

RedBoxDudez · Horror
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7 Chs

The Mall ( chapter 2 )

john was socked about the infection and was standing still while his friend Evan was telling him, We need to go know its not much time, But john replied,Wait where we are going, Evan said, Well its lunch so im feeling hungry, John was looking at his friend and got an idea, Evan we can go to the mall to get some stuff, Evan replied, But we didnt bring money, John said, Lets go and you will see, Both friends where going to the mall while Evan said, John do you think we will survive, John replied, Of course we will but know there is the mall, Evan was socked, What the.. what has happened here, John said its been alredy attacked, Evan said, Well lets go in then, And both friends go in. it was so dirty but there was a lot of food so both friends was starting to run and pick some food, Evan said, Theres so much food we are going to survive, And the both friends stoped for a minute to eat and they goted out but something happened.