
Strongest In The Shinobi World

Abraham was reborn in Naruto World in the same year as Tsunade as Yasashī Ōshō. How he will continue his journey in the Shinobi world is my story of mine.

Daoist0MaTY9 · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: 3rd Year Task, 3rd Year and Reward (1)

[A/N - Sorry guys for the delay. But as I said before, I will only be able to update the story 2-3 times per week. And please share your love by give me some power stones and review.]

Like last year, next morning after his birthday, Ōshō was awoken by his mother who again started her shinobi duty in the Konoha Hospital. Although his maternal grandparents still look after him when his mother went to her job, but now he also spent his time with other children of the clan in the playground.

As he was playing with other kids, he suddenly heard, 'Good morning host. Looks like you are having a great time. But now is time for your 3rd-year task.' Harribel said with a melodious voice.

[Task 1 –

Refine chakra everyday this year for 3 hours.

Reward - ??

Task 2 –

Practice chakra control.

Reward - ??

Task 3 –

Run 500 meters daily.

Reward - ??

Task 4 –

Become friends with Senju Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru.

Reward - ??]

'Harribel, isn't the tasks you're giving me tough for me, especially becoming friend with Sanin. You better know their temperament and I don't think I can handle that now.' Ask Ōshō.

'That's your problem host. And all the tasks are related to making you strong and all of them have purposes. And even if the task is hard, it's not something impossible, especially with your adult mind.' Said Harribel.

'That's also right. But I thought that before I went to academy, I will not have any interaction with them. Let's see what happens later.' Nodded Ōshō with sigh.

'So best of luck host. Be sure to complete all the task.' said Harribel and went offline.


1st half of the NVE 6

In the blink of an eye, time went by quickly and 6 months finished. In these last 6 months, many things happened and surprisingly all were good for Ōshō. First of all, he becomes friends with Jiraiya. Although it seems like an easy thing to do, it was actually not.

Their meeting was quite legendary to say the least. After getting the task as Ōshō was thinking about how he would approach the Sanin while playing with the children, he suddenly saw a kid with whiteish-grey hair getting beaten by a few teenage girls.

When he tried to find out why this kid was getting beaten, he found out that this kid was the orphan of the clan and was looked after by his grandfather. So whenever he went outside for work, he would leave him at the daycare center of the clan for orphan people.

Actually, every girl in the daycare as quite good to Jiraiya due to his sad background and cute face. So even before whenever he tried to grab their mountain or panties, they would think of it as a ruse of a child.

But today Jiraiya crossed all the limits and asked one of the girls to show her panties and that was even with a righteous innocent look in front of all the girls. So the girls became enraged by the embarrassment and beat him. And when other girls who came to stop her find out the reason, they multiplied their love on him in a violent manner.

Although Jiraiya is one of the favorite characters of Ōshō, he didn't dare to save him from those hungry tigresses at the cost of his life though.

'So, that I would not be able to save you from the beating. But you actually deserve this', he thought in his mind while looking at Jiraiya. But later he started to meet him and after some time they got along. In this case, Ōshō's previous world's hidden knowledge of goddesses played a vital role though. Sorry, I was trying to say research materials of his previous life.

On the other hand, he fully mastered the 1st part of the Chakra Control Technique Manual which is Leaf Concentration. Now he can even run while having a leaf attached to his body through chakra control. But he decided to stay low for the time being.

And lastly, he met Senju Tsunade. As his father was busy with both clan's work and the village's work, he would spend his free time with him and they mostly spent the time outing in the village. One of that day, when both Ōshō and his father were going past the casino, they suddenly met the God of Shinobi, Senju Hashirama himself as he was coming out from the casino in a sad posture. And who was with him?

You guys can already guess. The legendary Fat Sheep of Shinobi World, Senju Tsunade. When Hashirama saw Ōshō's father, he stopped to talk with him as they both were war buddies and comrades and had a good relationship.

Although Ōshō was thrilled to see Hashirama and have the task to become friends with Tsunade, he didn't try to be over-friendly with them that day as he knew he would get his chance again and that would be better for him. So when Hashirama and Jinbutsu were talking and laughing, Ōshō just greeted them and was looking at Tsunade. He was having a hard time comparing this cute little Tsunade to the violent drunkard Tsunade of the future.

But he remains silent. Better be silent than sorry as he doesn't know if Tsunade has already awakened her violent side already as he has no fetish to be beaten by that violent girl though she might not be in this timeline.

So after Hashirama and Jinbutsu finish their talk, Hashirama went with Tsunade carrying her around his neck while Ōshō and his father went to have some ramen and sweets. Ōshō really likes those foods as they are really tasty and as a ninja, he doesn't have to think about cholesterol, diabetes, and other diseases like in his previous life.

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