
Sword Destiny

A destiny to reach heights and wield the Sword as a Chosen one

Creation_32 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Journey

"Good morning father"said Ethan.

" Good morning Ethan"said Nineskys.

"How was your night,hope you slept well" said Nineskys.

"It was fine,and I really slept well" said Ethan.

"That's good, we are going to be travelling to chu clan" Nineskys.

"Where,when,and moreover why" said Ethan.

"Chu clan is located in the Ancient city of China and we are going there for you to meet master chu" said Nineskys.

Master chu is the clan head of chu clan,he is a cyan flame cultivator.

"When are we going to be travelling" said Ethan.

"We are going right now, so pack up your things" said Nineskys.

"Slayer,we are travelling to chu clan" said Ethan.

Chu clan is located in the ancient city of China, they are best known for their skills in sword techniques moreover they are the best known in sword making.

"Hurry up,the bus would soon be leaving" said Nineskys.

"I am coming,in a jiffy" said Ethan.

"Okay, just be fast" said Nineskys.


Chu clan is a hundred of kilometres distance walk.chu clan is a very big city,it is regarded to as the 3rd largest clan.

On getting there Ethan was amazed on how big the city was,and slayer who is asleep.Now they boarded another bus which is going to take them to master Chu's place.It is a five kilometres distance travel.

On getting there they both met master chu wielding some swords.

"What a glittering golden sword" said Ethan.

"Welcome home nineskys,and what have you come to do in chu clan" said master Chu,who was really overwhelmed to see them.

"I want Ethan to be one of your disciples, and make a new sword for him" said Nineskys.

"Why should Ethan become one of my disciples" said master Cyou"

"There is an upcoming competition in clamrift clan which consists of different types of cultivators like Ethan" said Nineskys.

"Okay,Ethan can be one of my disciple" said master Chu.

"Ethan,Ethan, Ethan" Nineskys cried out.

On hearing is name,Ethan came outside with a sudden smile in his face.

"Master chu has agreed to take as one of his disciples and make a new sword for you" said Nineskys.

Ethan who was really thrilled on hearing this.

"I really love to be one of your and I have

really heard a lot about you" said Ethan.

"Your training officially begins tommorow,it's getting late let's go in and take dinner" said master Chu


"Wake up you silly boy,it's morning already" said master Chu.

Ethan still yawning and stretching out both hands and leg.Now slayer who starts howling to wake up Ethan. Ethan now realises it's morning.Goes outside and sees other disciples preparing for training.

"Go freshing up,and put on this clothes" said master Chu.

"Come over here Ethan and join the queue" said master Chu.

"All of you should assemble in other and split into seven divisions.Now your first test is that you all are going to fight against each other" said master Chu.

"I hope he doesn't call me" said Ethan.

Looking around to decide who to choose.

"Diamond come out,Ethan also do the same" said master Chu.

Ethan who was really shocked on hearing his name he didn't believe it.

Diamond who is a red flame cultivator and very skillful in sword techniques than Ethan his.

"You two should come forward to the platform" said master Chu.


Ethan removing his sword from his sheath and Diamond also doing the same.

Diamond dashed towards ethan, Ethan like a bullet dashed forth.

"clang" "clang" "clang" "clang"

Diamond giving him a kick with his right leg making Ethan fly backwards.Ethan took his stance,and went forward pouring out his mystical mist which made Diamond vision vague within a twinkle of an eye,Ethan giving a punch right to his chin which made Diamond fly back on the floor.


"Back to the line"

"I will see you all tommorow morning" said Master chu.

"I am really exhausted going off to bed" said Ethan.Slayer who was really surprised to see Ethan.

"See you tommorow morning for training" said Master chu.


The sun rose from the horizon smiling brightly, pouring down it's resplendent light on the earth.

Ethan now meditating has he does every morning.As he was meditating something spectacular was about to happen.

Within a twinkle of an eye Ethan was surrounded with a strange mystical mist which rounded him like a tornado and now the strange mystical mist turned into a spherical crystal diamond and entered his body.

Ethan had just cultivated and unlocked some strange powers namely crystal sword,blood snake sword.

"Father,something strange just happened I was been surrounded by some strange mystical mist which entered my body" said Ethan.

"Wow,you have cultivated and unlocked some strange powers" said Nineskys.

"I have unlocked some strange powers that's amazing I can't wait to know the powers" said Ethan.

"Master chu" Nineskys cried out.

"What is the call for" said Master chu.

"We are leaving for clamrift" said Nineskys.

"Why,it's to early to go" said Master chu.

"We have to go" said Nineskys.

"Okay if that's the way you want it" said Master chu.

"Bye master chu,thanks for the new sword" said Ethan.