

RedBoxDudez · Kinh dị ma quái
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7 Chs

The Mail Man ( chapter 1 )

one day it was raining but every one in the neighborhood was ok, every one was calm and going easy on everything and also John Smith... yeah, John was really calm, he was watching TV in the living room while waiting for todays mail, some hours past and John started to feel wierd he did not know where the mail man was but John knowed to stay calm and wait while waitng and watching TV his friend called and said to him, Dude this is crazy the mail man is SO LATE i hope he get fired for beeing so late like its about to be lunch time so i hope he will be here soon, Said friend and John replied, Yeah me to bro i have not got the mail, And both friends stoped talking and hanged up becose they saw somebody standing in the rain, it was the mail man and then both friend's got eye contact and the friend told john to not be seen by the mail man whit his hands and john understand it so they got in a hide out and still can see each other but the mail man wasn't seen then friend told whit hands again that the mail man was right next to johns house but john didn't undersatnd and then

john heard three loud knocks on the door he peaked thro the peek hole and saw the mail mans face it was so pale and he goted a scar all over his eye he was about to open the door but the friend pointed to his pocket and john looked there

was a knife, john got scared runned away to hide

but the mail man was so pissed that he just busted out the door and broke in, john was scared but he was 23 and he was about to turn 24 so he knew that he had to do something or this guy will robe him and maybe then kill him so john had an idea he saw that the mail man was looking only around the first floor but john was at second floor so he ran quckly to another room but the mail man heard it and was going upstares john was looking for stuff in his bedroom when he remmember he got himself a defense gun so he picked up the gun and some bullets while he was getting bullets in but the door started opening he was in panic and hide somewher but he did not have enogh time to put the bullets in, The mail man was looking everywhere when he heard a floor crack under the bed he looked under the bed and john was under the bed whit a hammer and hitted the mail man in the face. know the mail man was knocted out john ran downstares and the TV knews was saying that in siance lab sector 04 was a fail, infection has spread all over the world and peapol are geting infected so try and survive the siencists will try to stop the infection, so john got some stuff and packed it in his backbag and then ran to his friends house and told his friend what happened and about the infection so the friend packed all his things in to his backbag and they where about to leave but friend saw how the mail man was getting up and started shouting at john, YOU DIDNT KILL HIM!, john replied, I didnt have time to load my gun, and friend said to him, Never mind lets just leave faster ok i dont feel safe now. And then the both leaved.