
Supreme Existence: Unkown Reaper

The world's protective barrier began to weaken, ushering in a series of curious and unexplained events across the globe. On a fateful day, Anfim, renowned as the mightiest mercenary, a name that sent shivers down the spine of even the most formidable national leaders, embarked on a daring mission. His task: to investigate a mysterious object that had descended from the heavens. However, this expedition did not unfold as expected, or perhaps it did? Anfim met his demise, but he was granted a rare opportunity: a chance at reincarnation and the activation of his soul, all through the grueling Trial of the World of the Unknown. Witness Anfim's ascent to the apex of the food chain, aided by his enigmatic lineage, as he instills fear into the hearts of the mightiest beings, a fear they vehemently refuse to acknowledge.

Lars_Bottler · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs


He felt the surge of power in his body, quickly took a look at his stats and undid his tranformation. A black mist appeared around him and he suddenly turned back, into his usual appearance.

|Anfim Adenheim

|Level: 5-->15(Max)(Ready for evolution)

|Race: Human

|Territories in posession:1{Silver Fang}--Stage 0

|Soul: Unkown Reaper(Mythic rating)

|Body constitution: 18-->30(+10%+30%)

|Energy: 153-->171(+10%+30%)

|Int: 8%

|Free status points:8-->28


Passive Skill <Blood of the Mercury Wyvern><Glorious rating>

|Soul skills: (Scythe of the Reaper)<Common rating>

(Grasp Heart)<Common rating>

|Innate abilities: Shapeshift<Unique>{Ancient Werewolf, Mercury Wyvern}(2/5)

'The buffs after obtaining a territory are amazing. I'll have definitely check how to obtain more of these,but first, I have to appoint some leaders, that will manage my territory.

The skill, I got is also strong, although the last part seemes, like it's perfectly made for alchemy.Not to forget, I have to check, what this evolution is about'

Just as Anfim was about to continue his thoughts, he suddenly heard footsteps of someone running up the passage.He turned around and saw Cerberus,with a so happy face, that it looked creepy, barging in and falling on one knee.

"Your majesty..."

"Call me Anfim, didn't I tell you to wait outside?Give me my pelt back" interrupted Anfim, while noticing, that his leg was fully healed.

Anfim took his pelt, put it on and Cerberus continued.

"O...Okay, Anfim!Everyone living in this territory received the message, that you've slain the wyvern.All ihabitants gathered around the mountain to welcome you!"

"Lead the way" said Anfim in an indifferent tone, he had no intentions to manage this territory, all the would do, is find some assistants and let them execute his instructions. Suddenly, Anfim hit the wall, destroyed a part of it and took one of the black tiny crystals, that were in the wall.

"Cerberus.What can I do with this crystall?" asked Anfim, while holding the crystal in his hand and showing it to Cerberus.

"I'm surprised you didn't now, but I'm glad you asked.Let me clarify it for you, the crystal, you hold in your hand, contains a great amount of energy, although it's shape is very tiny.

If you crush this crystal, all it's energy will flow into your body, stay there for some minutes, afterwards it will leave your body and disperse in the atmosphere.While the energy of the crystal is in your body, you have the chance to absorb a part of it's energy"

While Cerberus was talking, Anfim crushed the crystal.However the energy didn't even enter his body, but instantly dispersed.

"Cerberus, why isn't the energy entering my body?Is it maybe, because I'm on the verge of evolution." asked Anfim, while looking at Cerberus with an indifferent look. Cerberus didn't wait long and instantly answered.

"Wow!You are already at the verge of evolving!?

However, no. Even if you can't absorb anymore energy, it is usually supposed to enter your body no matter what.

I don't want to sound disrespectfully, but it seems that you are not capable of absorbing energy from crystals. I once read in a book, that there are races, that cannot absorb energy from crystals and from the surroundings" Cerberus wanted to ask, which race Anfim belongs to, but quickly removed the thought out of his mind.

When they arrived at the entrance, Anfim was surprised. He saw around 1.000 different creatures, that gathered around the mountain, while staying on one knee.

But that was not, what caught Anfim's attention. There were around 500 elves, 200 werewolfes and 300 other creatures, Anfim didn't even see once in this territory. In general, they all were around 90-120 cm and looked like various plants with different features. However, they had one thing in common, the little horns on their head, whose size varied from 5-15 centimeters and were dark green in colour.

Anfim stepped out ouf the cave and noticed all the gazes, directed at him. Some were filled with happines, some with fear and some with dubiosness.

They were happy, because all of the various buffs, they received, but they also thought, that they'll have to pay a big price for it.

How could they know, that the arrive of Anfim, was the biggest jackpot in their entire life.

"The Leaders of the present races, step forward!"said Anfim in an commanding tone.

Suddenly a beautiful elven girl stepped forward. She was 150cm in height, she had dark purple hair and orange eyes, that didnt match the appearance of the other elves. She wore a long white cloak, that covered her curvy body.She looked very shy and inexperienced to be a leader, but Anfim didn't care.

Afterwards the representive of the "plant"race emerged. He placed himself right nexto the elven girl. His horns were slightly darker and about 15cm long, the colour was something between dark green and black. He was 110cm tall and had azure stripes all around his green body.It was hard to pinpoint his age, but he looked rather young in comparison to the others of his race.

The last one, that emerged out of the crowd, was an old looking werewolf, that was on the verge of his death.He placed himself silently next to the other leaders and waited for further instructions.

Anfim saw, that all representives have gathered and started hin announcment.

"Listen to me, I will only tell it once.

I am the new ruler of this territory and I don't care about the relationships the 3 races of you had, while the lizard was ruling.From today onwards, every kind of fighting and killing is prohibited.

Of course you can do friendly spars between each other, but from this day, all of you are brothers and sisters.If you have any problem with it, step forward and die by my hand."

Anfim waited a few seconds, but only saw some confused gazes.No one actually dared to step forward, so he continued his announcment.

Before Anfim started his announcment, he took a look the the territories info-screen, which he got access to, after receiving the territory.

However the only thing, he could check was the list of ressources.

The only ressource, that was not common, were the black crystals, but as soon as Anfim took over, small silver crystals started to appear as well, which were so tiny at the moment, that Anfim didn't notice them, while walking out of the wyverns nest.

"You will go and collect all the crystals, that are growing in this territory.Aside from the black crystals, there will now appear silver ones as well.You will collect them and distibute them among everyone of you equally. I won't take any of them for myself."

All started to look at each other with shocked expressions, they would never think, that the new ruler wouldn't even touch the crystals, which the wyvern was swallowing like a vacuum cleaner.

However a lot of them also had happy expressions, they believed their new ruler. One of them was the leader of the elves. You could see a smile and a relieved expression on her face.She was the daughter of the old chieftain from the elves, that died some time ago.