
Supreme Canon of fist

A young man named Ryu get reincarnated and merge with an unknown bell and gains the opportunity to change his destiny. He also merged with the memories of the ancient god of fist inside the ravine cave and inherit a powerful cultivation techniques which was so heaven defying but mostly it is compatible with his physique! With his heaven defying talent,comprehension and opportunities,Ryu conquered his enemies and rule as the fist emperor I'm not the owner of the cover, and I can't get through the owner, please if you are the owner contact me my Gmail aliyuabdullahi5263@gmail.com

Primepeak · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Journey To The Golden Parrot harbor city

"whooshes.."Ryu running fast immediately arrived in Infront of the bandit boss who stretched out his hand to attack Ryu.

" Earthen Land plowing" the bandit boss shouted as he clapped his hand together toward the ground under Ryu

The Earth under Ryu started to erupt and Ryu was flung forward towards the bandit boss from his high speed of running.

The bandit boss gain some confidence when he saw Ryu being flung toward him and he swiped his leg toward the fastly upcoming Ryu who was flung from the ground.

The remaining bandit was surprised and worried when they saw their boss had the upper hand, they thought Ryu should have been able to beat their boss easily but this situation in front of them is baffling, and they were worried about their boss's retribution.

Ryu seeing himself in this unfavorable condition twisted his body and circulate his indestructible Primal Body Techniques.

"Primal earth body" Ryu activated his primal earth body which makes his body more weighty and he lands after twisting his body.

"I have underestimated you, now I won't be playing anymore.

You said you will be beating me beyond recognition earlier right? Now I will return what you were going to do to me, but you were quite lucky, if you have said you want me dead earlier, then you will also be dead now"Ryu said apathetically.

"Fire fist, worldly fist canon 'illusionary fire fist" Ryu shouted in a low voice and merge the worldly fist canon with his primal fire body while punching out toward the bandit boss.

The worldly fist canon is a cultivation technique like a law that can be used with any elements, so lyan for being able to make the techniques can be seen as a genius. It's just that he was born in the wrong era.

Ryu punched with fury using his body Techniques and worldly fist canon and it continues toward the bandit boss.

The fist blazed furiously, Ryu was quite furious for being beaten by the bandit boss so he punched out with all his strength.

"Ahhhh..." Screams rang out and resounded as the bandit boss was punched to fly backward Ryu

The punch was quite heavyhanded because Ryu attract the fire qi in the surroundings to power the punch so the bandit was burned quite badly and got seriously injured.

The remaining bandits let out their held breath in relief, they were quite scared before when they saw their boss having the upper hand, and they don't want retribution.

After Ryu beat down the boss he collected all the spirit stones on them and leaves the remaining pieces of stuff as all their remaining so-called 'treasures' by them don't interest Ryu.

And because storage rings are very expensive to the bandit they don't have any storage rings but just a storage pouch which is much cheaper and has a small space than storage rings in this part of the continent.

Ryu continued to move toward where he wanted to take the ship to cross the continent to the other.

When Moving towards the city, Sometimes he encounters bandits who attacked him wanting to rob him but they will instead be the ones being robbed.

But there is always an exception because some of the bandits don't attack Ryu, they were quite cautious, and seeing they didn't attack him, Ryu also won't attack them but go his way.

After 2 days of journey with repeated hunting,

Ryu stood beside a large animal with blood all over the animal, it looks like the animal was just killed now by Ryu.

While panting Ryu said mumbling "it looks like my illusionary fist art is almost reaching completion, I can now kill a monster beast at grade 4 of rank 5 with my fist techniques coupled with my physique"

The beast under Ryu's feet Is the 2-colored boar beast that is approaching evolving into a spirit beast.

In this mortal world, there are two named kinds of beasts;

Monster beast, and

Spirit beast

The monster beast is ranked from 1 to 5 which correspond to the cultivation stages of human from the meridian opening realm to the heaven realm.

And the spirit beast is ranked from rank 6 to rank 9 corresponding to the human cultivation stages of the spirit realm to the world-forming realm.

That is when the beast begins to develop intelligence but monster beast just acts on instinct.

And because the monster beast are not intelligent they break through one tier after another, which means from each rank, they break through from grade 1 to 9;

Rank 1 - meridian opening realm( grade 1 to 9)

Rank 2- qi condensation realm(grade 1 to 9)

Rank 3- man realm(grade 1 to 9)

Rank 4- Earth realm(grade 1 to 9)

Rank 5- Heaven realm(grade 1 to 9)

But spirit beasts accumulate energy and breakthrough in sequence;

Rank 6-spirit realm(low, middle, high, and peak grades)

Rank 7-spirit awakening realm(low, middle, high, and peak grades)

Rank 8-saint realm(low, middle, high, and peak grades)

Rank 9- world forming realm (low, middle, high, and peak grades)

Ryu kept thinking and concluded that he was really improving fast in his fist art because just days ago he killed the Horned Fire Rhino, a beast at 4th grade of rank 4 but in just one punch he killed the boar at the 9th grade rank 4.

Ryu thought 'though I improved in my fist art, what about my cultivation stages, I have been in the 5th stage of the Earth realm since when I killed the assassins at their stronghold, I think I need crystals or i should just find medicinal herbs to refine the Qi engulfing meridian pill to speed up his in cultivation stage.

While Ryu was thinking about all this he arrived at a place where a bright light shone on his face which makes him close his eyes for a moment before opening them back

Ryu arrived outside the forest because the forest was quite too bushy, the light doesn't really reach all parts of the forest which makes it dim and when Ryu arrived outside he had to close his eyes for a moment to adjust his eyes to the light.

When Ryu opened his eyes, he saw a city surrounded by a sturdy tall wall, and the front of the gate are crowded with people making the outside of the city bustling, Ryu can see this far with his All Encompassing Seeing Eyes as he was still quite a distance about 4 kilometers to the city.

"So this is the golden parrot harbor city, it seems very bustling and doesn't look anything like the one I saw on the map inside the family library," Ryu said mumbling.

Ryu moved toward the city with a lonesome back.

This Will be the start of Ryu's legendary adventure, meeting and experiencing new things in the cultivation world!