
Suddenly in One Piece!!! (Hiatus)

A fan-fiction about a girl who wish to be in One Piece and got her wish granted. She got transferred to One Piece for some reason with a system. What will she do in her favorite anime? I don't own One Piece yada yada yada... and please give me a review.

Sleepy_Head_ · Teen
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61 Chs

Chapter 6: Luffy meet Shanks!

It's only the second day of Shanks stay in Windmill Village but Makino already gotten use to having them at the bar. She doesn't get scared by them anymore.

"Kid!! Some more drinks for this table!" a pirate calls Rin.

"Kay!!" Rin says.

Rin work as usual while trying to earn some pocket money. Makino told Rin that if Rin do odd-jobs for her she'll give some money as payment. Rin have less than 20 000 berries including the berries in the system.

Rin decided to collect as much money as she can before Luffy meet Ace.

"Hey kid... why do you work here?" asked Shanks. "I mean it's quite rare to see a kid working at a bar... and yesterday I didn't see you get out of the bar after it closes." Shanks is wondering who the kid is ever since her reaction seeing pirates yesterday.

". . ." at first Rin wonder how she should answer. "I got wash ashore about a month ago." She thought it's best to tell him what she tells Makino. "I needed a place to stay for a while so I'm working to pay for my stay and meals." Rin says answering Shanks's question.

"... Have you ever seen a pirate before. You don't look like your scared of us yesterday." said Shanks still wondering the cause of her reaction yesterday. Since she got wash ashore she might meet some pirates before.

"... I've heard stories about evil pirates, but never seen any pirate." said Rin. Lying to Shanks might be a bad move so instead she twist the truth a little. It's true she heard about pirates from stories, anime is a story in a way.

"If you've heard stories of evil pirates then why aren't you even cautious around us yesterday?" Shanks ask Rin.

"... Because..." Rin can't tell them she knew they are good pirates from an anime so she give it a think and give him her opinion on the matter instead. She took a deep breath and says "Pirates are humans too... some are good while some are bad." said Rin. "Even some marines are corrupted." Rin whisper to herself. There are times when people get scared of Luffy crew but cheer for a corrupted marine and it kinda annoyed Rin. Even if lots of pirates are evil that doesn't mean there are not a single pirate crew that is good.

Upon hearing Rin's answer Shanks got a little shock. He didn't expect a kid to say that. Then Shanks decided to ask "What if... we actually attacked the bar yesterday." Shanks ask Rin to see her answer.

". . ." Rin give it some thought and answer. "Then I'll divert your attention by crying or screaming to let Makino escape through the back door, after Makino escaped I'll make a run for it. I'm not very fast but with my size and knowledge of the village, I'm sure I can slip through somewhere to save myself." she said in a serious tone with a serious face. Shanks is a special case since she knew him from the anime but if a pirate actually attack this is probably what she would do.

Again Shanks is surprise by the kid's answer. He thinks for a while before asking. "Why save Makino first, why not just run as soon as you see us?"

"Because if I can save someone, I'll try to save them even if it means risking my life for them." Rin answered almost immediately.

Wanting to know more about the kid Shanks ask "Then if we find you from wherever your hiding and... wants to kill you... what would you do?" Shanks says in serious tone.

". . ." Rin got shock by what Shanks say but then she answer "... Then... I'll try to fight back but if I lose then... I'll just ...die? I guess. I'd be lying if I say I'm not scared of death but rather I don't really care if I die. If I die I just hope I'll go to heaven and I hope I die in one piece instead in pieces." even in her previous world, she's the kind of person who bet on fate, if she died she just say it's fate.

Hearing Rin's words, Shanks eyes widen. He couldn't believe a kid is saying such thing. He blinks a few times before asking "What's your name and... how old are you?

"Rin,9 years old." Rin answers.

Shanks look at Rin and chuckles before saying "...Some might say you are brave and some might say you are just reckless, some might even say you are stupid but no matter which one it is, you shouldn't throw away your life..." Shanks says. He got a slightly worried look on his face.

"...Even thought I don't mind dying I never gonna throw my life away so you don't have to worry about that." Rin says with a tiny smile.

= Few minutes later =

"Makino!!!" shouts a boy who is entering the bar. It was Luffy, he stop for a second when he realize he doesn't recognize the people in the bar but then move to sit down near Makino. Coincidentally the seat Luffy pick is besides Shanks.

"Makino I want meat!!!"Luffy ordering some meat to eat.

"Can a kid just come in here? I understand why Rin is here but how about this kid over here?" Shanks ask while pointing at Luffy.

"Uh... let's just say he's a special case." Makino says while preparing Luffy's meal.

"Who's this Makino? Luffy ask while pointing to Shanks.

"His name is Shanks, the people at the tables is his crew." said Makino answering Luffy.

"Crew... like a pirate crew!?" Luffy asked as he smile.

"Yeah but a good one." Makino answered. Luffy's smile got bigger when he hear it.

Seeing Luffy smiled, Shanks thought that the boy might like pirates and so he ask "Boy, do you like pirates?"

"Yeah!! But good pirates only." Luffy answer. "Can you tell me some of your adventures!?!" Luffy ask.

"Sure!" Shanks answer.

Shanks starts telling Luffy about how fun it is to travel with your friends, about the grand line and other stuff.

Thx for reading. This chapter is the longest one yet. Tell me in the comment if you think the chapter is good or not.

Sleepy_Head_creators' thoughts