
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Ch 7- New discovery

In an abandoned construction site we can see a young boy running, sprinting and stopping every now and then.

This was Zain on this particular day he was training himself and trying increase his speed and reaction speed.

Thus he kept jumping and sprinting pushing his body as far as he can.

"huff..huff ooh this is harder than i thought. I've been doing this for almost 3 hours now and i only started to get tired just now." This is very good progress. If it was me a few days before i wouldn't have been able to keep up such heavy physical exercises even for a 10 minutes but now i can keep doing it for more than three hours. This improvement is very good indeed. Thought Zain

Now if can just try and keep up such heavy strain for about five hours i should be able to breakthrough my physical power. Zain was about to start another round of training when he noticed something from one of his minions.

After Zain had more than thirty Skeleton Minions he decided to assign them to his parents and other best friends that he cares about. He instructed his summons to only inform him when the matter is very serious and requires his help. It was the reason why Zain was so surprised.

Now let's check who got in trouble. Zain can also see what his summons can see and mentally communicate with them easily. He still does not know the maximum distance from which he can communicate but it still is pretty far.

"Hmm it's Lily and a few of her friends it seems their getting followed by a few guys". Zain saw that more than 4 guys were following Lily and her friends while they were completely oblivious to it all.

"If they are following so discreetly it must mean they don't want Lily to know that they are following. But what could be the reason as far as i know Lily and their family has no such enemies who would go to such lengths.

Zain decided he would watch for a while and see how far the matter escalates if it goes to far than he'll just let his summon to deal with it. A normal Skeleton soldier already has enough physical strength to break concrete and with the ability to create weapons out of energy so Zain wasn't too worried. If anything Zain felt bad for the poor sobs who would be on the receiving end of his summons.

Zain watched for a few more time before he saw that the people following just decided to bail out of there. This was confusing for Zain as he thought that they were just street thugs. "It seems i was a bit wrong these people aren't simple street thugs. They didn't attack rashly and were observing their surroundings while also being able to perfectly tail Lily and her friends." Thought Zain as he reevaluated his enemies.

Just To be on the safer side Zain also looked through another of his minion which he assigned to Lily's parents. He was again confused as both of them were also perfectly fine and there were no sign of anyone following them as well.

"Could it be that i was mistaken, It might be that these guys were not after Lily it must be one of her friends." Zain thought it makes sense now as for why he thought it was Lily was because he didn't know anyone else among there which contributed to his thought process.

"I need to stop thinking that all the people around me are like me. They are normal people so why would anyone even want to follow them anyways." Saying that Zain refocused on his training. Zain also decided that he'll be more open minded the next time this happens as the world doesn't revolve around one person. As for the whom the strange people were following Zain doesn't care as long as it isn't among the people he knows.

Although Zain's way of thinking could be interpreted as cold it was a logical thinking. No one would want to stick their nose into some else's business. In this case Zain didn't even know who the targeted person was and even if he did he wouldn't have cared much.

Zain finished his training after another two hours. But he still didn't return home he was going to try something else. At first Zain just stood still then suddenly he disappeared. He reappeared again a hundred meters above in the air. He was falling but he didn't seem to care. He disappeared again to just reappear another hundred meters above. He did that for ten more times till he saw his entire sector and many other sectors around it it. The ninth sector was beautiful to look at as it was one of the biggest sectors around. He only paid attention to that for a few moments before he ascended again.

Zain kept doing that before he realized his EP was running very low.

-EP: 350/1500

He only had a bit over three hundred EP. Thinking that he tried enough for today he let himself fall freely. While falling he saw everything getting closer the district he lived in the abandoned construction site he trained at and even his home. If it was any other person they'd think he was looking to die the way he was falling but fortunately there wasn't anyone who was paying attention to him. Zain was only a few hundred meters away from hitting the ground. He was falling really hard but just when he was only one hundred meters away from falling he suddenly disappeared and reappeared in the empty construction site.

Zain didn't even look like he was hurt from the insane wind even his clothes were completely fine. Zain then eventually rested for a bit to regain his energy before going back home.

After Zain reached home he saw another pair of shoes inside other than his parents. He was a bit alarmed but then relaxed.

Zain pov.

I shouldn't get that alarmed if anything bad happened my summon would've told me. Thinking like this he went inside. Immediately he found his parent's talking to a person in a governmental suit. They seem to be talking about something serious from his parents expressions he could tell. His parents after noticing him beckoned him to come there. He also sat next to his parents.

The officer sent by the government was looking at Zain carefully memorizing his facial features.

"Zain this is Officer Cain he was here to talk about the disappearance about your brothers class." Zain's mother

"He already told us the reason why the government sent him but I think you should also know as you deserve it." Zain's father

"Okay Zain can I call you that?" Cain

"Sure it's cool" Zain

"Okay then as you might know that the government has said that your brothers class was taken by some terrorist and the like I'm also sure you've heard of many conspiracy theories but I want you to forget about all of them". Cain

Zain nodded to show his acknowledgement and to move forward.

"Your brother and his class wasn't kidnapped by any terrorists or the like the truth is even the government has no ideas and we also do not have any clues as to where could an entire graduating class go missing." Cain

"Then why are you telling us this now I mean even with this the situation doesn't change my brother and his class is missing and we are unable to find them."Zain

"You're correct but we believe that they were transported somewhere using not very ethical means though we don't know how they have been transported but a thing this did happen twenty years ago". Cain

I was genuinely surprised does that mean another class was transported even before my brothers in that planet.

"That doesn't.ake any sense was there even anyone that saw it happen?" Zain's father

"yes. There was a janitor who was near when it happened. He said a bright light like nothing he had ever saw suddenly appeared and the next instance they all disappeared." Cain

"You seriously expect us to believe something like that. If you can't find my son and his class at least don't give such crappy excuses." Zain's father Yeager was angry the governments childish claims.

"I know this might seem like a fairy tail but you have to believe us although I wanted to tell you guys a lot of other info today just might not be the day. I have other very important task to do so I hope you all a nice day and please we are trying our best to decipher this incident."


The officer named Cain left and Zain's parents still didn't believe them but he doesn't blame them. If he didn't have superpowers he also wouldn't have believed them. So after bidding good bye he left for his bedroom. He was tired today after using teleportation so many times. Before sleeping he thought about Cain's conversation about the other disappearance. He felt like this all might not just be a coincidence.

Zain felt very tired thinking many possibilities so he just fell asleep.