
System Of The Fallen

Please support, WPC entry. Kael Ravenwood, your ordinary teenage boy's life was cut short by a rare and incurable illness. He expected death as the only option to rid himself of the suffering. Finally, it came but not in the way he expected. At the point of death, he regretted living a plain life, but things didn't end there for him. Instead, he had been transmigrated into a fantasy world where the impossibility was just an illusion. In this new world, Kael discovered he had inherited the body of a Fallen, a body with mysterious origins, cursed yet powerful, granting him extraordinary powers. Kael found himself in a realm where legends and myths from his former world had become reality. With his newfound abilities and discoveries, he sets out to defy the odds and become the strongest! Dragon, demons, gods, angels, all shall bow before his might! ---- 100 Power stones= 1 extra chapter 200 Power stones= 2 extra chapters 400 Power stones= 4 extra chapters 10 golden tickets= 1 extra chapter 20 golden tickets= 2 extra chapters

Toppy_GF · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Marriage Ceremony

During the past two days, Kael was occupied and was fully prepared for all that would transpire in the ceremony.

Dressed in a white-sleeved dress with dark trousers, Kael let out a nervous breath. A long dark cape with intricate linings of gold hung on his shoulders flowing down. Already deciding to go through with the whole process, he listened to everything he was told.

Walking through the door of the little house which he had stayed at for the past two days, he began the short distance to the venue. Beside him, Duncan, the dragon prince, accompanied him with a wide smile on his face.

"Y'know, I'm kinda glad you came out the winner. You saved me from all these..," he said with a chuckle.

Kael looked at him with raised eyebrows without uttering a word.

"Don't get me wrong... Just that I prefer you more than that monkey of a thing," Duncan muttered with a frown before smiling once more.

Walking through the streets, those standing in the balcony of their homes, watched with excitement. "That's the guy. He was the one who won the competition."

"But I've you ever heard of him? Where did he come from?"

"I heard he mysteriously appeared in the royal garden."

"He's pretty strong to be able to defeat the dragon prince and Lucius."

Kael and Duncan paid no heed to the hushed whispers as they continued onwards. Kael could see the platform already with the few invited guests.

"Isn't it better to just teleport there and get on with everything quickly," he thought, but shook his head moments later.

A high platform was made just at the front of the rows of the chair, within the centre of the stage. A red and golden carpet was placed on the stage flowing down to the path in which the groom and bride would walk through.

Kael, on reaching the carpet, let out a deep breath, pausing for a moment. "C'mon, you're already here. Don't screw this." He continued forward, his head staring straight at the platform. His hair, which was neatly combed to the back in waves, allowed the guests to take a good look at him.

His cape fluttered behind as he made his way to the platform with the Queen awaiting him.

"You look good," Queen Otrera said with a smile. "You won't regret this," she said, trying to assure him once again sensing his unease.

The audience waited in silence as Kael stared down the aisle, expecting his bride.

Princess Aretha, escorted by Princess Antiope, finally made her way through the golden carpet. The crowds were stunned by her breathtaking beauty.

The fitted, lace-adorned bodice displayed her slender figure, while the flowing silk chiffon fell in soft folds to the floor. Her golden waves of hair cascaded down her back, with curls framing her face. Her golden brown eyes sparkled like precious gemstones, shining brightly, but Kael from afar could sense the underlying tension hidden deep within them.

The makeup was a soft one, with a subtle blush on her cheeks and a gentle sheen on her lips. Her lush neck was adorned with a gemstone encrusted necklace that complemented her eyes.

As she moved onward, the gown shimmered and flowed around her, casting a spell of enchantment on all who behold her.

Stepping on the platform, the two stood opposite each other. Queen Otrera, with a smile, began the ceremony.

"In the presence of the divine, we have gathered to celebrate the sacred bond between my daughter, the fourth princess of the Amazon Kingdom, Princess Aretha and Kael, a ruler of a distant kingdom within the chaotic mountains. Queen Otrera's voice rang out loudly, reaching out to all present.

"May the blessing of the Olympian gods be upon them, may their union be strong and enduring as the mountains and their love as infinite as the sea."

After exchanging rings, they were to kiss right in front of everyone present. Both stared with a perplexed expression with none making a move. Sensing the awkward tension arising, Princess Aretha made the first move. Leaning closer, with their noses just touching each other, she breathed out softly.

As Kael drew nearer, he was enveloped by the sweet fragrance of her skin, carried on by the gentle caress of her breath. The warmth of her presence ignited a spark within him, a flame that flickered to life in the depths of his soul. And then, in a moment that seemed to suspend time itself, their lips finally touched, moving in slow, tender motion as if savouring the union. The world around them melted away under the few seconds they kissed.

As their lips parted, Kael savoured the sweet, strawberry flavour of her lip sheen, lingering on his own lips. Both breathed softly as they gazed into each other's eyes. The exchange of rings was met with thunderous applause. Standing face to face, Aretha searched Kael's expression, trying to decipher the thoughts behind his piercing gaze.

With a gentle smile, he began to speak, his voice low and heartfelt.

"Although this was forced upon us, I want to promise you this. With us already married, I promise to always cherish and protect you and treat you with the love you deserve. I won't let any harm befall you!" Kael said, eyes locked onto hers, his gaze burning with sincerity.

Princess Aretha felt her heart melting away just from his words. She was well aware he never wanted to get involved with her family problems but eventually ended up being her husband. She gave out a warm smile while trying to hide her red cheeks.

After the exchange of rings and kisses was over, there was loud applause all around. The ceremony was coming to an end, and it was soon time to party for the rest of the group the whole night.

"This is a joyous day. Today, we shall all celebrate the marriage of these two young ones right here!"

Queen Otrera said with her arms up, and in response, the whole area cheered, and the celebrations started. The drink bottles were pulled out, food started to be served, and the whole city was a lively place celebrating the big day.

Sitting beneath a lush canopy of vines and flowers, Kael and Aretha sat in a grand, ornate chair. Both held a glass of wine as they gazed out upon the vibrant celebration unfolding before them.

Earlier, they had taken the centre stage, dancing to the enchanting melodies played for them. As the celebration gained momentum, the couple found themselves increasingly at ease in each other's company, their initial reserve melting away.

Queen Otrera watched as Kael leaned in whispering a few words into Aretha's ears, causing her to laugh softly before playfully punching his shoulders.

Rising from her seat, she made her way towards the newly wedded couple with a bright smile. Stopping right before them, she revealed her hands, which were hidden behind her back.

"This is for you," she said to Kael, presenting a box that was carefully wrapped.

"Oh, thanks." Kael muttered, placing it by his sides.

"It's good seeing you guys already connecting so soon."

"Of course, my alluring charm was too much for her to ignore after all!" Kael said with a chuckle staring at her.

"Your alluring charm? Don't make me laugh," Aretha retorted, rolling her eyes.

"I see. Well, I guess I should leave you guys to enjoy yourselves. I see you guys having a great future." With that, she made her way back, meeting up with the few important guests invited.

"Hey," Duncan said, walking forward. "I'm leaving for my kingdom now, but not without a present for my newly acquired brother."

Kael, with a strange expression, let out a forced smile before accompanying him to his carriage. There, a lady with a fierce expression was awaiting him.

"C'mon Duncan, we don't have much time left."

"I'm coming, Aunt Raya." He said with a smile before entering the carriage. He was out in no time with a dark diamond like stone and a badge with the drawing of an adult dragon spitting out flames bodly embedded in it.

"Keep the badge safe. We shall meet again." Duncan said with a pat before beckoning on his aunt he was finally prepared to leave.

"Thanks," Kael said as the horse slowly began moving. "I won't forget this," he said with a smile before bading them farewell.

Walking back to the ongoing party, he spotted Aretha away from the others and appeared to be talking with her sisters.

Queen Otrera appeared beside him while staring at his line of sight. "A room has been prepared for both of you in the palace. I believe you are aware both of you are spending the night together."


Kael, well aware, nodded his head, settling on the chair. "Don't tell me you're expecting us to do the deed."

"Of course! I hope to have some grandchildren after all!"


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