
Super Dimension Raiders : Batman (Marvel/DC)

Check my New Book Translation : Start by Controlling Batman" This is a Fan Fiction. (Marvel/DC) Author Name : Royal Astonishment. Every Credit Goes to Him. I Like the Story that's why I am Translating it. Changing Su Bai ---> Sam _________________________________ Sam devised a multidimensional strategy to provide growth tactics for the characters in various movies and comics, and these strategies have been witnessed by people from all corners of the globe. Batman exclaimed, "What? The Joker murdered Rachel and turned Harvey into a disfigured man? That damned Joker... I'll make him pay! It appears that I won't compromise my principles, and there are numerous ways to deal with him!" Superman pondered, "General Zod plans to attack Earth? Will the Joker kill Louise? I too fell victim to Doomsday... Is there really a way? I seem to have no weaknesses!" Iron Man cursed, "Damn Thanos. I can defeat Thanos as long as I acquire all the Infinity Stones, but what about the Soul Stone? Is there a means to obtain it?" Professor X contemplated, "Is this the future of mutants? And is this the future of Magneto and myself? It seems there exists an alternative approach to resolving the mutant crisis..." The King of Angels, Keisha, mused, "Karl's ambitions are vast, so he wishes to eliminate me in this manner... Can we counter his strategy in this way?"

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19 Chs

SDR : Ch 8 : Iron Man : Am I so bold?

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Observing this scene and hearing these words, Iron Man could only perceive a buzzing sensation resonating within his forehead.

As per the video, am I to assemble an organization comprising a handful of peculiar individuals? And shall we call it the Avengers?

How embarrassing!

And shall my adversaries range from the God Loki to HYDRA, a super artificial intelligence, and the cosmic ruler known as Thanos?

What is all this and why?

Hasn't the HYDRA organization been eradicated a long time ago?

Decades ago, Captain America confronted the leader of HYDRA, Red Skull, and they both perished.

Since then, there have been no reports concerning HYDRA.

Could it be possible that after Captain America's discovery, the leader of HYDRA was also uncovered?

And thus, HYDRA was resurrected?

As for the nature of this super artificial intelligence and Thanos, the overlord of the universe, even if one is unfamiliar with their identities, it is difficult to dismiss the weight carried by their names alone.

Even Iron Man himself doubted his ability to stand against such a multitude of formidable characters.

I initially embarked on this journey with the simple goal of combatting terrorists, and now I find myself seeking to challenge cosmic overlords?

In an instant, Iron Man regained his confidence, thinking to himself, "I, Tony Stark, am a genius after all. There is nothing in this world that I cannot accomplish."

He exuded such overwhelming confidence and narcissism, truly showcasing his strength.

Even Nick Fury felt his mind explode with disbelief, unable to trust his own ears.


How could HYDRA still exist?

HYDRA had long been eradicated, completely wiped out, right?


Nevertheless, despite the limited information revealed in the previous video, most of it being classified and known only to him, he placed full trust in the authenticity of the video.

He didn't want to admit that the news was too shocking.

However, he swiftly composed himself, recognizing that the position of SHIELD Director is not an ordinary one.

So, HYDRA truly exists?

If HYDRA does exist, there is absolutely no way they wouldn't cause trouble.

An organization of such magnitude has always been up to something. How could my S.H.I.E.L.D not have noticed at all?

His mind quickly processed the implications, and a terrifying possibility dawned on him.

Following the conclusion of World War II and the eradication of HYDRA, S.H.I.E.L.D had taken in some HYDRA scientists and detained a group of significant HYDRA figures.

Could it be that these individuals were responsible for HYDRA's resurgence within S.H.I.E.L.D?

After considering all possibilities, he concluded that this was the only plausible explanation.

Nick Fury is well aware of the immense intelligence capabilities possessed by S.H.I.E.L.D., an organization supported by the entire world. It is only by operating within the confines of S.H.I.E.L.D. that an organization like HYDRA can successfully evade detection.

Moreover, S.H.I.E.L.D. has grown incredibly powerful, allowing it to effectively conceal the existence of HYDRA due to their intertwined operations. Contemplating this, a sense of unease washes over him. He can hardly fathom the extent of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s infiltration.

Batman mutters, "What kind of God or super artificial intelligence could possibly reign supreme over the universe? I thought my future was bleak enough, but it seems Tony Stark's future isn't looking too bright either."

"It appears that what you previously mentioned about parallel worlds is true."

"If we were all living in one large country, it would be impossible for me not to know that someone as wealthy as Iron Man had been kidnapped by terrorists."

The video continues.

Nick Fury is on the phone, exclaiming, "Firing Nuclear Bomb? You can't do that! There are still Avengers there, along with numerous innocent people. I'm confident they can handle the situation..."

The voice on the other end of the video responds, "We can't solely rely on them! If these aliens aren't eliminated, the entire Earth could be destroyed."

"As for the others, it's war, and sacrifices are necessary!"

Nick Fury's objections prove ineffective as the military proceeds to launch the Nuclear Bomb.

Witnessing this scene, everyone expresses their outrage.

Batman coldly remarks, "In their quest to eliminate aliens, they would rather sacrifice their own people, even in a parallel universe... These politicians are all the same."

Superman, filled with anger, questions, "How could they do this?"

Unable to resist, Wolverine lights up a cigar and mutters, "Seems like politicians are dicks in every world! Can't trust a single one! I just don't want to relive the experience of being blown up by a nuclear bomb..."

Upon hearing this, everyone turns to look at him. "Wait, did you say you were once bombed by a nuclear bomb?"

Wolverine shrugged and said, "I've been bombed before, but my body is special, and I can't die. But it really hurts..."

"Can't die?" Someone asked, puzzled.

"Yeah, that's right. My body has unique that make me nearly indestructible," Wolverine explained.

Surviving a nuclear explosion doesn't seem like a problem for him at all.

In the video, a Nuclear Bomb is shown flying towards New York, and Nick Fury informs the Avengers.

In the end, Iron Man stood up. He took the Nuclear Bomb by himself and rushed toward the enormous hole in the sky, passing through the space gate. He threw the Nuclear Bomb at the Chitauri fleet, which was floating in the cosmic starry sky.

Iron Man spoke again, surprising even himself. "Am I really that bold? Charging at the alien fleet with a Nuclear Bomb?"

He had never imagined he would do such a thing!

Others, at that moment, completely changed their opinion of this arms dealer.

To carry a nuclear bomb and charge towards the enemy takes immense courage!

"Tony Stark!" they exclaimed.

Although he was often seen as arrogant, he had earned their admiration.

As they thought about the arrogant man from the beginning of the video, who only seemed to care about his own life, they realized this real Iron Man was truly different.

Sam's narration continued, "The invasion led by Loki with the Chitauri was the first major crisis for Iron Man and the Avengers. However, the betrayal from high-ranking officials posed an equally dangerous threat."

"Dealing with Loki and his allies while also facing betrayal from those in power was incredibly challenging, but it had to be done."

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