say Lydia, I know you're frustrated about this too!"

Lydia who been silent the whole time scoffed and walked towards li wei with her head held high

"I don't know who you are nor do I care to, but if you hold us back I will kill you personally but for now let's try to be friends and act civil with each other ok"

Threatening to kill him at one moment and asking to be friends the other, what kind of crazy group did they put him in. But he just bottled up his frustration and anger and stretched his hands

"Yeah let's try to be friends"

She looked at his hands in disgust before turning and walking away along with Ethan and Caleb. So much for being friends and acting civil

He just sighed why did he even agree to join a guild again?

"What a pain"

"I know right"

Holy shit!!

He looked at the person who had nearly given him a heart attack. It was a short brunette who stood next to him and was looking at him weirdly, as if he was weird for reacting that way.

"Why are you so jumpy?"

"Who the hell appears out of no where and nearly gives someone a heart attack?!"

"I didn't appear out of nowhere I was on my bed"

"Well I clearly didn't notice you!"

She deflated at that and a pout appeared on her face

"Yeah no one notices me that much"

He stared at the fallen face of the girl before sighing in frustration

"What's your name?"

"It's Cassie short for Cassandra"

"Well 'Cassie' since everyone here hates me I guess I'll have to leave the tour of the guild to you then"

She frowned at him but made no to reject the idea.Good.

"Well since there's nothing bothering us let's go then"

She just rolled her eyes and led him around the guild making sure not to bump into anyone. It was going well until Li Wei looked at his phone to text the doctor and saw the news.