
System in the Multiverse [R18]

Wish fulfillment and Action.

dog_2037 · Tranh châm biếm
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72 Chs

Telling Naruko the truth and The Land Of Birds

"Rayon you're lying right". Naruko said unable to believe what he just told her. 

"No I'm not your father is the 4th Hokage". Rayon told her again right now they were in the forest of death Rayon put up a barrier around them he wanted to tell Naruko everything while also getting passed the Minato chakra thing before Naruko begins to love the village again or something. 

"B...but this makes no sense wouldn't the villagers love me no wouldn't grandpa tell me". Naruko said trying to deny it even though she said she didn't care about the 4th Hokage once upon a time he was still her hero. 

"Oh, come on Naruko who else do you look like in this village you look just like the man just with a slightly different face". Rayon said he knows she has got to have the thought. 

'No wait a minute blonde hair blue eye'. "Jiraiya the sannin is that why he trained me since he was the master to the fourth hokage". Rayon nodded Naruko sat back and instead of being angry her eyes just dimmed she didn't know what to say. 

"So, my father did this to me he decided to ruin my life". Rayon nodded "Yeah and everyone knew I mean everybody no one is stupid you mother was a famous ninja as well as an jinchuriki she also was always around the hokage she was also an Uzumaki". Rayon said adding on. 

Naruko's eyes brightened when she heard about her mother "The Uzumaki clan what's that". Rayon sighed and then went on to explain what the Uzumaki clan was and their importance to the shinobi world. 

"Wait so the swirl on the back is from my homeland where I am basically royalty the first hokages wife is also an Uzumaki and I could possibly have a relative who is a senju but is running around the world drinking and gambling". Naruko said summing up everything Rayon told her.

"Yeah, that's about it". Rayon said Naruko didn't cry she didn't even explode with chakra she just sighed and walked over to Rayon and hugged him. 

"Hahh Rayon just take me away from here I just can't right now I might go on a killing spree". Naruko said tiredly. 

"First tell me if I wanted to destroy this village would you help me". "Yes as long as we don't hurt Anko the rest can die". Rayon nodded "Good she is already with us but first we need to get stronger so we will be staying in the leaf for just a few more months than we will leave after I get a base village of my own the wave village isn't the best place". 

"So, the team you created is in the wave village". "Yeah, you will meet them soon I sent Yakumo there as well Anko will also join us there when we leave ok". Rayon said rubbing her head Naruko smiled. 

"Ok but why do I feel like only girls are there". Naruko said pouting a bit "Well that's because there is". Rayon said, "I knew it but since you said I am your favorite I will let it go for now". Naurko said a bit irritated. 

Rayon then took the barrier down destroying the tags he thought something would go down but guess not. 

"Naruko do you want to go on a quick run outside of the village". Rayon asked he felt like getting some pussy, but he didn't feel like doing it with Anko or Kurenai neither Naruko not yet. 

"Yeah, let's go". Naruko said excitedly as they both dashed off towards the gat where they would move so fast no one could see them due to only chunins and genins being around with jonins out along with even the Anbu doing missions. 


3 Days Later:

Land Of Birds: 

Rayon and Naruko were now in the Land of birds when they got there Naruko was bored since it took forever to get her. 

"Naruko I have some business to take care of right quick but for now I want you to find three ninjas called the Watari Ninja kill all of them you should be able to only find two I will handle the last one ok". Rayon said. 

Naruko shrugged "That's all but after I want to explore this place ok". Naruko said as she seemed to want to take a break from everything and just explore the area. 

Rayon nodded "This is a good place for you to rest after you kill them then you can enjoy the day here". Rayon told Naruko who ran around the small village not before making shadow clones as she looked for the whereabouts of the Watari Ninja. 

Rayon grabbed a chakra sensor tag looking for those with the most amount of chakra. 

"Agh!" Rayon held his head as he sensed Naruko's chakra 'She has way too much it made my head hurt damn there he is'. Rayon thought to himself as he sensed the leader Hoko. 

Rayon flashed to where he could find him, and it wasn't that far away flashing in red lightning Rayon landed on top of house where he could see the guy talking to someone in a alley way Rayon didn't feel like bothering with a fight. 

Slashing his sword with quickness Rayon cut his head off. 

"Ahhhh why did you kill him!" Yelled another man. 

Rayon though just killed him to then burned the body with a small flame then sealing the head Rayon began going straight towards where the Daimiyo is for a reward. 

With Naruko:

Naruko was sitting down looking over a bed of water relaxing as she summoned Kana who took care of the Watari ninja for her. 

"Thank you, Kana,". Naruko said Kana just giggled "don't worry Naruko you deserved the break and those wata or whatever have been dealt with". 

Naruko nodded "Let's just relax here Rayon will come and find me later". Kana snuggled closer to Naruko as they sat under the sun. 

With Rayon:

Daimiyo Residence:

Rayon walked inside of where the Daimiyo lived Rayon was walking through but no one could see him it was just that he was using a substitution to look like Chishima the guy in the original who hired the leaf. 

Rayon had killed him with a kunai and burned his body right away as soon as he saw him now, he was heading to where Toki was the girl dressed as a boy. 

Rayon without any wait walked inside of the room to see the daimiyo sitting there reading over papers. 

"Oh, what do you want Chishima". She asked coldly looking down at some papers "Are you here to stop me again". Rayon just turned back into himself surprising her. 

"Who are you". She said as she grabbed the Halberd next to her Rayon was surprised about how fast she picked it up. 

"Calm down my name is Rayon and here". Rayon said as he threw channeled chakra into a scroll and out came with the head of Hoko. 

"Looking down she didn't understand until she saw the face Wh.. wait how why thank you". Toki said as she didn't know what to say in this moment, she couldn't help but tear up though as she raised the halberd and destroyed the head and began to keep doing it over and over until she just started crying. 

Rayon just watched he didn't really care.

5 minutes later Rayon jumped in "Alright can we talk now". The girl looked up at Rayon realizing he was there as she looked at her watch that began moving Rayon just shook his head 'Isn't that what happened in the anime she should be good now'. Rayon thought to himself. 

"I..I am sorry for my display it seems you are a leaf shinobi would you like me to lead you to another room to speak". She said as she looked at the room that was bloody. 

"Yeah". She walked out and then walked to the next room over opening the door and sitting down on a chair Rayon looked around the room was boring and bare there was just a chair and a desk. 

"Ehem what would you like to ask me and even though your help wasn't asked for thank you for that help". Toki said under the guise of a man. 

"Well, I want you". Rayon said with a shrug Toki didn't understand then blushed "Wait how did you know I was a woman". she asked. 

Rayon didn't answer and just walked up to her pulling her into a kiss. Toki blushed but didn't pull away it felt good. 

"You didn't fight back". Rayon said grinning "I...can't anyway your stronger than me plus it's better to just do it I owe you for killing the man who killed my family". Toki said 'Plus he's cute why refuse I am a growing woman as well'. Toki thought to herself. 

Rayon shrugged "Good girl I will use you for the night then". Rayon said grinning as he began taking her kimono making her look away.