
Survive As A Reincarnated Bat

Follow the story of a young man who is suddenly transported to a strange world, where he discovers he has been reincarnated as a bat. With limited powers and knowledge of this new world, he must navigate dangerous territories, face powerful enemies, and find a way to survive. This thrilling webnovel is packed with action, humor, and a unique take on the fantasy genre. Get ready to embark on a journey filled with twists and turns. So, don't wait! Start reading "Survive as a Reincarnated Bat" now and experience the ultimate fantasy adventure. You won't be disappointed!

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11 Chs

Nightmare Castle (Part 1)

Chapter 9: Nightmare Castle (Part 1)

Ryuichi was still feeling the effects of the Night Dragon Twilight's blood as he traveled towards the next part of his journey. He had heard whispers of a castle that was said to hold the key to unlocking even greater powers and abilities. The castle was known as the Nightmare Castle, and it was to be inhabited by the most fearsome creatures in the nightmare forest.

As Ryuichi approached the castle, he could see that it was massive and imposing, with dark clouds hanging over it and lightning bolts flashing in the sky. The castle's walls were made of black stone, and the windows were boarded up, giving it a foreboding appearance.

Ryuichi took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. He flew up to the castle's gates, his wings beating the air as he prepared to enter.

The gates creaked open, and Ryuichi stepped inside. He was immediately met by a rush of cold air, and a feeling of dread settled over him. He could feel the castle's dark energy seeping into his body, draining his strength and sapping his energy.

He quickly realized that the castle was not just any ordinary structure. It was infused with dark magic, making it a dangerous place for anyone to venture into.

Ryuichi made his way through the castle's halls, his senses on high alert. He could hear strange noises echoing through the air, and he could feel the presence of powerful creatures lurking in the shadows.

As he turned a corner, he was suddenly faced with a swarm of bats flying straight towards him. Ryuichi activate his blood web Shield skill to shield himself, but the bats continued to fly straight towards him. He realized that they were not just ordinary bats, but were also infused with dark magic, making them even more dangerous.

Just as Ryuichi was about to engage in battle, a figure appeared before him, blocking the bats' path. It was a knight, dressed in black armor and wielding a sword that seemed to be made of darkness itself. The knight's face was hidden behind a mask, but Ryuichi could sense a powerful aura radiating from him.

"Who are you?" Ryuichi asked, tensing for a fight.

"I am As Diablo, the Vampiric Knight," the knight replied in a deep, menacing voice. "This castle is under my protection, and I will not allow anyone to pass."

"I have come here seeking the key to unlocking greater powers," Ryuichi said. "I must pass through this castle to reach my destination."

As Diablo chuckled. "The key you seek is not easily obtained. It is guarded by the most fearsome creatures in this realm. Are you sure you are ready to face them?"

Ryuichi nodded, his determination showing in his eyes. "I will not back down. I must continue on my journey."

As Diablo looked at Ryuichi for a moment, then nodded. "Very well. But know this, if you fail, you will never leave this castle alive." With that, the Vampiric Knight disappeared into the shadows, leaving Ryuichi to face the trials ahead.

Ryuichi continued through the castle, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way. He fought against hordes of dark creatures and encountered powerful enemies, but he never lost his resolve. He was determined to reach his goal and unlock the key to greater powers.

As Ryuichi stepped into the inner sanctum of the Nightmare Castle, he was greeted by the imposing figure of As Diablo, the Vampiric Knight. The two stood facing each other, the air between them charged with energy and anticipation.

"You have come far, but you will not leave this castle alive," As Diablo said, his voice ringing through the chamber.

"I have faced greater challenges before," Ryuichi replied, his eyes blazing with determination. "I will not be stopped now."

With a fierce cry, Ryuichi launched himself at As Diablo, his claws blazing with energy. The Vampiric Knight met the attack head-on, his sword flashing through the air.

The two warriors clashed, their weapons striking against each other with a loud clang. Ryuichi was fast and agile, his movements graceful as he darted and dodged around the room. As Diablo was relentless, his attacks powerful and precise, each one aimed to take down his opponent.

The battle raged on, with neither warrior gaining the upper hand. Ryuichi used his blood web shield to protect himself, while As Diablo summoned a swarm of bats to attack Ryuichi from all sides.

As the fight continued, Ryuichi began to tire, the dark energy of the castle sapping his strength. Just as he was about to fall, he remembered the power of the Night Dragon Twilight's blood, and he called upon its energy to fuel his attacks.

With a burst of energy, Ryuichi unleashed a powerful claw strike, which struck As Diablo with the full force of his newfound power. The Vampiric Knight was sent flying across the room, his sword falling from his hand.

As Diablo hit the ground, he looked up at Ryuichi, his eyes filled with surprise and admiration. "You are truly a warrior of great strength and skill," he said. "I am honored to have fought by your side, a worthy opponent," he said, gasping for breath. "But the key you seek... is not for the likes of you. It is guarded by a power beyond what you can imagine."

Ryuichi approached As Diablo, his eyes fixed on the fallen warrior. "I do not seek the key for personal gain. I need it to stop the darkness that threatens to engulf the world. I will not rest until the key is mine."

As Diablo looked at Ryuichi, considering his words. After a moment, he nodded. "Very well. I will aid you in your quest. But be warned, the path ahead is dangerous, and the guardians of the key are not to be underestimated."

Ryuichi nodded, grateful for As Diablo's help. The two warriors set out together, determined to reach the key and stop the darkness that threatened the world. They faced trials and challenges, but they never lost their resolve. And in the end, they succeeded, unlocking the power they sought and vanquishing the darkness that threatened to engulf the world.

As the vampiric knight Diablo lay defeated on the ground, Ryuichi sprang into action. He knew that the outcome of this battle would determine the fate of the world, and he was not about to let the vampiric knight's evil reign continue. With a sense of determination, Ryuichi activated his powerful passive skill 'Blood Curse - Arise.' This skill allowed him to place a mark on the defeated enemy, marking them for his ultimate skill 'Blood Summoning Undead.'

With a fierce determination in his eyes, Ryuichi raised his arms and shouted, 'Arise, Diablo!' A dark energy filled the air as the ritual began, and before long, the vampiric knight Diablo was brought back to life, now under the control of Ryuichi.

Ryuichi had proven himself to be a master of his skills, and his cunning and resourcefulness had allowed him to turn the tables on his opponent. With Diablo now at his command.

His status window now read:

Name: Ryuichi Tatsuya

Species: Vampiric Bat

Level: 37 (Increased 2 levels from defeating Vampiric knight diablo )

HP: 3600 (Increased 100 from battle)

MP: 2230 (Increased 100 from battle)


Strength: 500 (Increased 50 from battle)

Dexterity: 530 (Increased 30 from battle) Intelligence: max (unchanged)

Willpower: 470 (Increased 200 from battle)

Endurance: 550 (Increased 50 from battle)

Charisma: 490 (Increased 40 from battle)

Special Skills:

Echolocation: Allows the user to sense their surroundings and detect objects and enemies within a certain range, even in complete darkness.

Flight: Allows the user to fly and maneuver through the air with increased speed and agility.

Claw Attack: A physical attack that deals extra damage to enemies.

Blood Walk: Ability to walk on blood as if it were solid ground.

Blood Attack: Ability to shoot blood as a ranged attack.

Blood Shield: Ability to create a shield made of solidified blood for protection.

Blood Drain: Able to drain the blood of enemies and use it as a weapon or to heal oneself.

Blood Mimicry: Ability to take on the physical characteristics of those whose blood has been consumed.

Passive Skills:

Night Vision: Allows the user to see in complete darkness.

Enhanced Hearing: Allows the user to hear sounds at a greater distance and with greater clarity.

Natural Camouflage: Allows the user to blend into their surroundings and become harder to detect.

Shadow Wolf Slayer: Increased damage to Shadow Wolf species.

Spider Venom Immunity: Immunity to spider venom and poison.

Blood Manipulation: Ability to manipulate and control blood.

Poison Immunity: Immunity to poison-based attacks and status effects.

Increased HP Regen: Faster regeneration of HP during battle.

Enhanced Agility: Increased speed and agility in battle.

Vampiric Regeneration: Allows for faster healing and regeneration of HP and MP.

Blood Curse - Arise : Allows to put a mark on defeated enemy and summon it the Ultimate Skill Blood Summoning Undead

New Ultimate Skill:

Blood Summoning Undead: Summon a undead creatures where the user Put the passive skill Blood Curse - Arise previous defeated made of solidified blood to fight for the user.

Ultimate Skills:

Nightmare's Embrace: Unleash a powerful energy that drains the life force of enemies and deals massive damage.

Devoured Crimson Cage: Traps enemies within a cage made of solidified blood, devouring them for nourishment and gaining their abilities.

Frost Bear's Roar: Blood Freezing Roar - Unleash a powerful, blood-based roar that freezes enemies within a certain range, dealing damage and stunning them.


Dragon's Seed

Blood Summoning Diablo

End of chapter 9.