
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Ch 6- Not so Good Encounters & crazy revelations

"There he is boys after that lil runt" Unknown Man

More than 20 men Dressed in various outfits could be seen trying to chase down another person. They were all frantically trying to chase down the person who has stolen one of their valuable merchandise.

These men that were chasing down the assailant were no ordinary men. These men were part of the mafia which anyone could tell from the V sign all of them have in their hands, necks even at the back of their heads. This particular group of mafia is quite famous among all the others in the nearby sectors as they are one of the biggest. But even while having such reputation that even normal police officers wouldn't dare mess with them they were still outdone by a single person.

"Clear the way boys" Unknown man

One of guys screamed. "Fire" At that one word more than a dozen red trailing tracer rounds could be seen coming from multiple directions towards the assailant. But surprisingly none of them even grazed him it's almost as if he was a ghost that wasn't affected by physical matter. "Damn you Jones. Who TF gave you the permission to fire? You know that the authorities will only take so much the boss said to capture the guy covertly." Unknown Man

"Sorry chief but you saw that we couldn't even get close to him and that guy is slippery as shit that's why i decided to arrange a fire squad to turn that guy into mincemeat. Nobody Messes with V's" Jones



Multiple shouts came as if to agree with his comment. "Fine Just do the things abit more covertly. Come on let's go there is a blockage at the path that guy must have also stopped there we can catch him there." Chief

All of the Men that were chasing and the new additions all went running towards the direction.

Ah what miserable day it is. The days were all going very productive as i was practicing my powers. Then on this particular day i just happen to come across some guys in V signs trying to smuggle drugs or something. Ok Cool no biggie right. Just as i was gonna leave from there one of the guys noticed me and so i just bolted out of there. Why couldn't i just neutralize them with my powers.. welp first of all they had guns and we were in sort of a public place thus i had to do a strategic retreat. Anyways these guys are relentless they have been chasing me with reinforcements as well. Just when i was about to cross the alleys suddenly gunfire erupted from behind me. I was relatively fine as my body was already bulletproof enough. My speed was also faster than these bullets.

Than from the corner of my eyes i noticed a another alley which goes quite deep but with my enhanced eye sight i could see it was a dead end so i planned to deal with them in that direction.

"Well they tried to kill me it's only fair i do the same" Zain I said with a sinister smile as i rushed towards to the dead end.

Unknown Chaser Pov.

Today was supposed to be a relatively simple day. I was gonna do the usual smuggling of drugs and some other stuff then one of my pals spotted this kid. All of us were alarmed as our line of job gave no room for mistake. So we started chasing the kids but damn he was fast. As we were chasing him i got a pretty bad feeling that guy could dodge bullets which only added more to my concerns. We eventually chased him towards to dead end.

"Alright Kiddo come out and this will be painless"Chief

"Hahaha Are you seriously so arrogant to think that it would be that easy? I mean if you all had even two braincells you would've noticed something was wrong the moment you came here." Zain

I heard a relatively young voice but something about it was wrong. It wasn't the usual fearful or nervous voice i was used to hearing while doing these kinds of job. it was like the voice of a predator and winner who knew that he wasn't gonna lose. I shrugged it off as just a brave front so did my other pals.

"Kid you've been testing my patience time again and again so i'll repeat again turn yourself in and i'll at least make sure to not involve your family."Chief

As chief finished saying that there was a silence. It didn't stay like that for long. Suddenly a fog started appearing out of nowhere. before any of us can comprehend what was happening we suddenly heard a scream. It was the chiefs. When we got near him I saw that his death face was horrifying as if he saw something he shouldn't have.

Soon the fog was so thick we couldn't see each other or even a inch ahead.

I started hearing more screams and ominous 'Thud' Sounds.

I slowly walked back and i felt something near my feet. I saw one of my pals dead. Something impaled him in his chest something. As i saw his face i saw it had the same horrifying look. This was getting above my pay grade thinking like this i was about to run away when i saw it. A bluish green skeleton slowly trekking forward to Jones who had big sword wound near his leg. He quickly took out his gun and fired 'Psheeww' it didn't do anything. The monster moved towards him steadily and impaled it's sword in his head.

It looked towards me i was already far and running away. Before i could be relieved approached near my head out of nowhere. The last thing i saw was my head falling to the ground and a 'Thud' Sound.

Unknown Chaser Pov Over.

I was looking at the system promts. It seems this detour wasn't bad at all as i leveled up 4 times. I then saw my skeleton warrior killing last guy who chased me i looked towards the corpses of my dead enemies. They all had varying degrees of expression but none of them were good.

Without wasting any time i casted my ability. "Raise Undead"

The same deathly energy as before gather from my hands and enveloped the corpses. Over 26 new skeletons appeared out of the darkness. Surprisingly not all of the skeletons were same as last time. Some spawned with ancient looking robes. Which i'm guessing are sings of a undead mage. It seems i should prolly do more test with the 'raise undead' ability. It seems the ability is more than just rasing undead from corpses.

I selected one of the 5 new undead variant and commanded to cast it's skill.

The undead conjured a dark ball a lot similar to my fire ball but the color is dark. I told it to fire it to the nearby pole.

It didn't make any noise the spot slowly got dark and was withering away. It seems these undead mages can cast range skills than can corrupt and disintegrate the target.

Other than that they also can heal themselves and the other skeletons as well which i found very useful. I also looked through their stats and sure enough they were listed as skeleton mages. they have apparently 4 abilities. Other than the dark fire ball and healing ability. They can also curse their targets with random debuffs. Their final ability was the one that really got my attention. It had a simple name called 'Corruption' but the skill desc says it can slowly turn the target into a lesser undead or in other words a zombie and this can be casted on nay living being.

I was godsmacked this ability was overpowered. You just have to cast it once and unless the target dies or has curse protection they will inevitably succumb to it. Greatest part is they can controlled by me as well as my mages.

Damn these undeads are friggin op. No wonder everyone want's to be a necromancer.

Welp today was another day of more crazy revelations. Although i didn't have much time left for practice today i still did it as practice is very important. If i didn't know how to combine my abilities to make new variables i wouldn't have been able to make the fog and the fight would've been messy.

I only practiced for a hour or so and was able to level up the skill to 5. Completed my daily tasks as well.


Host Status-

-Name : Zain Barlow

-Class: ???

-Level: 9

-Exp: 490/1000

-HP: 550/550

-EP: 800/800

{Host Attributes}

>>Strength: 17

>>Agility: 17

>>Dexterity: 17

>>Intelligence: 17

>>Perception: 17

>>Charm: 17

{Attribute Points: 0}


I've really come a long away. Welp most of the increase is from the training and today by levelling up. My energy is pretty high damn welp that's the fruit of draining it everyday and slowly increasing it. I'm really close to level 10 and to receiving my new skills as well. The last thing i saw before i fell asleep was my new figurine of Arcane Legends 2020 addition which i just bought a day ago.