
Surviving In This Messed Up World

Creepypasta’s,SCP’s Alternate worlds. At first i thought the wirld i was reincarnated in was normal. But i was very wrong. My sorry Ass is actually Friends with a supernatural being. Oh who may you ask well. It is non other than the Infamous Jeff the killier. You see he tried to kill me and i am a normal human being. BUT THE FACT THAT IT DOESNT STIP THERE MAKES ME SHIT MY PANTS…

Ender_Child · Others
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16 Chs


These days I feel as if I feel nothing at all,

My emotions feel burnt and charred.

I don't know why, but I am slowly being addicted to the allure of destruction and chaos, I want everything in my path to burn and decay, I want their life force turned to nothing but ash.



There's no distinction anymore. Good, evil, it all blurs into a single point of entropy. It's like my soul is being pulled into a void where nothing matters no light, no dark, only the craving for absolute obliteration. The world moves around me, people live their lives, but I can only see their fragility. I want to break it, to shatter their illusions of safety and permanence.

Perhaps it's because I see the truth in the destruction. Beneath every façade of order, there's a whisper of chaos waiting to erupt. And that whisper grows louder each day, pulling me closer to the edge.

Maybe I'll fall.

Maybe I'll jump.

But either way, I know the fire inside won't stop until everything burns—James.

My eyes flickered as my vision abruptly changed, i could see that some parts of my vision some things seem to be burning with much more green flames. I was slightly uncomfortable but i could still see.

We were currently waiting for these personnel to say when we could move, one of the personnel suddenly came in front of us. "Are you two doppelgänger's or Skinwalkers, I expect you to give me an answer"

It was a women and was pointing a gun at me. "can you not point a gun at me"

"I said answer you bastard" As she was suddenly about to hit me with the gun, my hand suddenly reached her neck and grabbed it without any resistance.

The grip I had on her throat felt unnatural, as if my body was moving without me fully willing it. The green flame inside me flickered, casting a dim glow over my vision. Her eyes widened in fear, her hand trembling as she kept the gun trained on me, but it was clear she wasn't in control anymore. I was.

"James," Mary's voice broke through the haze, calm yet firm. "Let her go."

For a moment, I didn't respond. The anger, the hunger for destruction swirled inside me like a storm, pushing me to tighten my grip, to feel her life force slip away. The thought of breaking her felt… easy. So easy.

"James, aren't you the one who said we shouldn't attack" Mary's voice was sharper now, cutting through the fog in my mind.

I blinked and loosened my hold, letting the woman collapse to the ground, gasping for air. Her gun clattered to the floor, and I took a step back, watching her as she scrambled away in fear.

The other personnel suddenly raised their guns at us all.

"Humans and their weak little toys" Borak said in clear disdain. I calmed down a bit and decided not to talk this.

"Ehem sorry about that, we are neither of those things, but you should understand it isn't nice to point a gun at someone or hit them with it." The personnel kept their guns trained on us, tension thick in the air. The woman I had grabbed was still gasping for breath, glaring at me like I was some sort of monster. Maybe I was becoming one. The green flames still flickered in my vision, tempting me to burn everything down, but I forced myself to stay calm.

Suddenly a man came forward. "Sorry about that and no worries, this one here is a new recruit so she is a bit naive, My name is Conner, no last name"

I raised an eyebrow and looked around us, the worm has long disappeared into its hole, we were still in the wastelands but I'm a different part, behind the personnel was some kind of city. "I'm James, This is Mary my uhm little sister and that lizard is just a small pet, it's harmless"

Borak once again gave me a clawed middle finger. Of course i ignored that. "Ah well that's interesting, but do you really think I'd believe that, you three came out of that worm but whatever, we are the Scp foundation, we secure contain and protect…well the protect part isn't that much used anymore but we still do contain some threats and secure whatever anomalies we can. You three just happen to fall under the 'unknown threat' category for now, but we might be able to change that if you cooperate."

I tensed, still feeling the residual flicker of the green flames within me, but I kept my face neutral. The mention of the SCP Foundation, of all things, made sense now. Of course, we weren't just dealing with random soldiers. These were the people who handled anomalies and things that defied the laws of reality.

"Cooperate?" I repeated, keeping my voice calm. "And what exactly do you want us to cooperate with?"

Conner crossed his arms, glancing between me, Mary, and Borak. "Simple. You explain what the hell you are, how you got here, and whether or not you're going to be a problem. We run tests, you answer questions, and in exchange, we don't lock you up in one of our secure sites. Fair trade, don't you think?"

Mary gave me a sideways glance, her eyes filled with silent concern. I could feel her anxiety radiating, but I kept my focus on Conner. There was no way we were going to submit to whatever "tests" they wanted to run, especially with my emotions teetering on the edge like this.

"I don't think you understand the situation," Borak growled, his tail twitching in irritation. "You humans can't contain us, and you definitely can't control us. Test or not, we don't play by your rules."

Conner's expression hardened. "Maybe not, but we can still neutralize threats. We've dealt with worse than you, so don't get cocky."

The air grew tense again, and I could feel the fire inside me grow, but I fought to keep it contained. Burning down everything around us wouldn't solve anything. At least, not yet.

"Look, we didn't ask to be here," I said finally. "We were… pulled in by that worm. I don't know how or why. But we're not here to start a war or be your next lab rats. We just want to find a way out of this wasteland."

Conner studied me for a long moment, and I could tell he was weighing his options. Finally, he sighed and holstered his weapon. The other soldiers lowered their guns, but the tension was still thick in the air.

"Alright, fine," Conner said. "But you're coming with us. We'll take you to one of our outposts, and from there, we can figure out what to do with you."

"Sure but can you explain something about this world because i quite literally realized a few days ago that I was in some sort of messed up illusion and when I woke up I was having a very bad time" I sighed, maybe i should have known more quickly, but the more i thought about it the more I realized that I wasn't reborn into this world, heck the only thing that came to my memories that day was running from Jeff first, the other memories felt fake and implanted there to make it believe I was from another world. Some cosmic entity was very much manupilating me. And it succeeded in doing that.

Thinking about it gave me a big headache. "Hmm…strange, let's walk and I'll tell you what I know," Conner said, nodding toward the direction of the city. The personnel began to move, and we followed, keeping pace with them. As we walked, I could feel the oppressive atmosphere of the wasteland fading, but the unease within me remained. The green flames still flickered in my peripheral vision, as if they were waiting for the right moment to consume everything around me.

Conner glanced back at me, his expression serious. "This world… well, it's hard to explain. The Foundation was created to deal with things that defy normal reality anomalies, creatures, phenomena that shouldn't exist but do. but that was the foundation of the past, strictly speaking there is more than one reality where the Scp foundation exists in but this one is different, This world has a very high hierarchy.

Story's becoming twisted version of themselves.

Horrible monsters of myth coming to life.

And humans gaining anomalous abilities, There are also multiple organizations in this world that are too hard to contain, and the SCP Foundation is just one of them," Conner continued, his voice grim. "In this version of reality, the balance we used to maintain is gone. It's become a fractured battleground, and we're all just trying to survive in the chaos."

I could feel the weight of his words, but something still felt off. "So, what are we then?" I asked, glancing at Mary and Borak. "Why are we here?"

Conner scratched the back of his head, as if trying to find the right words. "You're anomalies, that much is clear. But you're different. The worm you came out of isn't something we've encountered before, and the fact that you even made it through… that's not normal. You're connected to something bigger. Maybe something that wants to rip this world apart."

I clenched my fists, the green flames in my vision flickering stronger. "And what if I want to rip it apart?"