
Strongest In The Shinobi World

Abraham was reborn in Naruto World in the same year as Tsunade as Yasashī Ōshō. How he will continue his journey in the Shinobi world is my story of mine.

Daoist0MaTY9 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5: 2nd Year Task, 2nd Year and Reward

Next morning, Ōshō was awaken by his mother who again started her shinobi duty in the Konoha Hospital. After feeding him, she left him in care of her parents who generally babysit Ōshō during his parent's absence.

So when he get freed from his worldly duty as a cute little baby, Ōshō called Harribel as today he would have been assigned with new tasks.

'Good morning host. Looks like you have a pleasant night. So now be ready for your tasks for 2nd year.' Harribel told with a melodious voice.

[Task 1 –

Refine chakra everyday this year for 2 hours.

Reward - ??

Task 2 –

Walk 100 m daily.

Reward - ??

Task 3 –

Spend 30 minutes daily with both parents (exception for their mission days).

Reward - ??

Task 4 –

Learn writing and reading Kanji (Language used in Shinobi world).

Reward - ??]

'Harribel, isn't the tasks you're giving me tough for me, especially in my baby body. Even though I can now speak the language, it would be too much for a children of 2 years old to learn writing and reading fluently. Will it not create question and curiosity amongst people?' Ask Ōshō.

'You don't need to worry host. This is the shinobi world where sometimes you can't use logic to judge someone. So even though you will learn early, at best, you will be lamented as a prodigy. And for your concern, which I know mainly about Danzo, Sarutobi and original work's leech advisor group, you don't need to worry as with me as your helper, you will surpass them before they can even have that kind of power.' Said Harribel to Ōshō, although in a unsure voice.

'But why your voice is not normal. Are you hiding something from me or only giving me false hope.' asked Ōshō.

Yo host. It's not good to pry into other person's business. Just focus on completing your task.' said Harribel and went offline quickly while Ōshō was shouting angrily in his mind.


1st half of the NVE 5

In the blinks of eye, time went by quickly and 6 months finished. In this last 6 months many things happened. Frist of all, Tobirama started working as In Charge Hokage of Hidden Leaf Village after Hashirama's health started to fall due to heavy loss of vitality in his last battle with Madara.

Secondly, Ōshō's father Yasashī Jinbutsu become the Patriarch of 'Yasashī Clan' after his paternal grandfather and previous Patriarch Yasashī Abe died while cultivating a forbidden technique of the family. Although it was very hard blow to the clan as overall power of the family decreased a lot in term of both strength and politics, but Ōshō's father stabilize the power of the clan very easily.

And for lastly, in personal life, Ōshō was again bullied by big girls due to his cute cheek. Ooops, I wasn't supposed to write this to maintain the dignity of this fanfic's MC.

Other than these, Black Jutsu started his operation again which Ōshō already knew to the courtesy of being an Isekai mc. Hail to Kaguya for ending 1st half in a good note.


2nd half of the NVE 5

Unlike the 1st half of the year, the 2nd half were more boring. In these 6 months, only good things which happened to Ōshō is that he fully completes his 4th task of learn how to write and read Kanji language. Other than that, his life was full of daily hardworking.

On the other hand, without any suspense Tobirama's two precious confused disciple Sarutobi and Danzo become Chunin along with Uchiha Kagami while other members of the team couldn't become due to their short-circuited brain maybe. But most importantly, Ōshō successfully reached his 2nd birthday and he was again the center of the attention of the girls' society due to his loveable cute cheeks.

'Damn ladies. I will cut my cheek.' only this thought inside of Ōshō's mind.

But as the hardworking mc himself, Ōshō again preserved till the end of the function and when he was alone in his crib at midnight, Harribel suddenly chimes the sound of mechanical happy birthday to you…bla…bla... and open the tab in front of him.

Isn't it a déjà vu.

[Congratulation host for reaching the milestone – 2nd birthday. Sorry for the delay due to network problem for consecutive year. Now let's go to the business.

Auditing the task -

· Task 1 –

o Refine chakra everyday this year for 2 hours.

§ Completed

· Task 2 –

o Walk 100 m daily.

§ Completed

· Task 3 –

o Spend 30 minutes daily with both parents (exception for their mission days).

§ Completed

· Task 4 –

o Learn writing and reading Kanji (Language used in Shinobi world).

§ Completed

Commencing the reward –

Task 1 – 500 Unit Chakra

Task 2 – 1 Agility, 1 Vitality, 1 Dexterity and 1 Strength

Task 3 – Chakra Affinity (Earth release and Yang release)

Task 4 – 5 Intelligence and Ultra-Fast Comprehension (Skill)

2nd Birthday Milestone Reward – Chakra Control Technique Manual (Leaf Concentration, Tree Climbing and Water Surface Walking; Directly injected to host's mind) and 500 Unit Chakra]

'Wow Harribel. You are quite generous this year. I didn't expect to have these types of reward, especially the Chakra Control Technique Manual. This reward is very good and will give me edge..' said Ōshō happily as he was really happy this year and also asked for his new stats after receiving the rewards.

[Name – Yasashī Ōshō

Age – 2 years 0 days 4 hours

Rank – Civilian (Official)

Chakra Amount – 2,300 (Genin Elite Class)

Chakra Affinity – Earth release and Yang Release

Chakra Control – 0%

Strength – 5

Agility – 5

Vitality – 5

Intelligence – 35

Dexterity – 5

Bloodline – None

Skill – Ultra-Fast Comprehension (Can understand and learn anything 100 times faster)

Current Task – None (will be issued next day)]

'So, I am already highway of the peak of normal people and still I'm a 2 year old child. Surely this world is crooked one. But lord this world does love me. Otherwise I couldn't get the skill Ultra-Fast Comprehension (Can understand and learn anything 100 times faster).' thought Ōshō.

'Host. Are you sure you're not forgetting someone who is helping you' as the system who always stays in Ōshō's mind, Harribel already know what he was thinking and thus asked angrily.

"I remember someone saying 'It's not good to pry into other person's business.' Kindly remember me if you find that someone Harribel.' said Ōshō without wasting any time.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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