
Supreme Universal System

***Currently, I am reconstructing the story due to some "tips".*** A fantasy story features the humans of Blue Star who are sent to this unknown universe, one of whom wakes up in a dark space with no explanation of how he got there. He discovers that he has been transported to a new universe, where the strong can become gods and the weak have no choice but to submit to the strong. With a devilish and unreasonable idea to get ahead of others, one of our protagonists will embark on a story in which he doesn't know if he will lose his lust for power or if he will become a worthy supreme being.

DaoistAdQYQ3 · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Immortal World: A Message from the Future-Past Part 2

POV Elizabeth:

When I woke up, we had already arrived home. Apparently, I had blacked out because I had used all my energy to burn that thing that scared me so much.

Speaking of which, I still can't believe the massive panic I had when that thing appeared. It wasn't as if I knew it or that dragons had a phobia of such repugnant things. No, that came directly from my primal instincts, which advocated for survival by either fleeing or reducing that thing to ashes.

In the end, I gave up trying to make sense of this event and just let it pass as something new in me: a fear of ugly and unknown things.

Actually, I think that if I encountered it again, my reaction would be calmer, and I could have a cold judgment on how to act, not like before. I'm sure of that.

After that incident, nothing extraordinary happened in the day. My father was solving the county's problems, and my mother was planning her trip to the Ice Phoenix Sect, to which, by the way, apparently, I have to attend as evidence that the descendants of my father are a good investment for their sect.

The day ended like that, with what seemed like a funny anecdote for the future about how the proud dragon was scared of a little shit, or so I thought...


Dream 2:

When I regained consciousness, all I could see were stars. Literally.

For a moment, panic set in, but a familiar sensation ran through my mind. It was like in that dream where I saw that little dragon.

"So this is outer space," I thought. Among the knowledge that the dolls Alyssa and Mery had instilled in me was an approximate description of outer space, in case the immortal world was actually a huge planet.

I could only move what I sensed were my eyes, as if it were a screen of those that I often saw in the room.

"Oh! It moved," I thought as my sight seemed to focus on a certain celestial object behind me.

The sight was fascinating. What I saw was a planet with its blue and green colors divided in different shapes. It was beautiful.

But after snapping out of my fascination, I thought, "Why am I seeing this?"

After a few minutes of observing that planet, I woke up.


When I woke up, I felt a sense of incongruity in the emotions I was experiencing. Was it amazement, fascination, or surprise? I couldn't recall the origin of those emotions, but I had the intuition that they were residual emotions from a dream that, no matter how much I meditated and thought, I couldn't remember.

With these unknowns in my mind, I spent the rest of the day immersed in routine and simply forgot about it.


When I woke up, I saw a familiar sight. Yes, it was the same view from yesterday's dream that I miraculously managed to remember the moment I glimpsed the stars.

"Why couldn't I remember during the day?" I asked myself.

That was very strange, no matter how you look at it. So I just waited to see that majestic planet I saw yesterday, but what I saw left me very surprised.

What I saw was the same blue and green planet from yesterday, but this time I could only see the color orange. It wasn't the orange of dawn, but its entire surface was of a single orange color with some black lines.

"Damn," I even blurted out a curse word. Seeing the state of that planet, yesterday's view, which was majestic, could only be seen as a depressing sight.

Suddenly, I felt very strong emotions. These emotions were sadness, anger, and hatred towards what is supposed to be the cause of this. But I just couldn't think or rather control how and where those emotions were directed, I just felt them.




Uf! Uf! Uf!

When I woke up, it was in the most abrupt way possible. I literally almost jumped out of bed.

"What is this!" I said breathlessly as I tried to calm down.

I couldn't remember anything about the dream, only the sudden emotions that I couldn't control that assailed me when I woke up. It was like that time in the forest. It was horrible.

So I decided to seek help from the person, or rather the doll, who was closest to me.


Her two pigtails swayed freely in the wind as she approached and her firm posture gave the impression of a classy and refined woman. Actually, if I didn't know better, I would think that this doll was a high-level servant of some royalty or the like.

"Alyssa, you see..." I decided to tell her what was happening.

When I finished telling her, Alyssa just looked at me for a few seconds and then replied.

"Young miss, although I don't have much knowledge about the dreamland as an android, I can only tell you to pay attention to what you feel, as it could be some kind of supernatural talent like prophecy or divination that the young miss may possess," she said and then listed some examples.

"I understand," I said a little depressed. The truth is, I shouldn't have much hope that Alyssa will give me a satisfactory answer, as she is not a living being and technically can only give me answers based on theories from who knows where.

And the truth is, I didn't want to tell my parents. I don't want to worry Dad, who is always looking out for me and neglect some projects he has in the county. And as for my mother, I just don't think she'll be of any help, in fact, I think she'll laugh at me.

And I still have a bit of dragon pride that keeps me from seeking help from another female.

The day ended with me trying to find a solution.


Dream 4:

When I regained consciousness...

Unlike before, where I only saw a panoramic image of the surroundings, now I could feel like I was seeing the scene from someone's eyes. And what did I see? War.

From a distance, I could make out silhouettes of what I sensed were people fighting with something that my brain simply couldn't process. I couldn't focus on what the fighters, or rather defenders, were attacking.

What I could make out were two dragons. Both were similar, only differing in some aspects like color or height. But what caught my attention the most was the striking resemblance to the Absolute Dragons in my memory. Anyone who didn't know our proud race would think that these dragons belonged to our clan. But I, who had memories of my bloodline, knew that this was not the case or that they were not pure.

The bigger one, instead of a pure white or golden color, had dark tones on its scales. I wouldn't say completely black, but rather, its body resembled starry darkness. Even small shiny spots could be seen that seemed to mimic the stars of the void. Its eyes had a silver color that curiously seemed familiar to me and fought fiercely against that something I couldn't see.

Their fight was raw and violent, without any hint of strategy or consideration for the enemy's tactics, only pure power, a fighting style that only a powerful dragon could employ.

As for the other, it was a bit smaller and its coloring was more purple than dark, but it still had the starry spots. Both fought faithfully side by side while the owner of this body simply watched them from a distance.



In the sky, multiple cracks opened up.

I knew this phenomenon, it was when a power with enough strength tore space to be able to go to a place more quickly. This knowledge came from my inherited memories. But according to them, the force of whatever created so many cracks or those who did it was enormous, as the sky was full of them.

When the bigger dragon saw this phenomenon, it shot a very powerful flame to sweep away anything it was fighting and began to speak with the other dragon.

I couldn't understand what they were saying, although I paid close attention.

Upon hearing what the big dragon said, the other dragon started to argue, but after a small debate, it seemed like the big one was able to convince him and the other dragon simply came towards the owner of the body with astonishing speed.

I have to admit that up close, the dragon looked very beautiful, but I couldn't enjoy this sight as the owner of this body also started to argue with the dragon about the decision the big one made. However, apparently, the dragon said something that made the owner of this body turn his head back and what I saw was... weird?

Multiple girls, who I assume were my age, looked at me with teary eyes. They were all of different races, but had one thing in common: a silver lock of hair that resembled the color of my own hair.

It seemed that the dragon had convinced the owner of this body, because he immediately started to evacuate, along with the little girls I saw. Unfortunately, I couldn't see where they were going, as the dream only showed me certain scenarios and the rest was dark, with only the silhouettes of the girls and the dragon escorting us from above.

As we approached what was the destination, the damn emotions that annoyed me so much in these dreams began to invade me: desperation, sadness, and a bit of determination.

I couldn't do anything else but wait for the dream to end and the emotions to disperse on their own, but unfortunately, the dream had one more thing to show.

The destination was a large valley with flowers of different colors. It would be beautiful if it weren't for the war that was approaching this place. In the center of this valley was some kind of portal where many people were evacuating and among them were the girls I saw before.

Formed in a line, the girls entered, not without giving a last glance towards where the big dragon was fighting.

When it was the turn of the owner of this body, he looked towards the place where the big dragon was fighting. His emotions: determination, sadness, and hatred flooded my mind, almost as if they were mine.

As if in response to these emotions, the sky once again began to break apart in many more cracks. But these were much larger. In comparison, the big dragon was the size of a mansion or a little bigger, but in the cracks, 2 or 3 mansions could easily fit. It was insane. And although I couldn't identify what came out of there, I could see that it was gigantic.

The big dragon, upon seeing this, roared towards where the owner of the body and the slightly smaller dragon were, as a signal for us to hurry, and when we crossed the portal.

I woke up.