
Chapter 7: First Steps in Training

Chapter 7: First Steps in Training

As the group stood in silence, contemplating their new abilities and the challenges ahead, Jie clapped his hands together, breaking the moment of reflection. "Alright, team. No time to waste. We start training right now."

Jack cleared his throat, looking slightly nervous. "Actually, before we begin, there's someone I need to introduce you all to." He gestured to his side, and suddenly, an exact duplicate of Jack stepped out from behind a nearby pillar.

The room fell silent as everyone stared in shock at the two identical Jacks standing side by side.

Len was the first to speak, her eyes wide. "Jack... what's going on? Who is this?"

Zheng squinted, looking back and forth between the two. "A twin brother you never mentioned?"

Jie's brow furrowed in confusion. "Is this some kind of illusion or technique?"

Both Jacks shook their heads simultaneously. The original Jack explained, "No, it's not a technique or an illusion. This is a free human creation from the God Sphere. He's... well, he's me. A perfect copy, with all my memories and abilities."

The clone nodded, speaking for the first time. "It's true. I'm not a temporary construct or a magical duplicate. I'm a fully independent being, created by God."

Len raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her voice. "So, what, you just decided you needed more of yourself around? Bit narcissistic, don't you think?"

Jack's clone chuckled. "Trust me, one Jack is more than enough trouble."

The original Jack explained further, "I chose this option because I trust myself more than anyone. With my high INT score, I figured we'd be able to strategize and fight effectively together as our attributes increase."

Zheng nodded slowly, still looking bewildered. "So... which one is the original Jack?"

Both Jacks pointed at the original simultaneously. "He is," they said in unison, then laughed.

Jie stepped forward, examining the clone closely. "This is... unexpected. But it could be a significant advantage in combat and training. Two Jacks means double the firepower and double the strategic input." He turned to the group. "Any other surprises we should know about before we start?"

The team shook their heads, still processing the revelation of Jack's clone.

"Alright then," Jie said, clapping his hands together once more. "Let's head down to the basement. It's time to put all these new abilities - and new team members - to the test."

As they made their way downstairs, Len leaned in close to Jack. "Just promise me you won't start talking to yourself... well, more than usual," she whispered with a smirk.

Jack and his clone exchanged a grin. "No promises," they replied in unison, causing Len to roll her eyes dramatically.

The group descended into the basement, which had been converted into a makeshift training area. The room was spacious, with thick concrete walls lined with targets of various sizes and shapes placed at different distances. Along one wall stood racks filled with an assortment of firearms: pistols, rifles, and even a few automatic weapons.

"Now remember," Jie said, "none of these are magical. If you want magical weapons, you'll have to buy them. God doesn't allow us to conjure magical weapons for free, unlike basic guns."

Len eyed the weapons warily. "I've... never actually fired a gun before," she admitted.

Jie smiled reassuringly. "That's why we're here. With your enhanced reaction speed, you'll pick it up quickly. Today's focus will be on getting you comfortable with firearms."

He picked up a simple handgun and began explaining its parts and function to Len. Jack and his clone, already familiar with firearms, started their own target practice. Zheng, still adapting to his new Qi abilities and vampire mutation, began with some basic movement exercises to control his enhanced strength.

As the day progressed, the basement echoed with the sound of gunshots. Len, initially hesitant, grew more confident with each round. Her enhanced reaction speed proved invaluable as she quickly adapted to the recoil and aim of various firearms.

"That's it, Len!" Jie encouraged as she hit a series of targets in rapid succession. "Your reaction speed is making a real difference. Keep it up!"

Jack and his clone, alternating between hand-to-hand combat practice and gun drills, couldn't help but be impressed by Len's progress. In just a few hours, she had gone from complete novice to hitting targets with remarkable accuracy.

Zheng, meanwhile, was having a more challenging time. His newfound strength and speed were difficult to control, often resulting in overshot movements or unintended damage to the training equipment.

"Patience, Zheng," Jie advised. "Qi control takes time. Focus on small, controlled movements for now."

As the afternoon wore on, Jie called Jack, his clone, and Zheng to the centre of the room. "Alright, you three. Time to put those enhanced abilities to the test. Let's see how you fare in hand-to-hand combat."

Jack, his clone, and Zheng exchanged glances, both eager and apprehensive. They stepped onto the training mat, facing Jie.

"Come at me together," Jie instructed, settling into a relaxed fighting stance.

Zheng moved first, his newfound speed propelling him forward with startling quickness. But as he threw a punch, Jie seemed to flow around it effortlessly. In the same motion, Jie redirected Zheng's momentum, sending him stumbling past.

Jack and his clone, seeing an opening, rushed in from opposite sides. They attempted to channel chakra to enhance their strength, but the unfamiliar energy refused to cooperate. Their movements felt clumsy and uncoordinated as they tried to split their focus between the fight and their internal energy.

Jie ducked under Jack's wild swing and swept his legs out from under him. Jack hit the mat hard, the wind knocked out of him. The clone, momentarily distracted by his original's fall, left himself open to a quick strike from Jie that sent him reeling backward.

Zheng, having recovered, charged again. This time, he managed to close the distance, throwing a flurry of punches enhanced by his Qi. But Jie's movements were fluid and precise. He deflected each strike with minimal effort, using Zheng's own force against him.

In a blur of motion, Jie countered. His fist connected with Zheng's solar plexus, causing the larger man to double over. A quick knee to the face sent Zheng reeling backward.

Jack and his clone, back on their feet, tried to take advantage of Jie's momentary focus on Zheng. They attempted once more to summon chakra, feeling a faint stirring of energy. But before they could do anything with it, Jie was there. A series of lightning-fast strikes left both Jacks dazed and on the defensive.

The fight continued for several more minutes, but the outcome was clear from the start. Despite their enhanced attributes, neither Jack, his clone, nor Zheng could land a solid hit on Jie. The older man moved like water, always just out of reach, his counterattacks precise and devastating.

Finally, with all three opponents panting on the mat, Jie called an end to the session. He wasn't even breathing hard.

"Just because your stats have increased doesn't mean you can win a fight," Jie said, helping them to their feet. "Technique, experience, and proper application of your abilities are crucial."

Jack nodded, still trying to catch his breath. "I... I couldn't use the chakra at all," he admitted. "It's there, I can feel it, but I couldn't make it do anything."

His clone agreed, "Same here. It's like trying to grasp smoke."

Jie patted them both on the shoulder. "That's to be expected. You just received the chakra system today. The amount of chakra you have is very small, and you need to exercise and learn to control it before it becomes useful. It'll take time and practice."

Zheng rubbed his sore muscles. "And the Qi... it's powerful, but I couldn't focus it properly."

"Exactly," Jie nodded. "Raw power isn't enough. You need to refine it, control it. That's what our training is all about."

As evening approached, Jie called for a break. The group, exhausted but exhilarated, gathered around a table Jie had set up in the corner of the basement.

"You've all made impressive progress today," Jie said, passing out water bottles. "But this is just the beginning. We'll need to keep up this intensity if we want to be ready for whatever comes next."

Jack nodded, feeling the pleasant ache of a good workout coupled with the subtle thrum of chakra in his system. "What's next on the agenda?"

Jie grinned. "After dinner, we're watching horror movies. Strategy and analysis, people. We need to be prepared for any scenario."

As they made their way upstairs for dinner, Jack couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. The day's training had shown him both the potential of his new abilities and how far he still had to go. His clone caught his eye and nodded, understanding the unspoken thoughts they shared.

Later that night, as they gathered to watch their first horror movie of the evening, Jack's mind wandered to the God Sphere. He still had some points left, and the idea of finding useful tools nagged at him.

"Hey, Jie," he said during a lull in the movie, "is it alright if I check out the God Sphere quickly? I want to look into some potential tools that might help us."

Jie nodded. "Good thinking. Just don't take too long. We need to finish this analysis session."

Jack focused his thoughts, and soon found himself browsing the Fourth Category in the God Sphere. His eyes lit up as he found something intriguing.

"An advanced 3D printer," Jack muttered to himself. "Could be useful for crafting tools and weapons in future scenarios."

He checked the points, noting that the cost was high but manageable. It seemed like a worthwhile investment for the long term. Making a mental note to discuss it with the group later, Jack returned his attention to the movie.

As the day came to a close, Jack couldn't help but think about the future. Between the chakra system, the Uchiha bloodline, his clone, and the potential new tools he had discovered, the possibilities seemed endless. But for now, there was still much to learn and even more to t

rain for. Tomorrow would bring another day of intense preparation, and Jack was determined to make the most of it.