
Supreme Universal System

***Currently, I am reconstructing the story due to some "tips".*** A fantasy story features the humans of Blue Star who are sent to this unknown universe, one of whom wakes up in a dark space with no explanation of how he got there. He discovers that he has been transported to a new universe, where the strong can become gods and the weak have no choice but to submit to the strong. With a devilish and unreasonable idea to get ahead of others, one of our protagonists will embark on a story in which he doesn't know if he will lose his lust for power or if he will become a worthy supreme being.

DaoistAdQYQ3 · Kỳ huyễn
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Immortal World: A Message from the Future-Past Part 3

POV Elizabeth:

I opened my eyes and looked up at the ceiling. I asked myself: Why? Why is this happening to me? What is this terrible thing that I feel? What is the reason behind this? I had so many mysteries and so few answers.

After those emotions dissipated over time, I decided to go see dad and ask him if he had any ideas that could help me.


On the other hand, Illios was in the study of the mansion, sitting at his desk, observing the progress of the territory.

"And to think that the games were right," said Illios. According to the advanced simulation games that he occasionally played on Earth, he learned that the path to success began by building his own path.

"With the roads built, traders will be able to discover local products and if we give support to the locals to negotiate distribution contracts, the economy will inevitably rise and this could increase the quality of life of the people in the territory. If we're lucky, the new generation could have aptitude for cultivation, which will attract sects and cultivators." This was Illios' initial plan for the Crystal Moon County.

If foreign traders can transport their products more easily through the new roads, this could increase the supply of products in the region, which could improve the variety of options and the quality of products available to local consumers. In addition, the arrival of foreign traders could create new employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth in the region.

"Even with the education from the imperial palace, being a count is damn annoying," thought Illios, briefly looking at the doll Mery next to him.

"Should I?" he wondered.

This stunningly beautiful "woman" was by his side, waiting for instructions. She had soft, porcelain skin that seemed to shimmer under the sunlight, and her long, dark hair moved gracefully when the wind blew. Her large, expressive eyes were of a soft and warm tone, and seemed to reveal a depth of soul that always left him captivated.

If a person from the mother nation of anime saw this "woman," they would immediately think of an appropriate term to describe her: Yamato Nadeshiko.

Shaking his head to remove the distraction, he thought again about the idea he had.

According to what Illios saw of both dolls, Alyssa and Mery, both are advanced androids created for the education of a princess. This means that they will inevitably have knowledge about the administration of a territory, and he could delegate the administration to them since the inhabitants of the immortal world have no idea that this "beautiful woman" is an android, and their loyalty was guaranteed.

"Mery..." Just as Illios was about to ask Mery about how viable his idea was, someone interrupted in his office.

She was a beautiful girl with silver hair and golden eyes, she was Elizabeth.

Elizabeth approached her father with her head down and a worried expression on her face. "Dad, I've been having nightmares lately," she confessed.

Illios frowned in concern. "What kind of nightmares, Eli?"

"I don't know, I can't remember, when I wake up I can only feel strange emotions like fear and hate," Elizabeth replied. "They terrify me."

Illios thought for a moment. Maybe she had a trauma from seeing that monster and it led her to have indescribable dreams, even he couldn't describe it when he tried to remember that thing.

"Maybe you should sleep with me tonight, so you feel safer," he suggested.

Elizabeth thought for a moment, lifted her head and looked at him with determination. "No, dad. I am a Proud Absolute Dragon, I don't need constant protection."

Illios gave up, knowing he couldn't convince this proud little dragon. "I know, I'm sorry. I just want to help you," he said.

"I know, dad. Thank you for caring about me. I'm going to face my nightmares on my own," Elizabeth assured with a smile.

Illios couldn't help but feel a little worried about his daughter. He knew that young children, even if they are dragons, if exposed to traumas, could have a disordered personality.

But Elizabeth had a fierce determination worthy of a dragon and an ability to face her fears, so she will probably overcome this and if she doesn't, he'll be there to hug her.

Illios knew he couldn't protect her forever, but he hoped she knew he would always be there to help her if she needed it.


POV Elizabeth:

When Elizabeth returned to her room, she remembered the conversation with her father and thought to herself, "What am I doing? I'm a proud dragon and I'm asking for help just because I'm scared of a dream that I can't even remember. It's ridiculous."

But despite her negative thoughts, her father's suggestion to sleep together to avoid nightmares sparked something in her. It increased her determination to face whatever that dream may be and try to put an end to it. As a true Absolute Dragon, she didn't need constant protection. She knew she could overcome her fears on her own and prove her strength.


Dream 5:

When I regained consciousness, the first thing I saw were the girls from the previous dream, though now they were older and could easily be given a minimum age of 15.

They exuded a great beauty worthy of young women, and the reason I recognized them was the silver streak similar to my hair in their hair, which was more evident than in the previous dream.

As for the situation, we were in a large hall with nothing around except a portal similar to the previous dream.

It seemed that the situation was worse than before, as the place constantly trembled as if the battle was happening right outside the doors of the hall. The young women I was seeing were constantly looking at the golden doors that I assumed was the entrance, crying incessantly.

"Well, I guess these girls didn't grow up in a very happy environment," I thought, while being a little upset to see them crying.

Apparently, the owner of this body didn't like it either, because he started making some sort of speech that, as expected since these dreams began, I didn't understand.

The girls seemed to have calmed down, as at least their faces showed determination.

Suddenly, the golden doors opened, and out came a woman whom I never thought would appear in all the time I experienced these terrible dreams:

It was my mother, Elena.

It seemed that the situation was chaotic outside those doors, but I couldn't pay attention because the appearance of my mother shocked me.

But the owner of this body didn't care about my state, as he rushed to my mother and immediately began some sort of discussion.

My mother's appearance was beautiful, her body was more mature and prominent than in the present, denoting the passage of time, and her eyes, her eyes that always looked at me with hidden intentions and interest, now looked at me or the owner of the body with love, pure love.

Her appearance could only be called heroic with a silver armor that matched her long and wind-blown hair and a pure white sword that seemed like it could eliminate all the evil in the world. She looked like a valkyrie that Alyssa told me about in the time room before going to sleep.

However, her face was gaunt and tired, indicating the hardships of war and the loss that had deeply affected her. I wondered how long it had been since the last time I saw her and how much she had suffered in that time.

The discussion ended with tears in my mother's eyes and her trembling hands on the shoulders of the owner of this body. Apparently, my mother tried to convince him of something and, finally, he agreed.

She hugged him, and mysteriously, I could feel her warm embrace. Her hands stroked my trembling body with fear, but after a moment, they calmed down and conveyed determination to me. It was as if she wanted to tell me that everything would be okay, even though the world around me seemed to be falling apart.

After the hug, she said goodbye to the girls, giving each one a kiss on the forehead. I could see at least 20 girls, all of them as beautiful and brave as my mother.

When she finished saying goodbye to them, my mother approached me again and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I could feel her sadness and unconditional love in that gesture. I wondered if it would be the last time I would see her and a pang of pain ran through my heart.

With a sad look, my mother walked away and headed towards the golden portal that seemed to take her to the battle. I couldn't help feeling that it was a tragic farewell and that I wasn't sure if I would see her alive again. My eyes filled with tears as the trembling of the ground and the battle cries intensified around me.

After that last kiss, she walked away from me and stood at the entrance. The situation outside seemed to be getting worse, and although I couldn't pay attention, I could feel the fear emanating from the girls. My mother, however, radiated a strength and determination that I had never seen in her before.

Before closing the doors, she turned to me and extended her arms in a gesture of farewell, and although I couldn't hear her, I could see and sense what she said on her moving lips:

I love you.

Her radiant smile and intense gaze made me feel like I would never see her again. But what struck me the most was her sudden transformation into a huge dragon identical to the one that escaped with me and the girls in the previous dream.