
Supergirl in MHA

A girl is reincarnated into My Hero Academia with the powers of a kryptonian

BlooBlooBloo · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs


"Today's agenda involves supervised training by three staff members: myself, All Might, and another colleague," Aizawa stated from the podium.

"What'll we be doing?" Sero raised his hand, eager to know.

"Be the hero for any situation—be it a flood or any other disaster," Aizawa explained, holding up a card reading 'rescue' training. "We're diving into rescue training today," he concluded.

As everyone is voicing their opinions Aizawa interjected, reclaiming the class's attention. "Remember, don't jump the gun." He paused for emphasis. "As I was saying, it's your choice today. Wear your costume or whatever you find most comfortable." Opening the wall to reveal everyone's costumes, he added, "The training site is quite a distance away, so we'll be taking a bus to get there."


As everyone prepared to board the bus, Iida took charge, organizing everyone into two lines based on their assigned numbers.

"Let's maintain order and ensure a smooth boarding process," he directed, but upon entering the bus, the open layout completely disrupted his organized plan.

"So it ended up being this kind of bus anyway!!!" Iida exclaimed, slightly flustered by the unexpected layout.

"Midoriya," Asui started, "I've got a habit of saying what's on my mind. Your quirk kind of reminds me of All Might's," she said, tilting her head curiously.

Meanwhile, seated in the back half of the bus beside Todoroki, Himari opened her eyes, tuning into the conversation.

"Wait, Asui, All Might never gets hurt with his power, kinda like Charlotte-san," Kirishima interjected, continuing, "I'm sorta jealous of that straightforward enhancement-type quirk! There's a lot you can do with it and make flashy moves. My hardening power is good for taking down bad guys, but it's not as eye-catching."

"Well I think its an awesome quirk," Izuku chimed in. "Definitely pro material," he finished, showing his admiration .

"Yeah, if we're talking about the double whammy of flashy and strong, it's gotta be our class's big three back there," Kirishima motioned to the back of the bus where Himari, Todoroki, and Bakugo sat.

"Bakugo's always fuming, so he won't be very popular," Asui bluntly said.

"What'd you say?!" Bakugo exclaimed.

"See," she retorted, as everyone started teasing Bakugo, causing a bit of a commotion.

"Hoh?" The golden-haired girl turned to Todoroki, beaming. "Top three, did you hear? We made it!" she said cheerfully, attempting to strike up a conversation.

Cracking open an eye to glance at her, he furrowed his brow. "I'm not your buddy," he responded bluntly.

"Is that so?" Her smile widened, unfazed by his response. "I think we'd get along just fine."

Todoroki crossed his arms, maintaining his stoic expression. "I'm not here to make friends," he reiterated, furrowing his brow.

"I can't say I agree," she sang softly, turning her attention toward the front of the bus. "You should slow down."

Raising an eyebrow, Todoroki's thoughts were interrupted when Aizawa called out from the front, "We've arrived."


"Woah," Himari muttered, gazing out over the USJ from the top of the stairs while 13, the hero supervising them, spoke.

"That is all! You have my gratitude for listening so intently and patiently!" The space hero said, bowing.

"That was awesome!" "BRAVO!! BRAVO!!" Ochaco and Iida exclaimed.

Himari, sensing a subtle shift in the air, glanced downward.

"All right, first things first..." Aizawa started, but his attention was drawn to the middle of the USJ where a portal was opening up.

"Everyone, stay close and don't move!" Aizawa shouted as dozens of people emerged from the portal.

"13, protect the students!" he barked again.

"What's that!?" Kirishima asked, his confusion evident. "Is this like what happened at the entrance exam?"

"Dont move!" Aizawa commanded. "Those are villains," he said, securing his goggles over his eyes.

"Eraserhead and 13," the mist suddenly spoke. "According to the teachers' curriculum we procured yesterday, Mr. All Might was supposed to be here, and yet..." The voice trailed off ominously.

"where is he.... and we went through all this trouble. You can't tell me All Might.... the symbol of peace... isn't here..." a man with hands all over his body said aloud with a raspy and hoarse voice. "I wonder if he'll show up if we kill the kids?" he finished sending a chill up most of the students spine.

'So that's them' Himari mused silently, her gaze fixed on the intimidating figures before her. 'A lot scarier than I thought' she acknowledged inwardly, though her smile remained unwavering. 'To accomplish the two step plan I set for myself today.... I gotta be fast.'

"A hero always has more than one trick up their sleeves" Aizawa said to the students, jumping into the fray. "13, I'm counting on you."

As Aizawa started his fight with the big group of villains in the middle of the USJ, the man with many hands over his body said, "God, pro heroes are such a pain, if we were just any rabble, we wouldn't stand a chance."

Up at the top of the stairs, the students began to make there way to the exit.

"Incredible... Aizawa specializes in one-against-many battles," Izuku marveled.

"We can't linger here analyzing! We need to evacuate," Iida urged, his voice urgent as they made their way towards the exit

"I'm afraid I cant allow that." The mist guy appeared in front of them, blocking there path. 

'Now!' Himari thought internally, preparing to act.

"Greetings. We are the Lea—" before he could finish his monologue, Himari dashed forward, aiming straight for his metal protector piece. She landed a powerful punch that sent him crashing into the entrance doors, forcing them open.

Not slowing down and snapping everyone out of their stupor she raised her voice, "Sero! Tape this guy down, I don't know when he'll recover." Turning to Iida, she instructed, "Iida, rush to the school and inform them about what's happening."

Walking past her classmates as Sero took action, Iida asked, confused, "What will you do? Surely you could get to the school faster than me!"

Pointing a finger down below to the villains she turned back towards Iida, looking him in the eyes. "I'll help Mr. Aizawa." she said, her confidence washing over them in waves.

'Step 1, keep everyone save.' Himari thought, as she prepared herself to enter the fight. 

"Your quick thinking and assertiveness are commendable," the space hero acknowledged. "But our first priority is getting you students out of here and to safety."

*Crunch* A sickening sound echoed from below. Glancing down, Himari saw Nomu already atop Aizawa. She readied herself to rush to the rescue when she was abruptly interrupted.

"Like hell I'd let you hog all the fun, Goldy locks! I'm fighting too!" Bakugo shouted, preparing to use his quirk.

"Really?" the golden-haired girl questioned, a hint of teasing in her tone. "You'd just get in the way," she said, floating off before he could respond.


As Mr. Aizawa's arm was snapped by Nomu, the hand guy spoke up, "Tell the Symbol of Peace is wanted by... Artificial Human, 'Nomu!'"

Nomu seized Aizawa by the back of his head, preparing to slam him into the ground. "You can erase quirks. A respectable ability," the hand guy taunted. "But in the end, it's meaningless when faced with overwhelming might. You might as well be quirkless in that situation."

Amid the chaos and the imminent collision, there was an abrupt crash. However, contrary to the expected impact of Aizawa's head slamming onto the ground, Nomu was sent skidding several meters away.

Shocked, the hand guy exclaimed, "WHAT!?" As he turned to look back at Aizawa, his eyes caught sight of someone standing next to him, engaged in conversation

"Mr. Aizawa, are you okay? Can you move?" Himari inquired, noting the absence of the anticipated impact crater near his head and breathing a sigh of relief.

Barely lifting his head to see who it was, he muttered, "What are you doing here? Get out of here!"

"Hey, you're just a student," the hand guy sneered, loud enough to interrupt their conversation. "Well then, I'll start with you. Nomu, kill her!" Nomu immediately charged toward the golden-haired girl.

'You won't get lucky twice,' he thought, watching Nomu rush forward

Bracing herself as Nomu charged, Himari planted her feet firmly and clenched her fists, positioning them in front of her. 'I've only ever watched YouTube videos to learn how to fight,' she thought, recalling her unconventional training. 'All the gyms would kick me out.' Memories of her childhood struggle to control her strength flashed through her mind. "But I know how to throw a punch," she muttered to herself as she and Nomu's fist collided, sending small shockwaves through the area. The contrasting height between them added a touch of irony to the clash.

As they exchanged blows, Himari and Nomu traded rapid-fire strikes until Nomu exploited a gap in her defense, delivering a powerful punch to her face. Himari was sent hurtling through the air, flipping uncontrollably until she crashed into the staircase.

"Charlotte!" Aizawa called out urgently, looking up from his position on the ground. His gaze followed the pointing fingers of a few students gathered at the top of the staircase, shouting in alarm.

"She was strong, I'll admit." the hand guy remarked. "But Nomu was created to take down All Might. A mere student can't stop him."

However, laughter suddenly erupted from the smoke where the golden-haired girl had crashed.

"How long has it been..." she mused, rising amid the dissipating smoke, a confident smile gracing her face. "Since I've last felt pain." With a casual flick, she wiped away the blood trickling from the cut on her cheek.

"You should be dead!" The hand guy exclaimed, his shock and anger evident in his voice. "Nomu killed you!"

"Yeah, I'm not too skilled in combat yet," she admitted, striding purposefully towards them. "I've been holding back my power my entire life," she continued, tensing her leg muscles and creating a sizable crater on the ground. "I don't even know how to go all out!" She dashed forward, vanishing and reappearing in front of Nomu, landing a powerful punch on its stomach. The impact sent ripples through its body, hurling it away to skid across the water in the flood zone.

"Impossible! You can't defeat Nomu. It has super regeneration and shock absorption. It's unbeatable!" he exclaimed, his frustration evident as he attempted to regain his composure.


Running down the steps, Izuku, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Kirishima rushed toward Aizawa, who was still on the ground, observing the intense battle between his student and the Nomu.

"Mr. Aizawa, are you okay?" shouted Izuku as they approached him.

"We'll take you back to the entrance," Kirishima offered. "Iida's gone to get help, and everyone else is safe now."

The other two boys, their attention fixed on the fight, frowned.

"We can back up Charlotte-san too!" Izuku suggested, only to be instantly shut down by Aizawa.

"Don't bother," he said firmly, capturing the attention of all four boys. "I won't allow you to fight. Besides, I don't think she'll want your help... look," he added, pointing to their golden-haired classmate.


As Nomu quickly closed the distance, the hand guy inquired, "You're powerful. Are you one of All Might's disciples?"

"All Might's disciple?" she echoed, maintaining her usual smile despite Nomu's rapid approach. "My names Himari Charlotte, and remember this,..."she said as the creature closed in, planting her foot firmly on the ground, fracturing it and causing Nomu to slip. Seizing the opportunity, she darted forward, grabbing hold of Nomu and launching into the air. Spiraling upwards, she gained momentum, the grip on Nomu unyielding. Ascending to the mid-height of the USJ, she executed a rapid series of spins, accelerating until she reached an astounding velocity. With a determined aim, she propelled Nomu skyward, the force causing him to pierce through the roof of the USJ and vanish into the sky.

"You can't defeat me." Her words resonated with confidence.

Let me know what you think. I'll be pretty busy this coming month but i'll do at least 1 chapter a week as promised earlier.

BlooBlooBloocreators' thoughts