
Survive As A Reincarnated Bat

Follow the story of a young man who is suddenly transported to a strange world, where he discovers he has been reincarnated as a bat. With limited powers and knowledge of this new world, he must navigate dangerous territories, face powerful enemies, and find a way to survive. This thrilling webnovel is packed with action, humor, and a unique take on the fantasy genre. Get ready to embark on a journey filled with twists and turns. So, don't wait! Start reading "Survive as a Reincarnated Bat" now and experience the ultimate fantasy adventure. You won't be disappointed!

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11 Chs

Nightmare Castle (Part 2)

Chapter 10 : Nightmare Castle (Part 2)

Echolocation Activated...

As Ryuichi continued to use his echolocation skills to navigate the castle, he began to pick up on an intense and overwhelming presence. The aura was so dark and potent that it felt like a physical weight on his chest,he could feel the intensity of the dark aura growing stronger and stronger. He could sense that it was coming from the center of the castle, and he knew that it could only mean one thing:

There must be a stronger enemy , out there.

"What is this?" Ryuichi whispered to himself as he cautiously approached the source of the dark energy.

Ryuichi: "What's wrong with this massive dark aura , it's feels like I'm going to go hell".

Ryuichi's heart raced as he approached the source of the dark massive aura. He knew that there was a formidable opponent and that he would have to be at the top of his game if he was going to have a chance against him.

Ryuichi: "Who the hell is this , can I have a chance defeat it with my current skills that I have ".

As he entered the room, he could see a vampire with dark wings sitting on his throne, surrounded by his minions. Ryuichi could feel the vampire's cold gaze upon him, and he knew that he was in for a fight.

"So, you are the one who has been sensing my presence," the vampire spoke in a deep and menacing voice.

The vampire sitting on the throne spoke, his voice echoing through the room. "So, you dare to enter my lair, mortal. Do you not fear death? or not"

Ryuichi spread his wings, unafraid. "I fear nothing. I have come to put an end to your reign of terror."

Orpheus let out a booming laugh. "You? Stop me? I have lived for centuries, watched entire civilizations rise and fall. I am the embodiment of darkness, the king of the night a True Pure Vampire race. You are but a mere mortal,a mere bat a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things."

Then suddenly the vampire sitting on the throne suddenly concentrate his dark aura to Ryuichi."Can you feel it mere bat my massive aura huhuhuhu".

Orpheus chuckled darkly. "You are brave, but foolish. You cannot defeat me. I am too powerful."

Ryuichi didn't back down. "I have faced many challenges in my life, and I have overcome them all. I will not be defeated by a mere vampire."

The vampire stood from his throne, his eyes glowing with an intense hatred. "You will regret those words, mortal. I will destroy you and make you suffer for your arrogance."

And with that, the battle began. Ryuichi and the vampire clashed, their powers colliding in a display of raw energy. Ryuichi's echolocation skills proved to be a formidable weapon, allowing him to dodge vampire strike attacks and strike back with precision.

Ryuichi: "That one is close, I need to concentrate".

But Orpheus was no ordinary vampire his a true Pure Vampire. His immense strength and centuries of experience made him a formidable opponent, and Ryuichi knew that he couldn't let his guard down for even a moment.

Ryuichi:"what the hell are you, even my claw attack can scratch him ,I can't let my guard down even for a moment of time".

As the battle raged on, it seemed as though the two were evenly matched. But then, just as Ryuichi thought he was gaining the upper hand, Orpheus unleashed a blood techniques : Crimson's Roar that allows the user create a devastating roar of concentrated blood energy to its target, it's devastating attack that Ryuichi sent him flying across the room.

"Is that what you've got"

The vampire taunted, a cruel smile playing on his lips.

Ryuichi: "That was... intense. I have to come up with a plan, or this might be my last day of my life".

Despite the setback, Ryuichi refused to give up. He was determined to defeat the vampire and put an end to his reign of terror. He closed his eyes, gathering his energy and focusing his thoughts. When he opened his eyes again, he could feel a renewed strength coursing through his veins.

Ryuichi: "Alright, let's do this. I'll show you what a true bat is capable of."

Ryuichi spread his wings and activate is ultimate skill

Frost Bear's Roar: Blood Freezing Roar - Unleash a powerful, blood-based roar that freezes enemies within a certain range, dealing damage and stunning them.

Frost Bear's Roar: Blood Freezing Roar Activated...

But the vampire quickly spread his wings and fly away of it,then the vampire use his blood techniques: Sea of blood allows the user to spread a sea of blood to the target and devoured it.

Ryuichi: " I need to get away with this before it's to late" .

With his enhanced agility and healing effects that skill didn't damage him seriously.

With a fierce battle , Ryuichi charged towards vampire, his wings spread wide. The two clashed again, exchanging blows with a ferocity that was unmatched. And this time, Ryuichi was not to be underestimated. He had a new strategy, and he was ready to give it everything he had.

Ryuichi: "It's time to use my secret move, ultimate skill Devoured Crimson Cage to lock him and Nightmare's Embrace to finish him ".


Devoured Crimson Cage: Traps enemies within a cage made of solidified blood, devouring them for nourishment and gaining their abilities.

Nightmare's Embrace: Unleash a powerful energy that drains the life force of enemies and deals massive damage.

Ryuichi spread his wings fly quickly use his echolocation skill and enhance hearing and his blood attack .

Devoured Crimson Cage Activated...

The vampire got hit by it then Ryuichi use his final blow Nightmare's Embrace.Causing the vampire to stumble back. And with that, the tide of the battle had shifted. Ryuichi was relentless, his determination and skill allowing him to overpower the vampire.

Vampire: "Impossible... How could a mere mortal be this strong...?"

Ryuichi stood over the defeated vampire, his wings spread wide confidently. "You are defeated, vampire. Your reign of terror is over."

Vampire:"It's that what you've think".

The Vampire stood up unleashing his full Aura to Ryuichi then suddenly appear in front of Ryuichi.

Ryuichi shock then the vampire said,"Is that all you've got,bat".

The vampire unleash his blood techniques: blood repeal a blood techniques use to repeal it's target.

Ryuichi took a massive amounts of damage.

Ryuichi:" I have make a new plan , before it's to late".

The battle between Ryuichi and the vampire was fierce and intense, each one giving it their all. But despite Ryuichi's bravery and determination, he was no match for the centuries-old true pure vampire.

Vampire: "Ha! You are not that strong than I thought. How could you possibly think you could defeat me?"

Ryuichi grit his teeth, determined not to give up. He knew that he had to find a way to defeat Orpheus, even if it meant risking everything.

Ryuichi: "I won't give up, I won't let you win. I'll find a way to defeat you."

Orpheus just laughed, amused by Ryuichi's persistence. "You are amusing, mortal. But your determination is no match for my power."

As the battle raged on, Ryuichi could feel himself becoming more and more exhausted. He had never fought such a powerful opponent, and he was starting to feel the effects of the strain on his body.

Ryuichi: "I can't keep this up much longer... I need to find a way to turn the tide."

The vampire let out a cruel laugh. "You are a fool, mortal. Do you not understand your own weakness?"

Ryuichi stood tall, his eyes blazing with determination. "I may be a mortal, but I am no weakling. I have faced countless obstacles and overcome them all. I will not be defeated by a monster like you."

With a roar, Ryuichi charged towards the vampire, his wings spread wide as he launched a series of quick and precise strikes. The vampire was caught off guard by the sudden attack and was forced to defend himself.

The two battled with ferocity, their powers colliding in a display of raw energy. Ryuichi's echolocation skills proved to be a formidable weapon, allowing him to dodge vampire's strike attacks and strike back with precision.

Ryuichi: "I need to focus, this is the only chance I have."

Suddenly Ryuichi remember that he was a ultimate skill Blood Summoning Undead

Blood Summoning Undead: Summon a undead creatures where the user Put the passive skill Blood Curse - Arise previous defeated made of solidified blood to fight for the user.

Ryuichi make a distance between the vampire and he activate his ultimate skill Blood Summoning Undead

Blood Summoning Undead : Arises Diablo

End of chapter 10.