
Sword Destiny

A destiny to reach heights and wield the Sword as a Chosen one

Creation_32 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


"what a beautiful morning" said a young lad with pale yellow eyeballs and a skin just as pale as his eyes.

" Ethan!" A middle-aged man called out, in answer to this the callant stared at the middle aged man

"Hope you didn't forget about our discussion last night before you slept" said the middle aged man.

A cub suddenly sprang on Ethan's hand and rested gently, with this ecstasy filled his face.

Now paying attention to the middle aged man. "l have forgotten already"said Ethan.

"It's about the competition coming up in three weeks time,which consists of many cultivators like you"

"father I'm a bit anxious"said Ethan

" Silly why should you be,if you are anxious how do you expect the others to feel.You should know that your swordplay is the best.

the lad chortled and stared at the slightly colossal platform which stood gallantly and was being polished by servants. the platform is to be used for the event to be taken place.

Ethan at the young age of fifteen, was a redflame cultivator which is not powerful as a orangeflame cultivator. But Ethan possessed special qualities than some orange cultivators.

Ethan who lived in clamrift clan, was born with a strange mystical mist.

" Slayer"Ethan cried out,here came the young cub which possess more power than a orange cultivator.

Ethan getting ready to go to the forest for some hunting,with his childhood friend taking along slayer.

"Bye going off to the forest for some hunting" said the young lad which was a bit anxious.

Few metres away from the forest,Ethan was accompanied by his childhood friend Leo which also was a blueflame cultivator but not as powerful as Ethan.

"I am really getting afraid" said Leo.

Ethan laughed for a few seconds and then stopped.now hearing sounds of different beast in the forest.

About a few metres walk into the forest they encountered their first hunt.

It was a wolf which did not possess a lot of power apart, from it speed,strength, and agility.

Then the young cub began howling,like as if it was frightened. Then he brought out his sword from his sheath.

The wolf was a blue flame cultivator which is not as powerful as the red flame cultivator.

Ethan took his stance and ran towards the wolf, the wolf also ran towards ethan.

Then ethan poured out his mystical mist which immediately surrounded the wolf,then it's vision became vague and ethan dashed towards the wolf and sliced of his head.


Ethan who was really exhausted, blood stains splashed on Ethan garment.

" Let us pack up the wolf and start going cause it's about to rain"said Ethan.

As they walked out of the forest,slayer was already asleep.

Now Leo was already close to his house.

"Bye for now,see you tommorow"said Leo.

Few metres ahead of him he saw his father having some discussion with some elders in the clan.

" I am really anxious to hear their discussion"said Ethan.

On getting there,he greeted them all.And drop down the meat.

"How was your Hunting" said Nineskys

"It was a really interesting hunt" said Ethan.

"Tell me more about it,and how did it exactly happen" said Nineskys.

"Father I am really exhausted, we will talk about this tommorow" said Ethan.


"Father,good morning going off to the library" said Nineskys.

"See later in the day" said Nineskys.

"See you later in the day" said Nineskys

Few metres away from the forest,he met Leo who was also going to the library.

"Good morning, Leo" said Ethan.

"Same here" said Leo.

On getting there he met two of his friends, Charles and Fred.Charles who is always arrogant but Fred is a easy going person. Both of them are redflame cultivator.

"Good morning Charles and Fred" said Ethan and Leo.

"Good morning,what have you come to do in the library" said Fred.

"I have come to check out some martial arts books" said Ethan.

"We also came to check out some martial arts books"said Charles and Fred.

" What have you all come to do in the library"said Brown the librarian.

"We all came to check out some martial arts books" they all said in unison.

"Okay,you all got 10 minutes to check out the books" said Brown.

After passing through several platforms filled with martial arts,large staircase, and several corners and finally found a book which enticed him.

It was a martial arts books which was the seven seal martial arts which could defeat a orangeflame cultivator. Ethan picked up the book from the shelf and took it.

Brown restrained him from taking the book.

"It took me and your father three months to learn the seven seal martial arts" said Brown.

"I want use it to train and i insist on taking it and I will surprise both of you" said Ethan.

"If you insist,you can take it" said Brown.

Leo who took the"{fire flame sword art},and Charles took the"{tornado sword art},and Fred took the "{wind scattering sword art},while Ethan took the" {seven seal martial arts}.

"Bye,Mr brown" said Ethan.

"Bye Mr brown" said Fred.

"Thank you,don't forget to return the book once done" said Brown.

"Bye Fred and Charles" said Ethan and Leo.

"See you tommorow" said Leo


"Father,Father" Ethan cried out.

"I was at the back of the house,so which of the martial arts books did you choose" said Nineskys.

"I chose the seven seal martial arts book" said Ethan.

"But didn't brown tell you that it took me and brown three months to learn the seven seal martial arts" said Nineskys.

"But I insist on taking it" said Ethan.

"if you insist go ahead and learn it" said Nineskys.

"Father see you tommorow morning,I am really exhausted" said Ethan.

"Have a good night" said Nineskys.