
Super Pet Nursery

Petrian used to be a normal modern world when suddenly gates connecting to a dungeon that was filled with monsters appeared. After that, humans discover that they could capture the monsters and use them as pets to defeat other monsters. Since then, Petrian has become a world of pet tamer. A thousand years later, a Grade E city was ravaged by a strong monster and many people died. One of them was Lucas’s father. Not only that, Lucas was heavily injured but he miraculously woke up from a coma. When he woke up, he found out that he owned the Pet Nursery System. Lucas used the system and wanted to open the best pet nursery in the universe.

RoadBlock92 · Kỳ huyễn
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165 Chs

Chapter 47 - Shelter

Chapter 47 - Shelter

Qin Yun was shocked. He thought that at most, they would stay in the dungeon for a few days. It never crossed his mind that they could stay there for months. His shoulder dropped and he looked sad and worried.

"Meow~" Raillow patted Qin Yun's leg. He could feel the sadness and shock that had enveloped his master.

"…" Lucas was silent. 'I want to say that, once Sery recovers, we can get out but I cannot tell him that,' thought Lucas while he glanced at Qin Yun. 'Also, I don't even know how long it will take for Sery to recover… Maybe months too based on all those novels I read.'

"We will be fine. If we find another tamer around, we can get out," Lucas tried to lift Qin Yun's mood. Qin Yun was still a kid albeit him being a tamer, a genius tamer too.

"…" Qin Yun did not respond to Lucas. Lucas let him be and started dismantling the Snow Buffalo. Almost an hour later, Lucas finished dismantling the Snow Buffalo. It was easy for him because he had a lot of experience while in the nursery dungeon.

"Qin Yun, let's go. If we stay here longer, the smell of blood will attract more monsters," Lucas put all the things he got from the Snow Buffalo into his storage ring. There was meat, pelt, bones, and Snow Buffalo's horn.

Since Foody had a taste of human food, he was not interested in raw meat anymore. So, he was not fascinated by Snow Buffalo's meat even though he never had a taste of it once in his life.

"Let's go," Lucas patted Qin Yun's back and they continued towards the direction pointed by Glaide. Qin Yun followed Lucas without much energy.

Half an hour later, they saw a forest. Lucas gave a signal to Glaide to scout the forest. He asked Glaide to search for a place they could stay the night and make sure it was safe too. Lucas and Qin Yun stood in front of the forest waiting for Glaide.

A few minutes later, Glaide flew back to them and signaled Lucas that the forest was safe but she did not find any place suitable for them to stay that night.

"Is the forest safe?" Qin Yun questioned.

"I don't know but let's trust Glaide. I think, due to the blizzard, the monsters are taking shelter elsewhere. So, it is safe now," replied Lucas.

The two walked into the forest. The trees had no leaves. It was bald. Other than the bald trees, there was nothing else around. Everything was covered in snow and it was white all around. The blizzard made it hard to see too.

They walked and walked for a few hours but they did not find any suitable place to stay the night. Lucas frowned.

'Are we going to stay in the open… in this blizzard?' Lucas thought. While walking, he kept thinking about what he should do and he came up with an idea. Lucas called Glaide back.

"Glaide, can you find us a cliff?" Lucas asked. Glaide thought for a bit and nodded. She flew in the sky back and searched for a cliff.

"Why are you looking for a cliff?" Qin Yun asked.

"Let's dig a cave. We cannot keep walking like this. We don't know when the blizzard will stop. Even if our bodies can endure the blizzard now, we cannot endure it forever. We need to find shelter and continue once the blizzard stops," Lucas answered.

"I have a tent we can use but I don't think it can stand this blizzard," Lucas said.

"What if there is no cliff around? We have been walking for a while and everything is flat. This is more like an open field than a forest in a mountain," Qin Yun asked. Though he was worried, he still kept an eye on his surroundings.

"Then, we will dig below us. Like a rabbit," Lucas replied. Qin Yun thought for a bit and nodded.

"Anyway, how will we dig?" Qin Yun asked.

"Fury can do this," He pointed at Fury on top of his head. Qin Yun raised his eyebrow. He wondered if Fury could do it. A few minutes later, Glaide came back with disappointing news. She could not find any cliff nearby.

Glaide made a gesture that everything was flat wherever she flew. Other than a few forests scattered around, she did not find anything else.

"I guess, we need to dig below us then," Qin Yun said. After that, they searched for a suitable place to dig. They found a big tree in the forest and chose to dig below the tree.

"Fury, use Roll, and dig underground. Make it deep and make sure we do not intrude another monster's home," Lucas gave his command. Since the land was flat all around and they had only found one monster, all of them might have been underground.

Fury nodded and then, he started his work. Fury's Roll could not dig the ground but he got the digging effect by accident when they were training which increased the offensive power of the skill. Lucas was shocked at that time and it was all the work of the nursery dungeon. Anything could improve immediately inside them.

Fury used Roll and started making a hole below the tree. He made it big enough for Lucas and Qin Yun to crawl in. Lucas forbids Fury to make a huge entrance because he was worried that wandering monsters would slip in.

As Fury busied himself with digging, Glaide did her usual task by keeping an eye from the sky. Foody was by Lucas's side to protect him and the same was with Raillow protecting Qin Yun.

An hour later, Fury finished digging a cave underground. Lucas called Glaide back to turn her to the card but she refused. She wanted to keep guard outside and Lucas let her. As such, Glaide perched on the tree where they dug underground to keep guard.

Lucas, Qin Yun, Foody, and Raillow crawled into the hole. After crawling for more than 50 meters, they were met with a spacious area. It was dark inside and Lucas took out a torchlight from his space ring and lighted up the area. He had always had the torchlight with him. He used to stay in the nursery dungeon for days and used the torchlight a lot.

The area was enough for the five of them to stay the night. "Should we light up some fire?" Qin Yun asked. It was cold and the fire would help them from freezing.

"That is not a good idea. We are deep underground. The carbon dioxide from the fire can suffocate us. If we are to make a hole for airflow, the smoke will attract the attention of monsters," said Lucas.

"There is a storm outside. The monsters will not be able to see any smoke," Qin Yun disagreed.

"The snow will cover the hole and the smoke will get trapped again and we will suffocate," Lucas fought back.

"The smoke is warm and will melt the snow," Qin Yun argued back.

"How warm is the smoke? Will it be able to thaw the cold snow that is enhanced with the blizzard? Even if the heat from the fire is helping, it will not last long," Lucas asked Qin Yun.

"…" Qin Yun did not answer back. He was stressed and did not think that far. Fury, Foody, and Raillow watched them silently.

"We will use the torchlight for some light. I have many torchlights with me we can use for some light," Lucas said.

"… Then, how can we cook without fire?" Qin Yun was confused now. Since they cannot light up the fire there, how can they cook their dinner?

"I have an electric stove with me," said Lucas. It was a modern world and he had asked Sery to make it for his use when he was in the wild (the nursery dungeon). It was a hassle to light up a fire every time he wanted to cook in the wild and thus, he asked Sery to create it.

"… We don't have-" Qin Yun wanted to argue more but Lucas cut him.

"This is not a normal electric stove. Don't worry about it," Lucas assured Qin Yun that everything was fine. Qin Yun decided to keep his mouth shut and let Lucas do everything.

After that, Lucas took out a small square stove. It looked exactly like the portable stove sold in the shop. Lucas pressed his hand to a small button at the side of the stove and channeled his energy into the button.

After that, a battery symbol appeared at the top of the small button and it was filled to max immediately. "Whoa~ Where did you buy this? It converts magical energy to electrical energy?" Qin Yun was impressed.

"Well… my grandpa created this. You know that my grandpa is a genius pet trainer and he is also a genius inventor. Why do you think my family's nursery is that high-tech? It is because of grandpa," Lucas lied. He knew that Qin Yun had no idea about Sery and decided to lie like that.

"For real? If you sell this, you can make a lot of money!... Wait, you don't need to because you already make a ton of money," Qin Yun nodded. He was not suspicious at all.

"Well then, let's cook the Snow Buffalo meat we hunted earlier," Lucas took some of the Snow Buffalo meat and decided to cook for dinner.

'I wonder if the torchlight is the same too?' thought Qin Yun.

thank you~

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