
Surviving In This Messed Up World

Creepypasta’s,SCP’s Alternate worlds. At first i thought the wirld i was reincarnated in was normal. But i was very wrong. My sorry Ass is actually Friends with a supernatural being. Oh who may you ask well. It is non other than the Infamous Jeff the killier. You see he tried to kill me and i am a normal human being. BUT THE FACT THAT IT DOESNT STIP THERE MAKES ME SHIT MY PANTS…

Ender_Child · Khác
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16 Chs

The ‘Beast’ has become a plush

Well Borak here looks like a lesser version of Scp-682, I am possibly just going insane at this point. maybe it's an illusion. "Hey uhm Borak, you live here"

I asked with a forced smile, Borak snarled and replied. "Yes, it is my home and you two got swallowed by it and now you are damaging it"

Mary didn't care for his words her eyes were currently giving off a very concerning light, well not at me. "I needed a wolf to watch over my sheep anyways you would do good"

She waved her crook at it, i could suddenly feel this situation going south. "Little girl do not test me, the only read I am keeping you two alive is because I have no entertainment here, so why don't you humans do what you're best at and get with it"

"what is that supposed to mean" I said with an eyebrow raised. For some reason I thought it was friendly, well I guess I am still naive.

Mary was currently smiling, she was eerily quiet, the 'lambs' behind her suddenly stopped and looked at Borak with an enraged expression. "hmm, I hate that word"

The tension in the air thickened as Mary's smile widened, and her lambs started to circle around Borak. Their previously calm demeanor shifted into something menacing, their eyes glowing with an unsettling intensity.

Borak's glowing red eyes narrowed as he shifted his gaze to Mary. "Careful, girl. I've survived things far worse than whatever tricks you've got up your sleeve."

Mary tilted her head, her voice soft but filled with a strange menace. "You see, Borak, I don't like it when creatures like you throw around that word—'human.' It's dismissive. Dehumanizing." She paused, her grip on her crook tightening. "And I've had enough of things underestimating me."

I could feel the weight of her words, and for a moment, even Borak seemed to hesitate, sensing the shift in her demeanor. The lambs, now fully agitated, moved in closer to him, their glowing eyes locking onto him with predatory intent.

I raised a hand, trying to defuse the situation. "Mary, maybe we should—"

Before I could finish, Borak growled low in his throat. "You think you can threaten me, little girl? I've devoured things far more dangerous than you. If you want to play, let's play."

The lambs lunged at Borak, their bodies twisting mid-air, mouths open wide, revealing rows of sharp teeth that didn't belong on any ordinary sheep. Borak roared, swiping at them with his massive claws, but they were fast, darting around him with unnatural speed. They bit into his thick fur, tearing chunks away as he struggled to fend them off.

"Mary!" I shouted, feeling the heat of my inner flame flicker as the scene unfolded before me. I wasn't sure if I should intervene, but this was spiraling out of control.

Mary stood back, watching the chaos unfold with a dark smile on her face, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "You wanted entertainment, Borak. Well, here it is. You're the wolf, after all. Let's see if you can outlast the sheep."

Borak bellowed, his massive body thrashing as he tried to shake off the lambs. "You… insolent… little—"

Before he could finish, one of the lambs latched onto his throat, biting down hard. Borak's roar turned into a choked gurgle, and he fell to one knee, his red eyes flaring with rage. But even as his strength started to fade, he wasn't giving up.

I could feel the green flame inside me growing restless, reacting to the violence around me. It wanted to get out, to protect… to destroy. My hands clenched into fists as I struggled to control it.

"Mary, stop!" I shouted, stepping toward her. "This isn't necessary!"

She turned to me, her expression softening slightly, though the darkness in her eyes remained. "He insulted us, James. He called us weak. I'm just showing him what happens when you underestimate the wrong people."

Borak, now severely weakened, let out one last defiant roar. "I… will not… be defeated by… sheep…"

With a final burst of strength, he swung his massive claw, smashing one of the lambs into the ground. The creature let out a twisted screech before dissolving into mist. But it wasn't enough. The remaining lambs swarmed him, their glowing eyes burning with relentless fury as they tore into him.

In a matter of moments, Borak was overwhelmed. His body went limp, collapsing under the weight of the lambs. The red glow in his eyes flickered before fading entirely.

The silence that followed was suffocating. The lambs, having finished their task, turned back to Mary, their once menacing expressions replaced with docile obedience. They gathered around her, like loyal pets awaiting praise.

Mary turned to me, her smile returning to its usual playful tone. "See? Problem solved."

I stared at Borak's lifeless body, a pit forming in my stomach. "You didn't have to kill him," I said quietly.

"That was painful you damn brat"

"Huh?" I asked as i looked at what seemed to be a…chibi? Version of Borak. I squatted down and poked it.

The small, chibi version of Borak swatted my hand away with an irritated snarl. "Don't touch me, human!" His voice, though smaller, still carried the gruffness from his previous towering form. It was both comical and unnerving to see such a menacing creature reduced to something so small.

"Uh, Mary?" I glanced over at her, unsure of how to process what just happened.

Mary, still smiling, twirled her crook and hummed nonchalantly. "Oh, don't mind him. I didn't kill him; just gave him a little… adjustment. My lambs like to play with their food, after all."

"Adjustment?!" Borak, now barely reaching my knee, stomped his tiny foot in frustration. "You shrunk me! You vile, wretched child! This is not how a proud beast like me should be treated!"

"How did you even do that" I am currently very confused on how that was possible, wasn't he supposed to be strong or something along those lines.

"Uhhm, I don't know it just sort of happened, his soul more or less forcefully submitted to me"

"Forcefully submitted?" I repeated, still trying to make sense of everything. "You mean, you didn't even try? It just happened?"

Mary gave a casual shrug, her innocent smile completely at odds with the havoc she'd just unleashed. "I guess his essence couldn't handle my lambs. Or maybe it's just that I'm stronger than he thought. Either way, problem solved, right?"

Borak, now in his tiny, chibi form, fumed. "This is not a solution, girl! You've humiliated me! I am Borak, devourer of worlds, the scourge of—"

"Uhm can you get out of your fictional world cause the only thing you're devouring is rocks" I said with small smile.

Borak glared up at me with his tiny, furious eyes. "You dare mock me, human? I may be small now, but when I regain my full power, you'll—"

Mary interrupted with a chuckle, twirling her crook again. "You won't be regaining anything unless I say so, little wolf." She knelt down, poking his chibi form with her crook, causing him to stumble again. "And I think you're much cuter this way. Way less destructive."

Borak bared his tiny fangs and snarled in frustration. It was hard to take him seriously in this form, though the memory of his massive, terrifying presence still lingered in the back of my mind. Despite how ridiculous this was, I couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. He had gone from a fearsome beast to… whatever this was.

"Ok we can finally leave, my little lambs have torn a hole in this giant multi faced worm and since I did a good job, carry me James" She said with a grin, i just looked at her with a blank expression, why is she making me do this again.

"as I said before, you have legs, learn how to use them" I folded my hands, she pouted and her eyes suddenly started becoming misty.

Mary sniffled, putting on a pitiful expression. "But I did so much work… Look at me, I'm exhausted. My lambs, my crook, all of that was a lot, you know…"

I stared at her, unimpressed. "I watched you enjoy every second of that."

Borak, still in his chibi form, crossed his arms and snorted. "Pathetic. The human boy has more sense than you, child. I don't know how I've been reduced to this, but mark my words, when I regain my true form—"

"Yeah, yeah, when you regain your true form, you'll be a big scary wolf again," I said, cutting him off. "Until then, you're just a talking plushie."

"…You know what, Fuck you?!" It used its paws and gave me a middle finger…huh. I kicked it without a word. "Don't curse in front of the child"

Borak let out a high-pitched squeal as my foot sent him tumbling across the ground. He scrambled to his feet, fur bristling in tiny indignation. "You dare kick me, human? I swear when I return to my full power, I'll—"

"Yeah, yeah, we've been over this," I muttered, folding my arms. "You're not doing anything unless Mary says so, remember?"

Borak growled, but the sound was more like a yapping dog than the menacing beast he used to be. Mary, meanwhile, was watching the exchange with amusement, her earlier pout gone as she twirled her crook lazily. "You two are like an old married couple," she teased, stepping closer. "Honestly, I don't know which of you is more childish."

"Excuse me?" Borak and I both said in unison, then glared at each other.

Mary giggled. "Anyway, let's get moving. We've wasted enough time here." She turned on her heel and started walking toward the gaping hole her lambs had created in the worm's side.

I shook my head and followed her, Borak stomping behind us in his tiny form, muttering under his breath. As we stepped through the hole, a wave of cool, fresh air hit my face, and I realized just how oppressive the worm's insides had been.

"Freeze by the orders of the foundation?!!" Damn great, another problem in my way I turned to Mary. "Please don't attack, let's just follow along with this"

Mary gave me a glance and nodded, in front of us was a small battalion of people wearing black shirts with a logo that says SCP. I wonder if I am safe or not, maybe I could escape from here and also…If the Scp foundation exists, this entire world…it's more than fucked, well since that's the case I say H.P lovecraft creature exist.