
Strongest Salaryman

On Earth, The monster and aliens suddenly started to invade. Humanity despite struggling at first started to cope with it. With the help of newly gained powers humanity fought back. But not everything is perfect, something in its initial state can't stop what is already transformed. To stop it there was a being that nobody knew of. No one was ever alive to tell his tales. He may be a savior to humanity and a looming disaster to its enemy. Or maybe both. No one knows, until one day a teen met this being which changed his life and the people of his surroundings too. .............. Hi, it's stumbling here. This is about an overpowered MC. This story is pure fun, and hype, and sometimes will give chuckles. Don't expect deep stuff. So if you like it, you can give it a try. ............. The cover is mine, if you have an issue please don't contact me. ;)

StumblingtoSuccess · Kỳ huyễn
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34 Chs

Celebration - 2

"How is it? Did everyone like it?" Jim asked everyone with a smile.

After being overwhelmed, the new guys didn't know what to say; luckily, the fat guy who wanted to make a deal with Alex spoke up. "Yes SIR!"

"Yes, SIR!" Everyone followed right after that.

"Haha, you guys have to like it because it was arranged by the manager himself, Jim-san!" Jack burst out laughing, energizing the crowd.

"Okay, okay, I am glad everyone liked it." Jim then signaled everyone to come closer to the table that was in the middle, which had a big cake sitting on top of it. "Now, let's cut this cake to celebrate your guys' success."

Everyone surrounded the table completely, and Jim was ready to cut the cake but pulled back quickly. He looked around at everyone and asked. "Who wants to cut the cake on the behalf of everyone?"

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know who to send.

Alex spoke up abruptly."I think Monia should go."

Everyone immediately nodded their heads in agreement with Alex's opinion.

Jim called Monia, seeing everyone making decisions. "Monia come."

Monia came forward, blushing constantly.

Standing beside Jim, she picked up the knife. But she didn't cut the cake; instead, she bowed to everyone first.

Everyone became confused about why she did it.

Jim answered the doubt in their minds. "You see, guys, Monia is mute. So, she is expressing her thank you to you all by bowing."

Everyone's eyes widened upon hearing that.

Alex came to the realization immediately about all the events that happened today. 'So, that's why she didn't say anything to me!? What a fool I have become!'

While Alex was cursing himself for his stupidity, Monia had already cut the cake.


Everyone started clapping along with that.

Monia gave the first piece of the cake to Jim and then to the rest of the old ones. After finishing that, she distributed the rest of the cake to her batchmates.

Alex's turn came slowly. Monia, who handed the cake to him, didn't leave straight away; instead, she did a couple of hand signs.

Alex knew she was trying to say something, so he tried his hardest to understand what she was trying to say. And he got roughly what she wanted to say. 'Thank you for choosing me first.'

"Hahaha," Alex laughed out loud. "I was just returning the favor for annoying you...maybe."

Monia shook her head, saying it was actually nothing.

As everyone finished eating their piece of cake.


Jim clapped suddenly, grabbing everyone's attention. "Now that we are done with the heartwarming welcome, it is time for the real talk."

Jim spoke with a straight face. "I am sorry if I am blunt, but you are all trash."

With that, the whole place went into pin-drop silence. However, paying no heed to everyone's sorry faces, he calmly said."I am saying that because we are not having qualified people anymore. Most of the talented ones went on to be monster hunters or explorers."

"So, we have to pick you up who wouldn't even be picked in a normal day and age." He then gave a soft sigh. "But I think that's what makes you guys truly valuable. It says you have potential that isn't tapped yet."

Most of them who started to have a bad impression of him, changed their perspective instantly.

Alex, who wanted to go on with another identity and a totally different personality, had his flow disrupted, and he couldn't help but admire this fellow. 'He could be a great teacher for kids. No, no, no, not only kids, maybe even soldiers. But why did this guy do this job?'

While Alex went onto his another train of thought, Jim told everyone to get familiar with today.

As they slowly familiarized themselves with their workplace, they also started to bond with their colleagues.

Gradually, the sun also set, and with it, it announced the coming of night.

8:30 AM

The time for today's official work was over. With it came a steady wave of office workers, which are called 'salarymen' in this region.

Alex just came out of the building and immediately went into tears. "Finally, nothing happened, and I have officially become a salaryman."


Alex, who was wiping his tears with his elbow, felt someone tugging on his shirt. He put his elbow down and glanced at who it was. He was surprised to find it was none other than Monia.

Alex asked. "Monia? Do you need anything?"

Monia didn't answer immediately; instead, she took her phone out and started typing.

A couple of seconds later, she showed her phone screen to Alex.

Alex saw something written on the screen, and he read it.

'We didn't properly introduce ourselves. Hello, My name is Monia, Monia Salamander.'

"Oh," Alex smiled as he extended his hand."Hello, my name is Alex, Alex Yuki."

Monia shook her hands with him. Then she typed it again and showed it to him.

'Alex, do you want to have dinner with me tonight?'

"Outside?" Alex asked.

In which she nodded her head as a reply.

Alex was about to agree but remembered the feeling of his lightweight moneybag. So he rubbed his head back in embarrassment."Uhhh, I am sorry, I can not go with you. You see, I am out of budget. Hehehe."

Monia quickly typed into her phone. 'No, this is my treat. You don't have to worry about anything. This is a treat from me to you for making my nervousness go away.'

"You were nervous?" Alex tilted his head in doubt.

Monia nodded her head, blushing heavily as she showed what she typed in. 'VERY!'

"Hahaha," Alex laughed, tears coming out from his eyes. "I didn't expect you to be socially awkward!"

Monia's cheeks reddened more like tomatoes upon hearing that from Alex.

"Anyway," Alex bowed before his queen like a knight."Please show me the way."

Monia became too much shy from Alex's behavior in front of so many people and trotted away to the izakaya she wanted to eat at tonight.

Alex, in a bit of a jolly mood, followed her. 'What a sweet girl she is!'